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��15���51 <br /> 'I�. Borror�r�r No� �iel�ased; For�earance By L�nder No� a Wairrer. Exte�zs�a��f t1�e tii-ne fo�payinen�ar <br /> �nodi�c�.�ian of a�nor�i�a��on of�he se�ure�.by th�s Securx�y Iri�tru�ne��gran�ed�y Lender�a Bflrrower <br /> o� ar�y Succe�sor ir�In�eres�of I3orravver sha�1��xa�apera�e�o re�ease the liabi�i�y af�orrower flr any <br /> Succe�sors in In�eres�of Borrower, Lender �ha1�no��e�ec�uired�o�o�nmence proce��.ings aga�nst an� <br /> Successor ��Zr��eres�of I3orrower���a refuse�a e��end�rme for pay�x�e�.��r ather�vise rnodify alnar��iza����. <br /> af�1ze su��-ns seGured by�h�s Secur��y Ir�s�ru��en�by reason of any deanand xnad.e-by�he origit�al B�rrotiver or <br /> any Successors i�a�n�et es�of I3orrower. Ar�y forbea.rance by L��z�.e�i�.e�e�c�s��g ariy rigllt o�remedy <br /> inc�udtng, wii.hau�litxii�a�io�a., Len�.er's accep��.nce of pay�nents f��in thir�.perso�s, en�;i���s or Success�rs i�: <br /> �nteres�of�orrawer o�ir���naun�s Iess�har��he��zzoun�tlzen due, sha1���t be a waive�oF ar�reclude�he <br /> ex�r�ise of any right�r re��edy. <br /> 'I 3. J ain� and S���ra� Liabili�y; Cops'rg ner�; S uccessar� and Assig ns �o�nd. l3orrawer covena���s ar�c� <br /> agrees that Barrawer's abliga�ions ar�d�iabiri�y slzall be j oin�aizc�severa�. Hawever, a.n�r BarroVver w�1� <br /> co�-sig�s�his Security Ins�t�utn��t but daes��o��xecu�ce�I�e No�e(a"c�-signer"}: �a� is ca�signi�lg�his <br /> Securi�y Instru�nent only�o tr�ortgage, grani�a�a�d convey�lze co�-signer's in�eres�in t1�e I'roper�y unde��he <br /> �er�l�s of this Securfty rns�r�.tr�en�; �b} �s na�persona�ly ob�iga�ed�o pay�he su�ns secure�.b�r�his Secur��y. <br /> Tnst�u�r�ent, anc��c� ag�ees�1za�Le�z�i.e��any o�her I3�rrovvez can�.gree�o ex�end, inodify, for�bea�r ar�na1�e <br /> �.�y acco���m.odatia�s vtrz��z regar�.�o�h��e�r�ns of�h�s Seeur���I�.s�rume��or��Ze�To�e tiv�thou�the co-signer's <br /> c�n�etlt,. <br /> Su��ec���the pravisio�s oF Sec�io� 1 S, a�y Successoi i��In�eres�of Borro�wer w�z�ass�n�es Borrower's <br /> ab��ga�ions u�c�er��z�s Securi�y Y��si;ru�nen�in vvrit��g, a.nd�s appro�ec�by Lender, sha��ob�ai�1 a110� <br /> I3o�•�ov�er's�igh�s a��d benefi�s u�zder���is Secur��y Ir�s��L�zx�en�, Bfl�r�we�sha1��.o�be re�easec�fro�n <br /> Lorrower's o��igations and lia�i���y t�nde��h�s Se�uri�y Tns�ru�ne���.�less Lexzder agrees to st�ch re�ease i�� <br /> wr���ng. The cov�na.���� a.r�d agreetne�a.�s of��i�s Secu���y��Zs�ru�nen�s1�.a1�Uz�.�.�ex.�ep�as prov��.ed��:Sec�to�� <br /> 2�� and bene�"it�;he st�ccessors a��d assigns of Lender, <br /> 'I 4. Loan Charges. Le�.der�nay c1�a�ge Bor�ovvex° ��e� for ser��ce��error��ned i�l cnnnection w��h Bflr�ovve�'s <br /> de�'a�:��, for���e�urp�se af�aro�ec�i��Let�d�r's in�:�res�ir�tl�e Prope�ty�.nc�rig�ts unde���Y�s Securit� <br /> Itls�rumen�, xnc�udxng, but�Za�1i���il:ed��, a�torneys' rees, �t operty i�zspec�ian anc�v�.luatio�fee�. ri1 regat•d t� <br /> a.��o�her fees, �lze abse�ce of express au�:hority iri��is Securi�y Instrutnent to cllarge a s�ecific fee�o <br /> Lo�:ro,wer sha�l�zo��e cons�rue�.as a p�����ib��ian on�he cha.�gizlg of su�l�fee. Lender��n�.y�flt charge fees <br /> �ha�are exp�essly prohibi�ed by�his Secur��y��.s�r�.��ne�.�or�by Appl�cable La�w. <br /> If�he Loar��s suU,j ec��o a lav�whicl�se�s tnaxi�ntx�r�loan c��a�ges, a�.�.�1a.a�lavv�s f��aal�y in�erpre�ed so���at <br /> �:��e i�z�eres�ot•a�11er loan ck�a�ges ca�lected ot�o he col�ec�ed i��iot�.w��h���e Laan e�ceed�he <br /> perm������irni�s, �hen, (a} any�L�ch loa��c1��rge s�zall�e red.uce�.Uy��e a�nou�.z�necessary�a redu�e��e <br /> c��a..rge tn �1ie pe���ru��ed li�niti, a�d��� any su��.s a�reac�:�ca��ec�ec�fro�n I3orrower�rhx�11 exceeclec�pertru��e�. <br /> 1x�ni:�s�r�11 be�efu��c�ed 1:o Borra�re�, Le�:de�r�nay ch.a�se to znalce�1ais refi�nd�ay reducir�g�he pri�lcipal owed <br /> t�.�.der�he N�te�r by���al{�r�g�direc�p�.y�nen�to I3o����wer. Il�.t•efu�d�•educes p�-ir��i�a1, 1:he reductiot�w�1� <br /> lae�rea�ec�as a par�i�.1 prepayx�.en�v�i�h�t���.z�y pi,epay�lle����arge�w1�e��er ar��oi;a p�•epayfnetl�char�e is <br /> prov�ded:Cor un�er t1�e No�e}. Bnrro,tnrer's accept�.�ce af any such refund�nade by diiieGt pa.��ner�1:�o <br /> Lorra�wer w���consti�ute a waive��af a�zy rxg�i�of ac�ion�3orrowe�•�l�gh�llave a.risi��;ou�of such ove��cl�arge� <br /> 'I�� N o�i�e�. A11 notices g�ven by Borro�er�r Lerider in cof�ec�ian�tri�lz�t�is Secu�i�y�ns�ru�ne�.��nusi.�e i�z <br /> vsrriti�.g. Any�otice�;�Borr�we�;i�.con�:zecti�o�vvit;h thi� Secut�ii;y��strutnen�s�all be deeine�.�o�aave�been <br /> give���a Bo��lovvet•v�1�.en�na�le�.by�rs�class�nai�or�v�1et�actu��ly c�elivered�o La�rowe��'s�a.o��ce adc�ress�f <br /> sen�b� ot�er rzle�.r�s, No���e�o a�y o�e Bor��ower s�1�.11 cons�i�:u�:e t�o�ice�:a a11 Borrawe�s unless A�p�xca��e <br /> Law expr�ssZ�t•ec�t�ires o��.ervt�ise. The notice ac�dress st�a11 be t�ze Praperty Ac�.�ress un�ess Borrawe���zas <br /> 24407768 <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannle M ael�reddie M ac�NIF�RM INBTRUM ENT Fa�n�3428 11�� <br /> VM f'� VM P6�NE���3��} <br /> Vllalters Kl�iw er�inancial Serviee� F'age�� of 17 <br />