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��15���51 <br /> �3� �e�c�nv�yan�e. Upo�.payt�en�of a�l sulns secu�ed�y�his Securi�y��.s��ulne�l�, Lenc�er sha��reqLtest <br /> T�usl:ee 1:o reconvey�he Propertiy�nd s�a11 surre�der this Security I�stru�nen�and all��a�es evic�encing deb� <br /> secured�by�:�Zis Secu�ri�y Iris�ru�ne����Trus�ee� T�us�ee shall�eco�vey�:he Proper�y wil:hou�warran�;�r tn the <br /> person or persans 1ega��y en����e�.�o i�. Suclz p�rson or pers�ns sha11 pay any r�carda��on cos�:s. Lender�nay <br /> charge suclz person ar perso�� a fe�For reco�veyi�g 1:he Property, bu.�:only if the fee is paid ta a��1i�a�parl:y <br /> �suc��he T�us��e� for services re�d.ered and�1�e eha�gi��g oF���fee xs perx�.i�i:ed.under A�p�icab�e LaW, <br /> 2 4. �u b��i�ufie T'ru��e�. Ler�c�.er, a��ts optia�l, may:f�om ti�ne to�ime reln�ve Trustee and ap�o�n1;�.sL�ccessor <br /> trustee��an�T�•�.s�ee�.pp�in�ed hereu�lder by an ins�ru�nen��•ecordec�ir��lle c�unt�in which thi� Secur��y <br /> I�15��'U117�11�1S�'�C�PC�.�C�, �Ti��lou�conveyance of t�ze Property, �he successar trustee s�1�.11 succeec��o al�the <br /> ti�1e, pa�wer anc�duti��s co�lr��re�.u���1 Trus�ee 1�ereir�a.�1d b�A�plicable T,a.v�r. <br /> ��. Req u��� f or N a�i�es. Barrovver requests�11a��o�ie��f the�oti�e af default and s�.�e be sent�o Borraw�r's <br /> a�.dress v�rhich is t��e Proper�y A�.dress. <br /> 2�on77�s <br /> NEBRA5KAr5ir�gle Family-Fannie M ael�reddie M ac 11NIF�RM 1N5TRUM ENT �orm 3�2$ 9��� <br /> VM P(] VM P6�NE ��3�2 <br /> Wolt�rs Kluwar Finar�cial S�rvices �age 5 Qf� <br />