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��15���51 <br /> �or����lue�o pay�o Le�der�he a�1lou�t of the se�arat�ely des�gna�ed payinents�hat were due vvhen�he <br /> insura�lce co�verage�e�sed t�b���elrec�. Let�der wi�l accept, use and re�ain�hese pay�nen�;s as a <br /> non--refunda�le lass rese�ve�r�lieu of�Vlortgag�Insurance. Suc�1 loss t•eserve sha1l t�e no�-refundab�e, <br /> �za��t�v�ths���ze fac��hat the Loa�1�s ultii�r�ately pa�d 'ir�fu1l, and Lender shaZl no�be required�o pay <br /> Borrovver a�1y xn�eres�ar earni�gs oz�such�o�s rese�ve. Lender can r�o lange�rec�u�re�oss res�rve paymen�s <br /> 1�Mor�gage��zsurance co�rerage�ix��he am.o��anc�for the�er�od��z�.�Lende�rec��.it•es�providec�by an <br /> insure�selected�y Le�der again beca�nes auaxla��e, �s ob�axned, ar�d Lender�equires separa�ely designa�ed <br /> payir�en�s to�ard�he�a�etniuir�s fo�Ma��gag�Ir�su��.��ce, If L.e�der�equirec�1Vlor�gage I�su�ance as a <br /> con�.�t��n of�n�1�.��g ti�ie L�an anc�Bot�row�r v�as required�o inal�e sepa�a�e�y des�gt�a�ec�payinents�ovvar�t11e <br /> pr�tn�urns fo�Mor�gage I�.sura�ce; Bor��avve��sha�I pay�he pre��niu.�ns requz�ed�o�n�.in�ai�Mfl�tgage <br /> Insurance ir�effec�, ar�o p�ov�c�e a no��refu�dala�e�oss reserve; un���Len�er'��ec�uire�ne�1�fflr:M.or�gage <br /> Iz�sura.nce ends in aacaf da��ce u�i�h any wri��e��.agree�ne�.�lae�wee��Larr�wer a�zd Lez�der�rovzd��.g for such <br /> �er�.ru�la�ion�r un�il 1:er�r��a�ion is reqLxired.b�r A.pp�icable Law. Natlzing�n�h�s Sec�ion�.� affec�s <br /> I3orrower's�bl�gat�o�1 ta p�.y in�urest at�he r�.�e�rov�ded i��he No�e. <br /> Mor�gage�nsu�a.�ce t ei�nburses L�nde�r{or azly e����y���.a�purchases t��.e No�e} for cer�ain�asses��may i�zcur <br /> xf I3o��rflwe��does no�re�ay t�e�.o�z�s agreec�. Bnrrowe�is�zo�a par�y�o ��a.e Ma��gage Tnsu�ra�.ce, <br /> Mor�gage i�su.�ers evaluate��leir�ot�.1 rislf on a7� su�h i�su�ance in force frozn�i�ne�o���ne, an�.�a�ay exz�er <br /> i�z�o agree�x�en�s w��11 other parties i:�ia1;�ha�e or�nodif.y thei�ris��, ar reduce losses. T�zese agree�nen�s are an <br /> �erins ax�d co�z�.i��ons th�.�are s�.tzsfac�ory tn 1:he inartgage i��ure�ar���1��a�h�r�ar�y�or par�ies��o these <br /> ag�eexnen��. T�zese ag�ee�-ne��s�nay require�he�nartgag�insurer 1:0��a1fe payi�ents u�ing a.�y sflurce n1'r-u.nds <br /> �ha��:he rnoi��g�.ge i�zsuret inay hav�ava��a��e�which.�nay��clude Fu�ads obtiainec�Fra��1 It��urar�ce <br /> pre�niu�ns�. <br /> As a resulti af�hese�:gree��ze�z�s, Lender, a�1y purc���ser oF�he Nate, anot��er i�sut�er, �ny reinsurer, a��y o��ier <br /> en���y, n� a�zy affi��a�e of any of�he foregoing, �nay rece�ve�directly or indirectly� ainaut��s tha�deri�e f�om <br /> �o��r�igh�be c�arac�erize�.as� a par�ia�oF Borrovv�r's�ayinents for Mor�gage I�asurance, in exc�Zange for <br /> s�za.t��r�g or�n�c�ifying the mor�gage ir�su�et•'s risk, a���duc�ng�asses. Il st�ch agreemen�prflvides tllat�.� <br /> aF�liate of Le�z�.er t�.1��s a share oF�he insurer's ris1�ii�.exc��ar�ge fo�a s�za.t e of�he pre�-niulns paic�to t�ze <br /> z�surer, �:he a.r�a�gelnen��s of�e�a.�er�ned"c�.��.ive rei�su��." F�.�rther: <br /> �a} Any s��cli�g�•eemen�s w�l�no�affec�the amou��ts �lia1;Barrower��as ��reed�o p�ty far Mor��nge <br /> Ins��ran�e, a���ny o�her ter�ns �f�he Lonn, S��ch��reeme��.�s w�11�Yo�Yncrease the �1noY�nt <br /> 13orrower�viYl o�vve fo�r Mo�.•��a�e I��.s�xr�nce, and t��.ey w�il nat en�it�e Borrawer to any refund. <br /> �b} Any�s�Ych agre�Y�leY�ts wiZl no��ffec�t�xe rx�ht�Lorrawer has-if�l�y�-w�th respe�l:�a the <br /> �Ia�•�gage Ynsur�Y�ce unde����ae II�meow�xers Protie��io�x Act nf�.99g o�A any o1:�rer��Vv. TY�ese�righ�� <br /> �nay x��cXY�d�tlae x�z�lxt�o re�e��e cer�air�disclasxzres, �o request nYi��outaxn c�n�e�l��Yon of�l�e <br /> Mo�•t���e IYisYXrance, to ���ve�he�Vl�r�g�ge I��s�rr�nce terminate����to�r���Yc�lly, ���dlor to rece�v� <br /> n refund of��iy Mor����e I�asi�r��ice prern���ms tl�a�yvere�ine�rned nt tl�e�ime of suc�i <br /> c�n�el�n�ion or te�•�n����tion. <br /> �'�. A�signm�nt �f M E�cellaneou� �'roceed�; Farfei�ure. A�1 Mis�e��us P��ceeds�lere�by ass�gned to <br /> a�z�.s�a.a�1�e pai�.to Let�der. <br /> If�1�e Property is �.axr�aged; su�h Misce�la.�.eous Prnceeds s1za11 be ap�lie�.�o�res�o�•a�i�n oi�xepair of the <br /> P��op�rty, i�t�ze res�o�,atior�or rep�.ir is ecax�alnic�.�ly feas���e�zd Le�a.der's secur�ty i�z�o��essene�. I7uring <br /> suclz�e��.ir��z�.res�o��a�.io�.period, Lender s��a11 have�lze r�g�1��o�lo�d st�cll Miscell�.�eous P�a�eec�s unti� <br /> Le�1c�e��has hac�a.�1 opportut�ity to i��.spec�s���z I'�a�er�y�o ens�.�re���e�wor��has been ca��lpletec�1:o Lenc�er's <br /> 2��d775S <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Family�Fann€e M aeJFreddie M ac[JN1FflRM INSTRIJM�NT F'arm 3D28 11�� <br /> VM P p VM P6�N����3D2} <br /> 1Nalters Kl�tw�r��nancial Servic�s Page 9 of 17 <br />