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��15���51 <br /> des�g�a�ed a substitute notic�a�.dress by no�ice to Le�der. Bor�ower s11�:�1 p���np��y no�ify Le�z�.e�of <br /> B�rravver's c��ange of ac�c�ress, If Lender s�e�i�ies a pracedure for re�or�i�g Lorrawe�'s change�f ac�d�ess, <br /> �hen Bo�tiower �hal1 anly�eport a ch�.t7ge a�add�ess�hraugh�ha�specified procedure. <br /> T�iere��ay be�n�y o�e des�gr�a�ed.i�fl�ice a�.ci.�ess under�h�s �e�ur��y I�.s�rutnen�at ar�y or�e�i�ne. Any n�t�ce <br /> �o Len�et•s�a��Ue g�ven��deliverir�g i��r by�naili��g iti l�y f�rs�c�ass�nai1�o Ler�der's addt•ess stat�c�1�.erein <br /> u�less L�n�.er has d.�signa.�ed a�lo�her ade��ess l�y no�ice tio Borrower. Any��o��ce ir�co�ection vvt�;h tillis <br /> Secu�•i�y Instru�nent sh�.1l no1:be c�eetne�.��have�ee�give���L� ur����ac�ually received�y Le�der, If <br /> any�Zo�ice��equired by�his Securi�y Instrurne�t is also�•equi�ed u�der Ap�li�able La�v', �he Applicab�e Law <br /> �equ�x�e�nez�.�vv���sa��sfy�he correspon��x�g requ�re�nen�un�.er��a�s Secu�:i�y I�s�ru�nen�. <br /> ��. �o�rernin� Law; �everabil��y; �ul�s of Cons#ruc�ion. T��is Securi�:�Instru�r�en�sha1l be governed�y <br /> fede�r�.11avv a�c��1�e la��of�1�e j urisdic��an�n wh�c�ll;h�Prop�rt;y�s Iacated. A1�r�gh�s ar�d o1�Iiga�ions <br /> co�tai�ed�n��is Securi�:y rnsi:rume�t are sub�ec�to a.ny rec�u�reir�en�s a�d�z�nita�ion� of Applf�a�le Lavv, <br /> App�icab�e Law�n�g�1�exp�icitly or��nplic�tly a11�w��le�a.��ies�o ag�ee�y�o�.�r�.c�or i�inig�l��e si1e��, bu� <br /> suc�a.s�1e�lce s�.a���.a�be co�strued as a prohibi�iflxa �.gai��st agree�lle�.�by con�rac�. rn�he even��hat a.�y <br /> prov�s�o��or clause o�'����s Secu�ii�.y I�s�ru�ne��o�the Na�e co���xc�s vvi�h A�pl�cable Law, Sl.iCI1 C�t1�IC�5�1c��� <br /> �.o�affec�o�her�rovisio�s of��Zis Secut•i��I�lstruz�len�or�he No�e vvhich can be gi�en effect�wi�ha�.xt th� <br /> cor�flic�ing provis�o��. <br /> As�.�se�.ifz tZus Secur��y Instrulnent: �a� v�ord� of�he snasculine gender s�la1��nean a��.�����ude carrespanding <br /> �zeu�er wards or warc�s af tl�e fe�nin��e ger�der; �U�wo�ds i��1:�e si�gu�a.��s�1aZl�nea�a.a�.d inc�u�.e�he plura:l <br /> an�vice versa; and�c} �he wo��d"�nay" g�ves so�e�.fscre��on vvxtho�.��ar�y�b�iga�:iat��a�a�ce a��y ac�iotz. <br /> '�l� �arro�rv-er'� �apy. Bai�rovt�e�s1�a11�be given o��e capy of�he Note�.nd�f�1�i� Security�ns�:�uillent, <br /> �8. Trar�sfer of�he Proper�y �r a �nef ic�al I n��re�� �n Borrow err As used in��li� Section 1 S, "I��e�•es�z�x <br /> �h�P��oper�y" �neans any lega� or be�leficial i�t�res�itl f;he Pro�a�rty, ir�clu�.ir�g, bu�r�ot li�nited�o, tllase <br /> be�.e�cia�in�e��es�s�rar�sferre�in a l�ond for deed, con�;ra.c�fo�deed, ii1�ti�.�llnen�sales contract or escrow <br /> agree��nen�, �1�e�n�:ent af vvhich is���e tran�fer af�i�1e�y Lorrower at a fu�ure date�:o a put�chaser, <br /> If a1� ar ar�y part of��ie Pra�erty a�any In�eres�in the Proper�y�s sa�c�ar�r�.nsferrec�(or if�orrov�er is��oi�a <br /> �la.�ura�persotl and��enefic�al ir��erest in Borro�er i�sa1c�ax�ra.n�fe��e�.� vvz��iou�Le�ader's�rxor writter� <br /> conser�t, Len�er znay r�quire�fz�-nedia�e�aytnen�in fu�l of a11 su�ns secured by�his S�curi�y I�Zs��ument, <br /> ��owever, ���is o��io��11a����ot be exercise�.l�y Le�c�et�f su.clz exe��cise��p��al�i�ited by Applicab�e Lav�. <br /> If Lenc�.er e�et�zses t�1zs o�tio�l, L�nder s�1a11 give Bo�t ov�er t�otice of acce�er�.tion. Tf�e natice sha11 pf�ovide a <br /> periad af zza��ess t�zan 3� days fro�n�he date�11e notice is gi�eiz ir�accorc��.�lce�it�l Sec�ian 15 with�n W�ic�1 <br /> Borrowe�r�nus�pa��.�� st��ns secu�e�by this Secur�ty rrisl;ru�nent, �f Barrower:Cai1s to���i:lzese sL��ns p��or ta <br /> �he exp�r��iat�af�h:xs pe�•�ac�, Lenc�er��1ay i�lvo��e a.ny reinedies pe�ini�te�.by�:liis SecL�ri�y Instru.�nen�vvitl�out <br /> fu.r�her rio�ice�r de�n�.�c�o�Bo�rower. <br /> 'I 9, �orrow�r's Ri�h� �o ��in��a�� After Accelera�`ra�n. If I3o�rov�rer tneets c���a�r����zdi�io�as, Borrower <br /> s��a��ha�e��ae��g11��o�lave e��fot•cefn�nf;�l�:hi� Security In����u�nen�c�isco�z��r�L�ed a��ny�i�ne�rior to��ze <br /> ea.r��es� of: �a� f�ve d�.ys before sale of�l�e Proper�y�ursua�z��o �.7tzy pawe� of sa�e co�ta��ed�zx�;h�s Se�uri��r <br /> Z�s�ru�ne�i.; ��� such ot�ler periad�s A�plicable Law�nxgla.�s�aec�fy�or�he�erxnina�ion of I3o�t•�vver's righ��� <br /> reins�a�e; ar��� e�1�z�y�f�.judgir�en�;enforcing this Security in���u�nen�, rI`�ose cara.�itio�.s �.�•e��aa�Borrovsrer; <br /> �a��ays Let��er a�l su�ns whi�lz�Zle�vvaLtic��e due u�c�e1 t1�is Security It1s�:ru�ne�t an�.�tze Note as �f��.o <br /> accele��.tio�z�iad ac�urred; �b� cures az�y�.efaul�:of any ot���t•caveri�.nts ar a�reeinen�s; �c}�ays�-11 experises � <br /> ir�cu�•rec�i�-�enfot•ci�1g�� Securi�y Iz1s��u.�nen�, �ncluding, bu#:�Za�lilni�;ec�1:�, �easa���:ble a��a���eys' fees, <br /> �aroperty inspectinr�an�.va�uat�a�l fees, a�zd���ler fe�s i�curre�.fo��l�e pur�ose oF pro�eG�i�.g Lenc�e��'s in��rest <br /> z�aor��� <br /> NEBRA5KA�5ingle Famlly-Fannle fV{ae1F'reddie M ac UNI�DRM �NSTRUM�NT �arm 3�28 11D 1 <br /> VM P Q VM p�{N�}��3a2� <br /> Wolters Kluw er Flnanclal Services Page�2 af 1 T <br />