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��15���51 <br /> �n�he Proper�y a�d rigll�s unc�er t1�is S�cur�i:y Ins�ru�lzeni;; ar�d��.��:a.lces sucll action as Lender rnay <br /> reasonably�equ�re to assure��Za�Lenc�e�'s i�te��esi:in t�ie P�oper�y�rigll�s u�der thi� Secur�ty Iz�s�rumen�, <br /> and I3orro�wer's abligation�a�ay�t�e�u�ns secured by�his Security Ins�ru�nen�, sha�I cox��inue�angec�, <br /> �ender�nay require�hat I3orrower pay su��l rei�sta�e��net��su�n� and exper�ses in�ne or�n�re of�lze fo�lowing <br /> fo��ms, as s�Iected�y Le��der; �a} cash; �b�inoriey order; �c} cer�ired cl�ecic, b�.n�{checic, �reasure�'s c��ecl�or <br /> cashier's �heclf, �aro�idee�any such check is drauvn upar�an i�stitu�;ia�whose depos��s a���xnsured by a <br /> fe�.era.1 agency, ins�rurnen�al�ty o�eizti�y; or�d}��ectronic FL��ds Transfer. Upo�.re�ns�a�emen�by Bo�rawer, <br /> �li�s Securz�y Ins�ru���ent ar�d o1�liga�ions �ecured here�y s�ia�1 retnain fi.xlly effec�zve as if no accelerat�ar��lad <br /> occurred, Hawever, �his r�g��t to reir�s�a.i.e s�1a11 not ap�a�y i���e case of acce�era�ion t�nder Sectior� �S. <br /> 2�. 5ale of N o��; �hange �f Loan �errricer; N o�i�e af �rierran�e. The Na�e a�a p�r�ial ttlteres�ir�t11e <br /> No�e��aget�Zer w�th 1;h�s Secu�i�:�In�trutnent} �ar��e sold one ar i-nare times without���ior notice�o <br /> Barrower.�e�nig�1�re�ult in�.cl�ange in the e���ii.y�1�nov�n as the "Laan S��ice�"}ti�a�collects Pex•iodic <br /> Pay�ne�a.�s d�.e unc�.�r t�le Nai.e at1C��his Security Ins�rutz�en�anc�perfa�ins otiher mor�gage 1oa.r�servic�ng <br /> abl�ga��ons u�.der��ie No�e, �his Secu�•i�y rns�ru�ner��, and Ap��icab�e Law. Ther�also�nigh��e o�e o�more <br /> changes af�he Laan Se�vicer u�elated i.o a sale of t�ie Na��, If there is a chaz�ge of t11�Laan Servic��, <br /> Borrower w����e g�ver�v�r�t�en i�o�ice oC the c�la�ge vv��c�i vvill ��a1;e���e r�air�e and addreas of tihe new Loa�. <br /> Service�� �;he address�o vU��ch payxnents should be�nade a�d any o1:11et•i��fortna��a�RESPA req��res i�. <br /> connectia����h�.�otrce of�����sfe� �f ser�icing. If�l�e No�e�s sotd and�hereaf��r���e�oaiz�s service�.�y a <br /> L�an Se��vicer a�her�h��.���.e purchaser of��ie No�e, ��z�zno�,�gage�oa�.se�v�ci���ola�iga���ris�o Borro�tnrer v�i1� <br /> �e�na�n vvi��l the Loat�Serv��er�r be�ra�sferre�.�o a successor Laan Serv��er an�.are�o�assu.Xned by�1�e <br /> No�e purchaser u�7less o�her�v��e p�ov�c���.vy��he Note pu:rc�a.a�e�. <br /> Ne����r I3orrawer�ar Lender tnay co��nrner�ce, �ai�z, o��e�oxzzed�o any j txdici�.1 ac�ion�as ei�lzer an <br /> �r�div�c�ual 1i�iga.r��:or the�ne�nl�er of a class���zat ar�ses fro�n��a.e o�her par�y's ac�ia�ns pursuar���o�1a�� <br /> Secu�i�y In�i�rutnen�or t1za�al�eges��1�.��he o��zer par��lias brea�hed a.�1y pr�vzs�ar�of,. or�a.y c�u�y owec�.�y <br /> �e����1 of, thi� Secux�ty I�a.s�ru�nen�, u�.���such�3or�ower flr Lenc�er has�zo��f�ec���ze o��zer pa�r�y�w��h such <br /> �ati�e giVen in c�mpl�ance�t�v��h�1�e rec�ui�•e�ne�.ts of Sect�an 15� o�suc�i a1�eg�d bre�.c11 a�.d affo�de�.�l�e <br /> other party here�o a�easof�a�le period a��e��he g�vi�lg of suc�l na�ice�a t���e correc�ive ac��o�1. Tf App��ca�ale <br /> Law pravi�e�a�i�ne perxa�.wh�ch mt�s�e�apse before cer�����c��an c�n 1�e�al{e�z, �h�.����ne�erio�.�wiT�b� <br /> �e�met��o�e reasonable for pu��aoses flf��a.�s�a�'ag��.ph. The�.otiice of acGe�era��o� a.n�.oppox�t��z��y�a cu�•e <br /> give�to Bor��ow��pu�'s�.X�n��o Sec��a�z 22 ar�d�he x�a�ice of�c�elerat�on g�ve�.�o Bo�rrower pursua�z��a <br /> Sec�ion 18 sha�1�e dee�ne�.�a sa�isfy��ze�lo�ice a�.d oppar�u�.�.��y�a �al�e co�rre���v�ac��a�.�ravis�ons of�;his <br /> Sec�i�n 2�. <br /> �'i e Ha���'dous �ub�t���es. As used in�hxs Sect�on Z1; �a� '�I�c�zc��c�ous S�bstc��ces"are�X�.ose subs��.nces <br /> c�e�ned as �o�ic or�zaza.r�.ous su�st�nces, po��u�a�lts, o�wastes�b�E�.v��roz�nen�a.�Lavt�an�.���e fo�lov�ring <br /> substatices: :ga�ali�ze, �fe�ose�xe, o�� flazra�.na�a�e or�ox�c pe�r�leu�n prod�.�c�s, �ox�c pes�zc� anc�herl�icides, <br /> valatfle solve��s, ma�e��i�.�s cor��ai�ai�g asbes�os or for�zlal�.ellyde� �.rid ra�.xo�.c�ive���.�erza�s; �b� <br /> ".�`�vi�o�r�z��tc�r Lc��v"me�.zs fe�.e��.�Zavtrs a���aws of i:��e ju�isd�c�iaxz w�.ere�he P��ope���is�oca�ed�ha� <br /> rel�.te�o�Zealtl�, saFety or e�.virona:nen�a�p�a�ectior�> �c� ".�n�i�nnme�ttc�l Clec�rtup►,inclu�.es a�.y respor�se <br /> ac�i�n, reme�i�.1 action, or re�nova� ac��on, as def�.ned zn Envi�o��nez��a�Law; an�.�d� �.�a. "�'�tui�onm�nta� <br /> Conc�i�inn"�ne�.n� a condi��atz�1��.t can�au�e, cor��rib�.��e�a, or o���.e��trise�r�gger a����zvi�on�ne���.� C1.eanup, <br /> I3a�rawer.s�z�l��o�cause o�pe�mi��he�rese�zce, use, d��posa,�, s�orage, ar release of a����azardot�s <br /> SL�bs��.�lces, �r 1;�i�e�.1:e�z�a�ele�se a��y��aza���.ot�s Subs�a�.ces, oza.or i�.��ze Proper�y, I3a��owe�s�a.aXl not c�o, <br /> �la���.�l�w a��oY�e el�e ta da, ��y��z��.g affec�i�.g��a.e Pro�e��ty�a}�ha�is ��.v�o�a��on af�.zzy���viro�na��.�a1 <br /> Law, �b�w��ic�z crea�es a.�Ez�vx�or��ne�.�al Condi�for�, or�c},w��ic�l, c�ue�o��Ze presence, use; or release of a <br /> Hazardo�.�s Su��sta�lce, c��ea�es a co�ldi�ioil��aa�adversely affects the value of ti��e Pr�per�y, "The�rece�iz�.g��o <br /> 2�4Q07T56 <br /> NEBRASKA-51ng��Family-�annie Mae��'r�d�ie Mac UNI��RM INSTRIJM�NT Forrr�3428���� <br /> VM P� VM f'6�N���13fl2} <br /> �N�Iters K�uw er�inancial Servfces Pag� 3 af�7' <br />