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��15���51 <br /> �rec�ui��ec�by RESPA, and B�r�ower s1za11 pay�o Ler��.er�I�e atnour��ne�essa.ry�o�r�a��e up���e defic��ncy i1�. <br /> accordance uji�h RESPA, �au.�:�n no inore�hatl 1�r�1ar���i�y p�.ytnents. <br /> U�o�z pay�nen�ir��fu11 of a11 su�r�s secured by this S�cur�ty rn��rume�t� Lenc�er sha11 p�•�rnp�;1y t•e-fur�d�o <br /> I3�r��vver a�1y Funds�ielc��y Le�der. <br /> 4. Charge�y Li�ns� Borrawer sha�l pa�a�X�axes, assess�ne��s, c�arges, f��zes, and imposi�ions at�ribu�able�o <br /> �he Proper�y vv�icl�catl a�tain�riority��rer�h�s Secui�xty�n��ru�nen.�, ��aseholc�pay�ner�ts ar ground.rents on <br /> �he Pr�p���y, if a.��y, a�.�Coin�-nt�n�ty A.s,�ocia�zon Dues, Fees, �.nd Assess�nen�s, i�C a��y. Ta th.e ex�en���1a1� <br /> �hese�te�ns are Escr�w Ite�ns, B�rro�er s�1�.11 pay�he�n in�he�nanner��ovide�in S�ctiot�3. <br /> B�r�avvel s�ial�pra�-rip�ly c�.�sc�la�ge��y 1�en vv���h has pr�arity over this S��urity Instiru�ne��u��less <br /> Bor�ower: ��.} agrees �n wri�ing�a��e pay�ne���of�Ile o�liga��on securec�by�ch��iezz�n a�na_n�a.e�accep�able <br /> �o Lende�, 1�ut only so long as Borrav�rer�s perfo�mir�g such agree�.nen�; �b� cor�tes�s�he lie��r�good fait�z by, <br /> �r�.efends aga�ns�er�force�r�ent;af t�le 1�en in, �ega1�roceedings vvhich xti Le�c�er's �pini�n ape��a�e�a preven� <br /> ���e enforce�ne�.�of�he��en while those praceec�ings are penc�ing, �u�o�zly utl�il suc�i�aroce��ings are <br /> co�.c�u�.ed; o���c� s�cures rrollz the halder of�he lien a�.agreezne�.�sa��sfac�ory�o L�nd��r subord�na��ng�he <br /> ��en�o�1�is Secu�itiy�nstru�ne��t. �f Lender d��er�a.zi�zes�ha��zay p�r�of�he Pr�per�y�s subjec��� a�ien v�h�ch <br /> can attiain�r�ority o�er��iis Secur�ty I��.s�r�.xmen�, Le��.der�.na.y give Bor�ower a�o��ce�de�.��fyz�lg tlze�ie�. <br /> �iTi��iin 1� c��ys�f t��e date a�whic�z�ha��xo��ce zs g�ven, Borrovver shal�sa�.isfy�he Ziei�or�ake flr�e ar more <br /> of the�.c��.o�.s se�fo��h ab�ve i�:�.hrs Sec�io�4, <br /> Le1z�.e�•znay rec�uire I3�rrower�o pay a one�tz�ne charge lor a real est�.�e tax verificat�an a.�zdlor�epor�ii�g <br /> serv�ce tised by Lenc����in con�ec�io�z w��lz�h�s Loa.n. <br /> 5. Pro pe r�y I n�u ra�r ce. Larrower s1�a�l l�eep��ze��nprave�ne�tis�ow exis�i�zg or hereaf�er e�•ec�ed oz1���.e <br /> Property insured agai��s�:loss by f�re, hazards xnc�t��.ed w��hin the�eri�1"ex�ezlci.ed�ave�rage;'' and a�ly athe� <br /> �iaz��ds ir�cltxdi�zg, bt��n��1i�x�ited�o, eart�lc�t�ake� �.n�.�Ionds, for wl��ch L�Y��.er requires in�urance, T�iis <br /> x�lsurance s�a��be�nain�ained i���ze��nounts ��ncluding deducti�le 1evels� and far the per�oc�s that L�r�c��� <br /> r�c�uires, Wha�Ler��et•rec�u�res�urs�an�tc��h�pre�edi�g se�.�e�xces c��-�c��af�g�c�ur�t�g�1���e�m��'�he Loar�. <br /> The i�zsurance ca.rt•ier pt�ovic�in��l�ze�nsura�.ce s�.�.aX�be c�losen by�3oz rower su��ec��o Len�.e�'�x�gh��o <br /> c�is�.pprove B�r�•ower's cl�oice, v�l�ich rig�zt sha�1 not be exer�isec�ur�reasana�ly. Lender tnay rec�t�ire <br /> Lo�r�flwe�r�o pay, in cor�neci;i�r�vvit�i t1-v.s Laa�, eithe�: ��.� a.o�ze�-�11170 G�lc`�1�;0�n�' �.'IQ(3i��4TlP C�P��t 111111c�.��fl�1a <br /> ce�r��fi�a��an a�.d�rac�fing servic�s; or�b� a o�e-ti��e c�1at•ge for �laod�o�ze de�erir�ir��.tio��.nc�certifica�io�. <br /> set•v�ces anc��L�Usec�uezz�ch�.rges each���l�e��e�nappxi�gs or si�r�i�ar c11�.nges occur w��ic11 re�s�nab�y�l�igh� <br /> afFe��s���i deteri�nina�ion o�cer�ifica�io�.. Borrower shal�a�so be res�ans���e far t�.e pa.yme�a.�of any fees <br /> iinposed.�y the F e�.era�Eizzerge�zcy Ma�age�ne�.�Age� i��corinec��o�.wi��.�he�ev�e�r of a�.y f�ooc�zane <br /> de�et��z�i���.tion�resu.��i�zg f.ram�.n ob j I3or��ower. <br /> I.F Borrovtrer fai�s�a�nai�.�a���zy�f the cove�ages desct��l�ec�above, Lender�nay flb�ain it�sura.nce coverage, <br /> a�Lend���'s op�i���and Bo�rov�ei�'s expel-�se. Le�der is u�der no o�l�ga.�iar�to�aurchase�.�y pat ticur��•�ype or <br /> a�nou�t af cove�� Thet•efore, suc��coverage sh�.1�caver Lenc�er, �Ll�f111g�.1�;Qf 1T11g�:1�;11[7���`n��Ct 841.•t•ower, <br /> Larrower's ec�u��y in�he Pro�aerty, ot�t11e conteizts ol t�1e Pra�er�y, agai��st a�y rislf,�.o�1ia�rli�y a�.d <br /> �nigla.��rovic�e grea�er or�esse�•coverage t11a.�was previ�us�y��z elFect, Borrower�c���ov�ledges t�la�;the cost <br /> nf���e i��.su�a�ce coverage so ob��.ine�.zni�h�sig�zif�can�ly exceed the cos�al i��sura�ce that Bot•rQ�re�cou��. <br /> ��av�ob�:ained. Any a.�not�.z�s d�sUu.�se�.by Le��.er t�ne�er�hxs Sec�i��5 sha��l�eco��.ze ac�c�i�i�na1 del��of <br /> Borrower secured�y t�1is Securit�It���rL�met��. Tl�ese a�nout��s slzall l�e�r ir��eres�a��11e No�e ra�e f�o�n�he <br /> �a�e of�isbu��senl�tzt an�ShaII be�ayal�le, v�i�h suc��i�ateres�, upozz r�ot�ce f�o�xz Le�zder�o I3orrower <br /> �equesting payinen�, <br /> 2q��775� <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-F'annie M ael�reddie M ac L]Nf��RM INSTRUM ENT F�rm 34�� 11Q� <br /> VM P�d VM P6{N�}�13�2} <br /> Wolters Kluw�r�inancial Services Pa�a B of 17 <br />