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��15���53 <br /> �f Lender exer�ises tihis ap�io�., Le�.der sha11 gi�e Borrower natice of acceleration. The notice shal�proWide a <br /> per�od t�f not�ess than 3�da�s from�he da�e�he no��ce is given in accordance�rith Sec��on �5 vvithin which Barrower <br /> mus�pay all sums secured by this Securiti�Ins�rument. �f Borro�ver fails to pay�hese sums pr�or�a�he�xp�ration of <br /> �his period, L�nder may znvo�ce any remedies permit�ed by�h�s SeCu�ity�nstrumen�wi�hou�further notice ar demand <br /> on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borr�wer's Ribht�o Reinstate After Accelera�ian. �f Borrower mee�s certa�n cflnditions, Borrower�hall <br /> ha�e the righ�ta have enforc�ment af�his Securit��ns�rument discontinued at any time pr�or�o�he earliest of: �a� <br /> f ve days before sale of�he Property pursuant to any pourer of sale conta�ned �n�his Security Zns�rumen�; �b} such <br /> other period as App�icable Lavv might specify f�r the�errr�ina��on af BorroWer's right �o re�nsta�e; ar �c� entry of a <br /> judgment enforc�ng thzs Security�nstrurnent. Those�ondit�ons a�e�ha�Borrower: �a�pays Lender a��sums vvh�ch <br /> �hen would be due under�his Secur��y�nstrumen�and�he No��as�f no ac�eleration had occurred;�b}cures any dcfault <br /> of any oth�r covenan�s ar agreernen��;�c}pays al�expenses incurred in enfarc�ng�his Security�ns�rument, in�luding, <br /> buti n��limi�ed�o, reasonable a��orneys' fees, property inspect�on and vaXua��on fees, and otiher fees�ncurred for. th� <br /> purpase of pro�ec��ng Lend�r's in�eres�in the Property and righ�s under�h�s Secur��y�nstrum.ent; and�d}�a�es such <br /> ac��on as Lender may reasor�ably require�o assure that Lender's in��rest in�he Proper�y and r�ghts under�his Security <br /> Z�s�rum.�nt, and Borrotiver's ob�igation to pay�he sums s�cur�d by�his Security Ins�rumer��, sha�l continue un�har�g�d. <br /> Lender may require tha�Borrawer pay such reins�a��men�sums and expenses�n one or more of the fol�o�v�ring forms, <br /> as selected by Lender: �a)cash;�b�znoney arder;�c�certif ed chec��,banl�chec��,�reasurer's c�aecl�or cash�er's checl�, <br /> prov�ded ar�y such check is drawn upon an ins���utinn whosc deposi�s are insured by a federa�ag�ncy, instrumen�al�ty <br /> or erzti�y; ar(d�Eiec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon reins�a�emen�by Barrov�rer,this Securi�y Ir�s�rumen�and obliga�ions <br /> secured hereby�hall remain fully effec�ive as if no acce�eratiion had occurred. �3o�vever, this right ta reinsta�e shall <br /> no�apply in the case of acceleration under Sec�ian 1 S. <br /> 2U. Sa�e of Nate; Change of Loan Serv�cer; Natice of Grie�ance. The No�e�r a par�ial in�eres�in�he Note <br /> ��oge�h�r wi�h�his Security�ns�rument�can b�sold one or m�re times wi�hou�priar notice�o Borrower. A sale might <br /> resul�zn a change in�he entity �l�nown a��he "Loan Servicer"��ha�colle�ts Period�c Paymen�s du�under�h�Note <br /> and this Security Instrument and performs o�her mor�gage Ioan servicing obliga�ions under the Note, �his Security <br /> Ins�ru�rn.ent, and App�xcabl� La�cr. There also migh�be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated�o a sa�e <br /> of�he Note, �f there is a change of�he Loan Se�v�c��r,Borrower will be given�vrit�en nat�ce of the change whi�h wii� <br /> s�ate the narn�.e and address�f the ne�r Loan Servi.cer, the address to�hich paymen�s shou�d be rnade and a�ay a�hcr <br /> infarmatian R_ESPA re�uires in conne���an w�th a no��ce of transfcr af servi�ing. If the No�� �s sold and ther�after <br /> �he Loan is ser��ced by a L�an Servicer other�han the purchaser of the Not�, the mortgage�aan servicing ab�zga��ons <br /> to Borrt�wer wili rernain wi�h�he Loan Servicer or�e transferred�� a successor Loa.n S�r�icer and are no�assurned <br /> �y the Note pu��haser unl�s� atihervvise pro�ided by�he No�e purchaser. <br /> Nei�her Barr�tiver nor Lender may commence,�oin, or be�oined to any�udicia� action�as ei�her an individual <br /> litigant or�he m.ember of a cias��tha�ar�ses fro��he other party's a�t�ons pursuan��o th�s Security Instrum�nt or tha� <br /> al�eg�s�ha�the other party has breached ar�y provis�on af, or any duty owed by reason of, �his Securi�y Ins�rumen�, <br /> un�i�such Borrower or Lend�r has�otif�d�he o�her party�w��h such notice gi�en in�omplianc�wi�h�he�equ�irements <br /> of Sec��on I S}af such a��eged brea�h ar�d afforded the other par�y here�o a r��sonable periad af�er�h�g��ing of such <br /> no�ice to talc� cor�ec����ac�ion. If Applicable Law provid�s a�im�periad wh��h must elapse�efore cer�air� a�txon <br /> can be �alcen, �ha� time period �ri�� be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of�his paragraph. T`he not�ce �f . <br /> accelera��an a�nd opportunity to cu�e given �o Borrower pursuanl:to Sectian 22 and�he notice of aece�eration given <br /> �o Borrower pu�rsuan� �a Sec��on 18 shall be d�emed to satisfy the notice and opportuni�y to ta��e correc�zve ac��on <br /> provisions of�h�s Section Z4. <br /> 21. Hazardous Sui��tances. As us�d in this 5ection 2�: �a} "Hazardaus Substances" are those subs�ances <br /> defined as tox�c ar ha�ardou�substanc�s, poiiutan�s, �r vvastes by Environmen�al Lavv and�he fol�a�ving substances: <br /> gaso��ne, lferosene, other flammable or toxic pe�ral�um produc�s, �oxi�pesticides and herbicides, vola�ile so�vcnts, <br /> ma�erials con�aining asbes�:os or forma�dehyde, and rad�oactive materza�s; �b� "En�ironmental Lavv" means federal <br /> laws and laws of the jurisd����an where�he Property�s�oca�ed that rela�e�o hea��h, safety ar environmen�a�pro�ec�ion; <br /> (c� "En�ironmental ��eanup" inc�udes any r�spanse action, rem�d�a� ac��on, ar remova� ac�ian, as de�ned in <br /> NEBRASKA�-Singl� Fam�ly--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UIVI�C7RM �NSTRUMENT - MERS ��c,�►lagic o <br /> Form 3028 11�� Page 1� of '�5 www.docmagic.�om <br />