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��15���51 <br /> sen�er�ces sha11�ot app�y����ze pr�ser�ce, u�e, ar s�orage on�he Proper�y of sma1�quan�i�ies of Hazar�.ous <br /> SuUs�ances�ha�are.generally x�ecognrzed�o be ap�rop�iate to f�nrtnal res�d��.��a1 uses atld to mai�.�en���e of <br /> ��1e P�aper�y�����uding, bu�;no����ni�ed to, �lazar�.ous�ubs�a�lces i�cotasu��ner�roduc�s�. <br /> Barro�iver s��al�pxozn�t�y give Len�.e�written no�ice of�a}any investiga�iar�, ��a�zn, demanc�, 1a,nvsu.��or a�her <br /> ac�ion�by�.ny gaver�nen�al o�r regu��.�ory agency or przvate par�y i�vn�ving�he Proper�y and any I�az�.rc�ous <br /> St�.�stia�ce or Envirorunental Lavv�f which Bo��ovtrer�z�s actua�1�au�lec�ge, �b� a�.y�nviror�net�1:a1 <br /> Co�.di�ion, i�cludizzg�u��o�1imt�ed�o, any s�ailling, lea��x�.g, d�scharge,, re�ease or�hre��o��elease of ar�y <br /> Hazardau� Sub�tance, and(c� any cor�dY�ion cau�ec�by��ie presence; use or�e�ease af a I�azar�ous Substance <br /> w�licl�adve�sely alf���s�1ze value af t�1e Proper�y. Zf B�rrawer Iearns, ar is notif'ied by aily gav�rr�:nen�a�or <br /> r� ulatar aL��1�a��i. or an riva�e a�t; ��la�ar� re�nova�or o�her relne�.ia�xon flr an H�Zc'1PC��US�11�5��.1�C� <br /> g Y �Y� Y� p Y� Y Y <br /> affec��.ng�;l�e Property is nec�ssary, Borrawer�ha11 pramp��y ta1�e�.11��ecessary re�nec�ial actians in <br /> accar�ance vvit;�z Env�ro�unental Law. NQ��1ing herein shal�c�ea�e a�y obl�ga�ia�on Ler�de�for a� <br /> Enviro�ux�ental Clea�zup. <br /> N on�U nif orrr� ��venan�s. Borrower��.c�L�nder covenan�and agree as fol��ws: <br /> Z 2. Acce�era�ian; Remed i��. Lender sl�al�gYve no��.�e�o Borro�exa priar�a acceleratXori foZlow�n� <br /> Box•rov�er's�re�c�x of�ny coven�n�vr agree�nent in�his Sec�rrity I�is�r�x�nent�bu�na�prxa���a <br /> accelera#:ion un�er Se���an 1S r��iless Ap��icnble L�w pra�ides otherv��se}. The��oti�e shall spec�fy: �a} <br /> the defau�t; �b} t��e�.ct�on requirec�to cure the d�f�ul�; (�} � d�te, no�Yess tlxan 34 d�ys f�-om �lae d�te <br /> the n���ice is��ven 1;a I3orrovver, by vvh�cli�he def�uYt rnxxst be cured; �n�.[d!� t�i�t failur�to cure the <br /> �ef�ul�on o�•�efore�l�e d��e speCi.fied in tl�e nat�.ce in��y�res���t ixx a�celer�►tion of the suin�secured by <br /> thrs Se�urity Instrumen��.ria s��e of tlle P�•�per�y. The no�ice shnll fur��xer�nfor�n I3�rrov�er of�h� <br /> ri�ht to �•einstnte �fter�►�ceYer�tio��.��nd tihe�•i���a.t�o bring a coY�r��c� to nsser�the nan�exrstence of� <br /> defaY�l�or any ot��er defense of Borrower�o acce�eration and saZe. If tl�e defau�t i.s�ot ct�rcd on or <br /> befox•e the da�e specified in tixe notice, Lenc�er�t i�s�p�ro��n�y req��i�•e Ym�nedxate payment in ful�af <br /> �1� s��ms secu�•ec����liis Secur�.�y Ins�ruznen�wi.�ho�trt fX��•�laer c�ernnnd �tnd may inva��e the paVver of s�le <br /> ���d an�oti��e�r re�nedies per�nx��ed by Appl�c��le Il�.w. Lender sha�l be ent���ed ta coYYect�I�e�pex�ses <br /> inc�xrred Yn pY��'s���ng�he re�ned�es provYded in this Se�tion�Z, �ncluding, uu�na�limr�ec��o, re�sannble <br /> atto�rneys' fee� �nci casts af�itle ev�c�ence. <br /> If t�e pov�ez•of s��e is i��vol�ed, "�`�.•r�stee s11�11 re�ard a notiice of�efault in e�►ch co���xty in wh�c�a�ny <br /> p�r�of tlie�'roper��is loc�tec�and sh���m�il capies of�i�c��Y�o�ice in�he manner px•escribec�uy <br /> A�p1rc�.bYe Law to I�o�•rower a��d to t�xe other perso�xs prescribed�y App��cauYe L�v��. Af�e�•��Y��Y�n� <br /> reqi�ired,uy A�plic�b�e Law, Trus�ee sh�ll gYve p�x��.ic n�tice of sa�e to tlie persons and i�i fche xnan��e�• <br /> prescrrued b�.�pp�ica�Ie I�nw. T�•�xstee, �v�tllo�r� de�nand on I3orrower, slinYY sell�he P�operty at pr��l�c <br /> auc�xon�a �he hY�;hes�bidder �►t�he�ilne �nd p�.��e and t���cier t��e terms desi��1n�ed in the��otice�f s�ie <br /> i��ane vr mare p�rcels an��Y���ny oa�der'rT`rustee �ete�.•rnXnes. Trus�ee xnny postpane s�le af all�r an� <br /> pnrce�a�tlie Property by pu�Iic a��nau�acemen���;the�ime axx�place of�ny p�•�v�orzsly sche�luled s�le. <br /> Lender ar��s desYg�xee�nny purchnse the P�.•opert���n��y sa�e. <br /> �pon�•ecei�p�af pny�nen�of�he price uid, T�•��stee sl�nl�delx�er�o t�1e purcl�.aser T�•usteets t�eet� <br /> can�eyr�ig the Property. T�ae recit��s in���.e T�•usteer s deed sli�l��e priYna f�cie evidence of tZ�e trut��of <br /> the stnte�nents�n�de�he��ei�a. Trustee sh�l� app���he proeeeds af f:��.e s�r�e in�he�olla�vvYn� orc�er: �a} �o <br /> �Y� �os�s�nd expe��se� of exercxsing the power of snle, a��d�lie sale,.Xnciuc�in� the p�yment of�h� <br /> 'I'�•ustee's fees �ct��aliy iYi�x�r�•ec�and��e�.sox�aule�►��orz�.eys' fees �►s permxt�ed by�.pplic�.bYe Lavv; (b��o <br /> all ��xxns secu�•ec�by this Se�uri��Insi:r�x�ne���; d���d(c} a��y excess ta �he pe�.•sorn o�.•persons Ieg�ily <br /> exx��.tlec�to i��. <br /> 24��775� <br /> NEBRASKR-Singla Family��annie M aelFreddie M ac L1NfF�RM INSTR�M ENT �orm 3028 11�1 <br /> VM P Q VM P6�N�}��3�2} <br /> 11Volters K{Uw er Financial Services Page�4 of�7 <br />