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��15���53 <br /> En�ironmen�al Law; and �d} an "Envir�x�men�al Cond�t�on" means a �onditian �ha� can cause, con�ribu�e �o, oz <br /> o�herwise �r�ggcr an En��ronmenta� C�eanup. <br /> Bo�rowcr shal�no��ause ar permi��he presence,use, disposa�, s�orage, or re�ease of any Ha�ardous Subs�ances, <br /> or threa�en to release any Hazardous Substar�ces, on or in the Proper�y. Borra�v�r sha�i not do, nor allow anyone else <br /> ta da, anythin� aff�cting the Property �a} �ha� �s �n v�o�a�ion flf any En��ranmen�a� Lavv, (b} which creates an <br /> Environxnen�a� ��ndi�io�, ar (c� �vhich, due to the presence, use, or release of a�3a�ardous Subs�a�.�e, crea�es a <br /> condi�ian �hat ad�ersely affec�s �he va�ue of the Proper�y. Th� pr��eding two sen�ences sha11 no� appiy �o the <br /> presence, us�, or starage on�he Property of small quan�i�i�s of Hazardous Su�s�ances�ha�a�e genera�ly recogn�zed <br /> to be apprapr�ate to n�rmal residentza� uses and to maintenancc of the Proper�y �including, but not 1imi�ed �o, <br /> hazardaus substances in consumer produc�s}. <br /> Borrovver shali promp�ly give Lender written no�ice of�a� any in�es�iga�ion, claim, demand, Xav�suit or other <br /> actian by any go�ernmenta�or regula�ory agency ar pr�vate par�y�nvol�ing�he Property and any Hazardous Substan�e <br /> or Environm.ental Law af vvhich Borrower has actual kno�vledge, �b}a�ay En�iranmental Cond��zan, inc�uding bu�no� <br /> l�mited �o, any sp����ng, Ieak�ng, d�scharge, re�ease or threa� of re�ease af ar�y Ha�ardous Substance, and �c� any <br /> condz�ian caused by�he presence, use or rel�ase of a Hazardous Subs�ance which adversely affec�s the va�ue of the <br /> Property. �f Borrower 1�arns, or is notified by any governmenta�or regulatory author��y, or any private party, �ha� <br /> any remo�a�or o�her remediation of any Hazardous Substance affectzng the Property is ne�essary, Borrovv�r sha�� <br /> promptly�al�e a�l necessary remed�a�ac��ans�n accordane�vv��h Environmental Law. N�th�ng here�n shall crea�e any <br /> ob�igat�on on Lender for an En�iranmental C�eanup. <br /> N�N-U N1 F�RM CC3VE NANTS. Borr��ver and Lender further cavenant and agree as fol�a�rs: <br /> 22. .Acce�eration; Remed�es. Lender shall g��ve not�c� to �orr�wer pr�or ta acce�era��on f���ow�ing <br /> Borrower's�reach of any covenan�or agreement in�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument(bu�nat pr�or ta accelera�ian under <br /> Sec��on 1 S unless App�icable Lavv provides otherwise�. The no��ce sha��spec�fy: �a�the c�efau��; �b}�he action <br /> required to cure the defauit; �c}a da�e, nat�ess than 3U days fram the date the not�ce�s giWen to Borrower, �y <br /> whi�h the defau�t must be cured; and�d) �hat failure to cure�hc default on or before the date 5pecx�ed in the <br /> no�ice rnay result in acceierat�on of�h�sums secured by th��Security Instrument and sa��of the Property. The <br /> not�ce 5hai1 further infnrm Borrower of�he r�ght to re�nstate af�er accel�ration and the ribht�o br�ng a cour� <br /> ac��on to assert the non-ex�5tence of a defaul�or any other defense of Borrower ta a�ce�eration and sa�e. If the <br /> defau�t is not cured on or befare the d��Q sp�cified in th�notice, Lend�r at its opti�n may require xmmediate <br /> paym�n� in ful� af a�� surns secured by�h�s Secur��y Ins�rument withou� further demand and may �nvoke the <br /> pawer af sa�e and any other remed�es perrn�t��d by App�xcab�e Law. Lender 5ha�1 be enti��e� to col�ect all <br /> expenses�ncurred in pursuing the remedies pro�ided in thxs Sec��on 2�,�ncluding, bu�no�l�m�t�d�o, reasonable <br /> a��orneys' fees and costs of�itle e��dence. <br /> If the power of sale is in�oked, Tru�tee shall recard a n�t�ce of defau�t �n each caunty�n which any par� <br /> of th�Property�s�o�ated and shall ma�� copies of such no�i�e�n the manner prescr�bed�y Appiicab�e Law�o <br /> Borrower and�o the o�her persvns prescr�bed by Applicable Law. Af��r the�ime requ�r�d by App��cabie Law, <br /> Trustee shall g��e pub��c notice of saie t�the persons and�n the manner prescribed�y Applicab�e Law. Trust�e, <br /> without demand on Borrower, shal� se�l the Property at pub�ic auctian to the highest bidder at the��me and <br /> place and under the �erms de5�gnated in the notice of sa�e �n on� or more par�e�s and in any ord�r Trus�ee <br /> de�erm�n�s. Trustee may pos�pone sa�e of a�l ar any parcel�f�he Property by publYc annauncernent a��he t�me <br /> and p�ace of any pre�ious�y schedu�ed sa�e. Lender or its desi�nee ma�purchase�he Property at any sal�. <br /> Upon receipt of paymen�of�h�pr��e b�d, Trus�ee sha��de�i�ver�o the purchaser Trus�ee"s deed conveying <br /> the Property. The recita�s in the Trus�ee's dee�sha�l be prima facie e�idence af the�ruth of the statemen�s <br /> mad��herein. Truste�shalX appiy�he pro�eeds af the saie in the follow�ng order: �a��a a��cos�s and�xpenses <br /> af exercis�ng the power of sale, and the sale, including th�payment of the Trus�ee'�fees actuall�incurred and <br /> reasonable attorncy�' fees as permit�ed by Appl�ca�le Law; �b}�o a��sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument; <br /> and�c� any ex�ess to the person or�ersvns legally �nti�I�d to it. <br /> NEgRASKA�WSingle Fami�ywwFann�e MaelFreddie Mac UNIFaRM INSTR�MENT - [11IERS �ac1�'a,gr"c o L <br /> Form 3�28 11�� Page �� of �5 www.�o� <br />