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��15����� <br /> the extent and in fhe amount required by law. So Ivng as there is na Defau�#, Beneficiary sha�l apply said <br /> amounts t�#he payment of, or at B�neficiary's s�le optivn releas�said funds to Trustor fvr application �o <br /> and payment vf, such�axes, assessments, levies, charges and insuranc� premiums. lf a Default exists, <br /> Beneficiary at�ts sole option may apply a�l or any part vf said amoun#s ta any Secured �bligation andlar <br /> to cure such Default, in which e�ent Trustor shall be required to restore all amaunts so applied, as w�ll as <br /> to cure any Default not cured by such application. Trus#or hereby g�ants and transfers to Ben�ficiary a <br /> securify interest�n a�l amoun�s so pa�d and held in Benefic�ary's poss�ss�an, and a�{ proceeds thereof, to <br /> secure the payment and performance of each Secured �bligatian. Upon assignment of�his De�d af <br /> Trust, Beneficiary sha11 ha�e the right to assign all amounts cvllected and En its possession to its <br /> assignee, whe�eupon BenefEc�ary and Trustee shal� b� released fr�m all Eiabil��y wi#h respec#ther�to. The <br /> existence af said impounds shal� not limit Beneffciary's rights under any v�her pro�ision of this Deed af <br /> Trus#ar any o#her agreement, s#atute or rule vf law. V1li#hin ninety-fi�e�95}days following full repayment <br /> of all Secur�d �bfigations �other than as a consequenc�of a foreclosur�or con�eyance in iieu af <br /> fvreclosure vf the liens and security interests securing any 5�cured ��ligation}, or at such earl�er�ime as <br /> Beneficiary in its d�scretion may elect, �he balance of all amounts colle�ted and in Beneficiary's <br /> pvssession shall be paid to Trustor, and n� v#her party shal! ha�e any right of claim ther�to. <br /> 4.7 Dama es� Insurance and Cand�mnation Proceeds. <br /> �a} �i}All awards of damages and all other compensation payable directly o�indirectly by reasan <br /> of a condemnation ar prapvsed cvndemna�ion tor transfer in Eieu thereof}for pubfi�vr pri�ate use <br /> affecting the Subjec� Property; �ii}all other cfaims and awards for damages to or decrease in�alue of the <br /> 5ubject Property; �i�i}a!I prvc�eds of any insuranc� policies payab[e by reason af Ioss sustained�a the <br /> Subject Prope�y; and �i��all interest which may acc�ue on any of the faregoing, are a�l absoiutely and <br /> irre�ocably assigned �o and shall be paid to Beneficiary. At the abs�lu#e discre�ion af Beneficiary, <br /> whether�r no� its security is or may b� impair�d, bu�subjec#�o applicable la►rv if any, and wi�hout regard <br /> to any requ�rement contained in any other Secti�n hereof, Beneficiary may apply all or any of the <br /> proceeds it recei�es to its expenses in settling, prosecuting or defending any such claim and appiy the <br /> balance to the Secured �bligations in any order, and r�lease a�� or any par#of the proceeds to Trustor <br /> upan any conditions Benefic�ary may impvse. Beneficiary may commence, appear in, defend or <br /> pros�cute any assigned claim or action, and may adjust, compromise, se#tie and collect aii claims and <br /> awards assign�d tv B�nefEciary; pro��ded haw��er, that in no e�ent shall BeneficEary be responsible for <br /> any fai�ure to c�llect any claim or award, regardless af the cause af the fa�lure. <br /> �b} At its sale�ption, Beneficiary may permit insurance or candemnati�n proceeds held by <br /> Beneficia�y to be used for repair or restoratinn but may impose any condifions an such use as Beneficiary <br /> deems necessary. <br /> 4.8 MaEntenance and Preser�ation of Sub'ect Pro ert . Subject to the pro�isivns of any <br /> Secured C�b�igation, Trustor ca�enanfs: <br /> �a} to keep the 5ubj�ct Proper�y in gaod condition and r�pair; <br /> �b} except with Beneficiary's priar written consent, nat to remo�e or demol'rsh the Subject <br /> Proper�y, nvr al#er, restore or add to the Subject Prope�ty, nor in�tiate or acquiesce �n any change in any <br /> z�ning or athe�land classification wh ich affec#s the Su bject Prvperty; pro�ided �ha#this su bsection 4.8�b} <br /> shall not be construed tv require Benefic�ary's prior wrE�ten consent for n�n-struc#ura� alterafions of the <br /> Subjec� Pr�perty in an aggrega�e amaun�of up to$'I��,��� per fiscal year; <br /> tc} �o restare promp�ly and in goad workmanlike manner any po�tion af the Subjec� Property <br /> which may be damaged or destroyed, unless Benefic�ary requires that all of the insuranc� proceeds be <br /> used tn r�duce the�ecured �bligations as pro�ided in fhe S�ction hereof enfitled Dama es� Insurance <br /> and ��ndem nation Proceeds; <br /> --�- <br /> , �� �:�,���«���: ,������� ����� �� <br />