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��15���51 <br /> satisfac�io�z, pr�v�ded��xa�suc��in�pec�i�tz sha1��e under�a.Icen promp��y. Lende��nay pay for�he re�airs <br /> an�.�es�ora�i�n in a����g1e d�sbuz'5�171�ri�Q�'1�1�.5eP1�S Of�f�ogress payme���s as�he vtwark�s cample�e�. <br /> U�1ess a�agreeinen��.s�nac�e�r�vvri�;ing or AppliCab�e Law requires in�eres�1:0��p�.id an suc�� <br /> Misce��aneous Procee�s, T�e�der s11a1�nn�be requi�ed�o pay�orrawer any in�e�°est or ea��rngs on such <br /> Miscel�ane�t�s P�acee�.s, If�he re���ra��an or repair i�no�economical�y feas�l��e or Le�der's securi�y wauld <br /> �e lesse��ed, �he MisGellane�us Pr�ceeds sha11 be applied�:o the sums �ecured by t�ais Secu�zty�nstrumen�; <br /> whether ar no���zen c�L�e, v���h��ae excess, if ar�y, paid t�Borro�er. Such Miscellaneous Proceed�s�aa��i�e <br /> appl��d in the order provided far iz�Se�tzo�2. <br /> In��Ze eve��of a�o�a.l�al�ing, d�st�uc�ion, or 1o�s it�va�ue of���e Pro�Oer�y, �l�e Mis�ellaneous Prac�eds �ha1� <br /> �e applied�a��Ze sua.n.s secured���h�s Security rns�rurnen�, whether or�o�f:her�due, with i.he ex�ess, if any, <br /> paid�a Bo���owe�. <br /> �n�1�e even�af a�art�a.��a1�i�g, �.esti uc�ian, o�loss ir�va�L�e o�ti�le Prope��y in which the fa�r�narl�et va�ue af <br /> the Proper�y x�r�med�a�ely 1�efore�he partiia�ta1�i��;, destirucl:ion, o�loss in value is�qL�a�to or greater�1�an�he <br /> atnaun�of�he suzns�y�his Sec��ity I�st�u�neni�zi�zze�ial:e�y before�:he�a�rt�a1 talfing, des�t•uc�ion, �� <br /> loss ii���.lue, t�nless Borrower and Lendei�ot�zerwise agree rr�writing, i.he surns secured Uy tihis Se�ur��y <br /> I�s�ruinent�ha11 be reduced�y��ze amaur��of�he Mi�ce��a.neous Pxocee���nult��l�ed by�he fol�ovving <br /> f�rae���n; �a} �h�tot�.1 a�r�ount of�1ze sums secured ina�ned�a�e�y before���.e par�i�.��a1fi�lg, c�es�rt�c��or�, �r Xo�s <br /> i�1 va�ue�.�vided 1�y(U} the fair�narl�e�va�ue af�he Prope��y i�nfnedia�ely befare the par�ial�alcir�g, <br /> des�ruc�ion, or�ass i�.va�ue. .A�.�y Ualanc�sha.1�be paid to Bo�rou�er. <br /> In�he even�oF�.par�ial�a��zzzg, �es�ruct�on, or�oss in va�ue oF t�ze Pt•o�er��in�vl�ich�1�e fai�rnarl{et value of <br /> ��Ze P�o�e�ty i�ntne�.ia�ely befare��e pa.rt�a��alfing, destructian, or I�ss i�value is 1es��h�.�l�he air��unt�r��Ze <br /> surns secu�red.x�nme�.�a�e�y laefore�11e partial ta��i�g, des�ruc��otl, n�loss in va�ue, unle�s Borrov�e�anc� <br /> Lerider a�herw�se agree xn w�i��r�g, i�he Mi�ce�larzeot�s Praceeds s��a11�e applied to tlie s�i-ns l���h�s <br /> Secu�i�y Ix�s�ru.�nen�vvhe�laer or no�1:1�e suins a�•e tlzen due. <br /> If the Proper�y�s aba.�zci.o�ed by�ori�o�ver, or if, af�er no�i�e�y Lenc�er to Borrower t�zat�he�pposing Par�� <br /> (as defi�e�.i�x the�.ex�se�.�e�1ce� orfers f:o i��a�fe�.n avva.rd�a set�le a clailn for da�nages, Bori�avvet fails�o <br /> res�aond to vvitlz�n 3� days�.f�e�tihe date t��e iloi�ice is gi�e1�, Lenc�er is au��lorized to ca�lect a�d�pply <br /> �he 1Vlisce�l�.�eo�s P��aceeds ei�he�r�o rest�Y�atzo��or re�air of the Pro�er�y or�a the su�ns se�ured by t�zis <br /> Securx�y Ir�s�rula�ent, vvllet��er or na��hen dt�e. "�ppflsing Pa��ty" ��Zeans the�hir�.party 1:��a1:owes Borrawer <br /> Miscellaneou.s P�roceeds a�t�1e�ar�;y agains�w��zo�n Borrovve��1�as a right of�.ctiio�l in regard to Miscella�eaus <br /> P�:oceeds. <br /> Barro,wei sha1��be in d�fau��iF��zy a��ion�r�aroceedi�g, v�hel:her�ivi10�critni�lal� �S�7e�U.�7.��.la.�� ���Le�.�er's <br /> judg�nen�:,. cou�c��esul�in forfex�t��e of ti�le Properf:y or ot�zet ma��r�a1 ��npai��ne�z�of Le���.er's xn�eres����he <br /> P�roperty ar righ�s under��iis Sect��•i�y r��x�en�. �orrov�e�can cure st���z a def�.ul�a�.d, �f acce�era��o�has <br /> �ccurrec�, r�insta�e as provi�.ec��n Sec��oi� �9, by causfng the ao�io�z o�:proceed��.g to be�.�s�n�ssed vvi�h a. <br /> rL���ng tha�, i�.L�nc�er's jt�dglne�z�, �rec�u�es forfei�uYie of 1:he Ptioperty or otl�er�na�e��ia�i�npa�r�nen�af <br /> La�.der's i�1te��est in�he Prape�ty�r r�ghts L�nc�e�•����s Sec�.�rity Insl;ru�lzent. T1z�proceec�s of a�.y awar�.or <br /> c�ai�n fa�- da�nages��ia� al;tribut��le�o��aa i�n��.���ne���f Le��c�er's��tel�es�in t�le Pro�er�y are�ereby <br /> assigned���.�.s��.a1�be paie�.to Lende�. <br /> Al�Miscel�aneous Prnceeds�11a�a�•e�ot ap}a��ed�a res�ora��o�10�-repa.i�of the P�•o�ei�ty s�1a11 Ue�p�Iie�.in�he <br /> arc�er prov��.e�.for i�Sec�����2. <br /> 24Q�7756 <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle�amily-�annie M aelFreddie M ac L1NIFnRM INSTRLIM�NT Form 3��� ��01 <br /> VM P� VM P5(N�}�13�2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer fiinancial Services Pag�1�of�7 <br />