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��15���51 <br /> . A11 insurance po��c�es�equired by Ler�der af�c�i enewa�s of su�h�alicies sha11 be suUj ect to Le�n�er's rxgh��o <br /> disap}�rove such policies, sha11 ir�cluc�e a standa.rd�nor�gage clat�se, and sha�1 na�.ne Le��der as�nor�gagee <br /> andlor as a�.�add�ti��1a�Iass payee. Le��.er sha�1�av��he r�gh�to hold�he polic�es and re�e�v�.1 certif�cates, �f <br /> Letzder requires, Bflrrower sha11�ra�an��1y g��e�o Lender a1�receipts af paid�re�r�urns ar�d renev�al no�ices. <br /> If Barrov�er o�tains any farx-n of insurance co�re�rag�, no�other�vr�e�equired by Letlder, far d�.ir�age 1:0, or <br /> c�es�r�.c��an of, i.he P�oper��, su�h pa��cy sh�.����c�ude a s�an�ard tn�rtgage clause anc�sha11 n�i�ne Lender as <br /> xno���agee andlar as a�l addi�iatlal lass payee. <br /> Zn tilze even�oF Ioss, I3o�r�wer sha��g�ve pro�np�no��ce�o�he insura�zce carrier ai�d Le�.�.er, Leric�er�nay <br /> mal�e proof af�os��if t1a�inade pt~omp��y 1ay Borr�wer. Unless Lender�:tld Barrovsre�a�herwise agree i� <br /> �ri�:ir�g, a.ny insu�an�e pt�oceec�s, w1�e�her o��.o��he��nder�ying insurance vvas requi�ed by Le�.de��, sh�11 be <br /> app�ied to res�o��at��n or repai�Qf t11e Prape�r�y, if�he res�ora.��o��r repair is econo��lica��y feasi�le anc� <br /> Lender's secur���r is not Iesseried. I]urit�g such re�air a�c�restoratian perio�, Len��r sha��have�he r�ght ta <br /> ��01�.s�.ch.��.s�ranc��rnceeds uf��il Le�.der has had a.n ap�or�uni�:y�o �nspect such Praperty to e�sure�he <br /> wark has been ca�np�eted�o Le��c�er's sa��sfac�ioz�, p��ovided 1:hat such inspect�o��shall be ux�der�a�fe�. <br /> ��oinp��y. Le�lder m�.y disburse praceec�s fflr�h�repairs and r�s�:oratian in a�in�1e payxnen�oz�zn a ser�es�f <br /> progz ess payznents �s the v�ror���s comple�ed. U�Zless an agreetnetzt is tnac�e in wri�i�g or A.pplxcab�e Law <br /> �°equires zza.��res��o be�aic�o��suc�z i�.s�.ra�zce proceec�s, Lender sha�l�Zo�:be rec���rec��o pay Borrowe�any <br /> in�;��est�r ear�a�.�gs on such proceec�s. Fees f�r pu���c a��us�ers; or fl�he���h�rd par�ies, re�air�ed�y}3orrower <br /> slaa�l�ot be paid ou�of t�ze�nsura�lce p��ceeds and s�za11�e�he sole obliga�io�z af Bar�rawer, rr�;�ie res�oratian <br /> o� is�Zo�ecano�n�ea��y feas��le or Len��r's securi�y v�au1�.�e�esser�ed, �he insura�.ce prflceed�sl�.a11 be <br /> �.p���ed�o �1�e su�ns secu�ed by�lais Securi�y It1s��u�netll;, w�iether or not then c�ue, with�he excess, �f�:r�y, <br /> p�.xd�o Borr�vver. �uch ir�s�.ra�.ce proceec�s s�a1�Ue applied iri tlle ordef�prov�dec�for�n Sec�ion 2. <br /> If Borrower aba�z�.ons�he Proper�y, Le�c�e��nay�'�1�, negatiate at�d se�tle any available�nsur�.��ce clai�n a�a�. <br /> re��.ted�nat�e�so If l3orrawer does no1�t��spor�d vv��llin 3� days�o a no�ice fro�n Lende�r�ha�t���insurance <br /> carrier has offered�o se��1e a claT�n, thet�Lender�nay nego�ia�e�.�a�.se���e��ze��a�m. Tl�e 30-�ay periQd w��� <br /> hegitz when�he�o�ice is giver�. I�1 either even�, or�f Lencler acquires��ie Prope���y u�dei�S�ctian 2�ar <br /> at��erwise, I3o�rowe�°hez•eby assigr�s i;o Lender �a}Barrower's r�g1��s�o any x�surar�ce proc�ec�s in�n a�no�.��� <br /> �zot��exceed��a.e a�noun�s u11�ai�unde��he Na�e ar�his Securi�y I�a.s�t�u�ne��, a�d��b} any o�her�l <br /> B�rrower's��igh�s �a��aer�h�.�1 the r�g�i��o aizy i efutz�flf unearned�re�z�iuins pai�.�y I3ox�ro�we�a�under all <br /> insL�t•anGe��Iicies �over��.g�1a.e Proper�y, iilsofar as sucl-�righ.�s are appli�al�le to�he oovarage of��e <br /> Property. Le�der�nay t�se�he��su��.nce proceed��ithe�to t epai��r t•es�o�e t�le��a����y or�o pay��noutlts <br /> utlpaid ut�der t�ze No�e or�h�s �ecu���y Ir�s�rL��nen1;, w1ze�:her or na��11er�due. <br /> �. �Gcupan�ya Lorrowet•s11a.11 occupy, �sta�Iis�i, at�d use��ze Praper�y as Borrov5rer's�r��cxpa�res�de�l�e <br /> wi�I�i�x 6� c�a.�s �:f�e�ti�1e execution af t��is Security Ins�ruxnen�a�zd s�1a11 �a���i�xue�o o�cupy�he Praperty as <br /> Borro,wer's�rincipal resic�ence fa�•a��eas�o�ze year af�er�he da�e of oc�upa�.�y, unless Le�c��r o�herwise <br /> a.grees i�1 vvr��i�g, wlliclz�o�sent�ha��no�be u�areaso�la�ly w����e�d, or�.�r�ess ex�e�l��:ti�g circu�nsta.r�ces <br /> ex�s�w�ch a��e l�eyonc�Borf awer's cantrol, <br /> 7. Preserva��on, M ain�enance a�d Profiect i�n af �he Pr�per�y; M nsp�c�ion�. B�rr�v��r �h�.11��a�des�:roy, <br /> dat��age or i�n�a�.x��he Pro�erty, a1�ow tlle Pr��aerty�:o c�e�er�ara�e or co�nini�was�e a�.tl�e P��perty. �V��.e�he�r <br /> or�a�B�z�rnvve�is resid��lg�rz the P�•operty, B��`rawer s�zal��ZZai���ai��t�ze Prape��y in�orde�•�fl p�even���ie <br /> P�o�erty from�.e�eri�ra.���g or decr�asing in value�.ue�o i�s coizdi�ion, Uizless i�is de�erxni�ed pursuan��o <br /> Sectiotl 5 �:ha��re�ai�r o��res��ra�io�1 is�Zat econo�r�ically feasi�le, B�rrower sha11 pro�.np��y rep�.ir�he Proper�y <br /> if dam�.ged�o avo��.furthe�d��erioratian or daina�e, If��.stxrance o��ondem�aa��o�.praceeds �.�e paid in <br /> ca��lec�ia�a.vv�th�.��n�.ge to, �r�lze�a.1f�r�g or, ���e Prope��y, Bax rowe�s�l���be re��ons�b�e for re�ait�i�lg ar <br /> restori�g��ze Pro��i�y on�y i-f Let�der h�s rele�sed�raceec�s.fa� suc��.pu.�poses, T..,ezlder�nay disburse�aroceec�s <br /> �4407'7�G <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle 1=amily-Fannie M aelFreddle M ac IJNIF�RM INSTRLJhiI�NT Form 3�28�1�� <br /> VM P Q VM P6�NE}��3�2} <br /> W�ftecs Kluwer�inancial 5ervic�s Page 7 af�7 <br />