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��15���53 <br /> 23. Recanveyanc�, Upan payment of a��sum.s secured by ihis Securi�y Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee <br /> tt�recanvey the Property and shall su�rrender this 5ecurity�nsirumen� and alI no�es evid�ncing deb�secured��r�his <br /> Security�ns�rument�a Trustee. Trus�ee shali reconvey�he Property wi�hout�arran�y�o�h�persan or persans legally <br /> en�i�ied�o iti. Such person or persons shall pay any r�cordation�os�s. Lender may charge such person Qr perso�.s a <br /> fee for recon�ey�ng the Praperty,bu�an�y�f th�fee is pazd�o a�h�rd party��uch as�he Trustee}for servic�s re�.dered <br /> ar�d the charg�ng of�he fee is perm�t�ed under App�icab�e Law. <br /> 24. Substitu�e Trustee. T..ender, at its flption, may fr�m tiime�o�ime remov�Trus�ee and appoin�a successor <br /> trus�ee to any Trustee appoin�ed her�under by an ins�rum�n�recarded in�he coun�y in�which th�s Se�uri�y��st�ument <br /> is recorded. ��thou�conveyance of the Proper�}r, the suc�essor trustee shall succeed ta a���he�itle, pov�rer and du��es <br /> conferred upon Truste�here�n and by Appl�cabl� Lavv. <br /> Z5. Request f�r Nati�es. B�rrower requests�hat copies of�he no�ice of defau�t and sale be sent to Borrawer's <br /> address which is�he Property Address. <br /> �REN�AlNDER �F TH�S PA�E 1NTENT��NALLY LEFT BV4N� <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family----Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM 1NSTRUMENT - MERS ,����yr��1� o <br /> Form 3D�8 �l�� Page �3 af 1� www.dacmagrc.carrr . <br />