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��15���51 <br /> lor��ze�ep�.�rs anc�.res�ora��on in a sing�e pay�ner�t or in a�eries af���g��ess�aayments as the v�ot•l�is <br /> c���ple�ed, If t��.e��.sura.nce or condeir�nat��n pr�ceeds r�a��ufficien�;to�epair or res�or�f;h�Property, <br /> Borrower is no�rel�eved of I3�rrower's o��igati�o�FQ���le comp�etion of s�ch repair a��es�arat�on, <br /> Lenc�e�� a�r i�s ager��ri7ay�r�a.1�e reasonab�e entrie�upan aYld ins�eci:ions oF the Proper�y, �f i�ha�reastinab�e <br /> cause, Lender�nay�nspec��he�n�eriQr of�he i�npra�ements ari the Praper�y, �enc�e�sha1� give Borr�wer <br /> r�o�r�e a�the�ime of or prior�o such an inter�or inspec�:ion specifying �uch r��s�nable cause. <br /> 8� E-3�rrow er's Loar� A ppl��ativn. Ba�rovver sha�l be in c�eFau���f, c�ui�ing tlle Loa�app�ic�.tion pr�cess, <br /> B�r���er or any persons or en�i��es ac���g ��the di�e�l:iQn ol B�t•rower or vvi�:�z Bo�r��rer's��nowledge ar <br /> consen�;gave�naterial�y false, �nislea�ing, or x�zaccura�e�nfor�na��o� or s�a�e�nezl�s�o Le�der�or failed�a <br /> �Jf�V�L�.�Le11C�.e�W1��111a���'1�.� 117f4�'1Y1�.�1�11� 111 C�17.f1�G�Iflri'VL�'1��.1��1�L��.Il. Ma�er��.I represen�a�zons��clude, bu� <br /> are r�a�1i�ni�eci.�a, represent�.�ians coricern�ng�3arr�v�er's accupa�ncy of the Proper�y as Borro�wer's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9, Prv�ect�on of L�nd�r'� I n�ere�t in �h� Prop�r�y and Righ�s U nder thi� Secu���y I�t��rumen�. rf�a.� <br /> Borrower fails�o p�rfor�n��Ze cove�a��ts�a�reernetl�s co�a��.ined in�1-�is Securi�y I�xs�rt�me�.�, �i�� �he�e is a <br /> 1ega1�roceedr�g�ha�m�gh���g��fica�t�y afFect Le��de�'s in�eres�ir�tl�e Praper�y ar�dfor r�g�z�s�unc�e��his <br /> Seeurity Ir�s�ruzn�n��suc��.as a praceeding in banlcru��cy, prabate, for cat�den�za�io�ar forfe�ture, for <br /> ex�fa�cement of a 1fe�1 w��zch�nay�.��ai�l prio�i�y aver this Securi�y 7ns�rutnen�or i:o enfarce lavsr� or <br /> regula�iar�s�, or �c}Borrower��.as ab��a.doned�he P�•o�erty, �hen Ler��.er�nay do a�d p�.y far w��a�eve�•is <br /> reasonab�e�r ap����riate�o pro�e��Lenc�er's ���ere��.i��the Praperty ar�d rights unc�er tl�i� Security <br /> Ins�ru�ne�lt, �nc�udin�pratecting anc�lo�r assess�xa.g�he value of the PY�opertiy, an�.secur�ng a.��dlor re�airing <br /> the Prope��y, Le��.er's ac�iotls c�.n i�clu�.e, bu�are�a.o����ni�ed�o: �a��aying any su�ns s�cured���.1ie� <br /> v�hich has prio�r��y over�1�is Secu��ty�nstruinen�; �b� appearir�g i�l cour�; c�11C�.�C�]Jc'l.ylflg��cL50f1�.����.��nT11ey5� <br /> lees�o pro�ec�i�s xn��resti�n the Pra�er�y�.�xdlor x�g���s�r�c�et•this Secu�i�y rns�rufn�n�, includir�g i�s secu�ed <br /> pas��ian i�.a ba�a��•u�tcy�arnceeding. Securing��ae Property includes, �u��s not�f�nii:ed�a, e�.�er��zg��ze <br /> Prope��y�o�nalfe repa�rs, change Iacl�s, �replace or boaxd u�dao�s a�d w�n�ows, drai��water from�ipes, <br /> eli�ni�a.a�e buxldi.�g o�at��er�ade vi�la�io�a.s or da�xgeraus coi�d�tians, and have u��Iities�u�.�ne�.o�a.o��off. <br /> A����ough Lende��nay tal�e action uiz�.er�f�is �ec��on 9, Ler�der daes�a�;have�o do so a�1�.i5�.a���n�.er ar�y <br /> du�y or al���ga��on��c�a so. r�:is ag�eed��aa�Lenc�e�i��curs x�o 1ia�ili�y lo��a�talfit�g�.t�y or all ac�ions <br /> au�Ilori�ed ux��11is Seci:ion 9. <br /> .A�ly amou�.�s d�sbursed�y Leizc�er under�h�s Sec�ion 9 s11a�1 becoine��dil:ian�.1 deb�af I3o�ra�ve��securec��y <br /> ��.115 S�CU�1��1'I�.�.S��'ll�Yl�ri�. T�lese a�nou�z�:s s1�.aX�be�r in�erest�.ti���e Nate rate fro�n�1�e da�e af disburseznerit <br /> a.n�.s1za�1�e payable, ,wit�such���erest, upo�z no��c�f��oin Le��ei�to Bor�ov�e�requ�s�it�g��.�me���. <br /> If�his Securi��Tn.strutnen�is an�.leaselzol�., I3arrovver s1�a11 co�n�ly wi1:h a11�he p��oVisians af���e leas�. �f <br /> B�rrovtrer �.cc�u�res fee title ta�he Praper�ty, ��i�leaseha�c�a.r�d the fee�i�;1e shall no��neirge u�z�ess Le��.�e�� <br /> agrees�a�he�ne�ger in wri�iizg, <br /> 'I 4. 1M or�gag� �n�urance. �f Lel�der require�Mor�g�.ge Insura�lce as a caildition a:f tnaki�a.g��ze Loan, Lor�•ower <br /> s11�.11�ay 1:lze pre�niu�ns requ�red�:o�ZZaintait�tlze Mor�gage�zlsurance i�1 efr�ct. If, fa��a:r�y reason, ��a.e <br /> Ma�•tigage Insur�.r�ce cavera�e reqti�it ed by Lende�r�eases�o be auai��.b�e froir�t��e tnor�gage i�zsurer���a� <br /> ��eviously pravided s�.�c����5ura�lce and Bor��ativer�ras requi��ed to�IZalce�epa�ately de�rg�aa��llen�s <br /> �awar��;11�pre�ni�:i�ns for Mortgage Insuratice, Ba�rrower sha�1 pay��le p��eil�iutns requ�re�.�o 01�����z cave�age <br /> substan�ia�Iy e��.�ivale�l��o�he Mortgage�t�surance pravious�y in effect, a1:a cos�subs�axz�ia��y equivale�.��o <br /> �11e cost�o Barrower of��Ze Mortgage Insurance previously in effec�, fra�n an a��e�nat��nor�ga�;e i�sure� <br /> selected by Le�der, �F su�bst�n�;i�.l��e�ui�ale�.�N�or�gage Znsu��a�ce cover�.ge is fzo�ava��able, Borrowe�sh�1� <br /> 24�07755 <br /> N�BRASKA�Single Famfly-Fannie IN ael�re�die M ac LIIVIF�RM INSTRl1M ENT Farm 3428 11�� <br /> VM P� VM PS�N�}�13Q2} <br /> Walters Kluw er Flnancial Services Page$vf 9 7 <br />