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��15����� <br /> ARTf�LE IV. RIGHTS AND DUTIES �F THE PARTIES <br /> 4.1 Tifle. Trustvr warrants that, except as disclosed #o Beneficiary prior to the date hereof�n a <br /> writing which refers to this warranty, Trus#or�awfully�ossesses and hoids fee simple t�tle to, or�f <br /> perm�tted by Benef�ciary in wri�ing a i�asehold interest in, the Subject Property withou#limitati�n on �he <br /> right to encumber, as her�in pro��ded, and that�his Deed of Trust is a�al�d lien on the Sub�ect Property <br /> and all of Trustor's interest ther�in. <br /> 4.2 Taxes and Assessments. Subjec�to the right of Trustor t�contest payment of the following <br /> pursuant to Section 4.7 of the Credit Agreement�as defined in Sec#ivn 5.1 below}, Trustvr shall pay prior <br /> tv de�inquency a11 taxes, assessments, le�ies and charges imp�sed: �a} by any publiG or quasi-public <br /> authority or util�ty company which are or which may become a lien upvn or caus�a Ioss in rralue�f the <br /> Subject P�oper�y or any interes�the�ein; vr�b} by any public author�ty upon Beneficiary by reasvn of i�s <br /> interesf in any Secur�d �bligat�vn or in th�Subject Property, or by reason of any payment mad�to <br /> Beneficiary pursuan#to any Secured �bligation; pra�ided however, that Trus#or shall ha�e no oblfgation <br /> to pay any income taxes of Beneficiary. Prompt�y upon request by Beneficiary, Trustor shall furnish tv <br /> 8eneficiary sat�sfactory��idence of the payment of a11 of the foregoing. Beneficiary is hereby author�zed <br /> to request and recei�e from the respvnsible gn�e�nmental and non-go�ernmental personnel writ�en <br /> statem�nts with respec#ta the accrual and paym�nt of any af the fvregoing. <br /> 4.3 P�rformance of Secured �b�i�ations. Trustor shali promptly pay and perfo�m each 5ecured <br /> �bligation when due. <br /> 4.4 Liens, Encumbrances and �harges. Trustor shall immediately discharge any fien on�he <br /> Subject Praper�y nat appro�ed by Beneficiary in writing. Except as otherwise prv��ded in any 5ecured <br /> �hliga#ivn or�ther agre�ment with Beneficiary, Trustnr shal� pay when due all vbligat�ons secured by or <br /> reducible t� liens and encumbrances which sha�l now or h�reafter encumber#he Su�jecf Property, <br /> wheth�r senior vr subvrdinate heretv, including without limitation, any mechanics' liens. <br /> 4.5 lnsurance. Trustor shali insure the Sub��ct Property against loss ar damage by fire and such <br /> other risks as Beneficiary shall from time to time require. Trustor shall carry public liability insurance, <br /> flood insurance as required by applicable law and such other insurance as Beneficiary may reasonably <br /> require, including wi�hout limita#ion, terrorism, business interruption insurance or ioss of rental va�ue <br /> insuranc�. Trustar shall main#ain a�l required insurance at Trustor's expense, under policies issued by <br /> �ompanies and in form and substance satisfact�ry#o Beneficiary. Neither Beneficiary nor Trus#ee, by <br /> reason af accepting, reje�ting, apprv�ing or�btaEning insurance, shall incur any liabiiity for: �a}the <br /> existence, nonexistence, farm ar legal sufficiency thereof; �b}the sol�ency of any insurer; vr�c}the <br /> payment of Ivsses. A�I pvlicies and ce�#Eficates vf insurance shall name Ben�ficiary as mortgagee and <br /> loss payee, an� shall pro�ide tha#the insurance cannot b�#erm�na#ed as to Beneficiary except upvn a <br /> minimum of ten ���}days' prior►rvritten na�ice to Beneficiary. immediately upon any request by <br /> B�neficiary, Trustor shall deli�er to Beneficiary the ariginal vf all such pv�icies ar ce�-fificates, with receipts <br /> evidencing annua� prepayment of the premiums. <br /> 4.G Tax and Ensurance Impvunds. At Beneficiary's opfivn and upon its demand, Trustor shall, <br /> un��! alf 5ecur�d �bligatians ha�e been paid in full, pay to Beneficiary in ad�ance mon#hly, annua�ly or as <br /> o#herwise directed by Beneficiary an amount es#imated by Beneficiary fio be equal #v: �a}ai! taxes, <br /> assessments, le�ies and charges imposed by any public or quasi-public au�hority or utiCity company which <br /> ar�or may become a lien upon the 5ubject Property and►►vi[I become due for the tax year durin�which <br /> such payment is so direc#ed; and �b} premiums for fire, other hazard and mortga�e insuranc� next due. !f <br /> Benef�c�ary determin�s tha�amounts paid by Trus�or are insufficient for the paymen�in full of such taxes, <br /> assessments, le�ies andlor insurance prem�ums, Beneficiary shall notify Trustar of the increased amount <br /> required for the payment thereof r►vhen due, and Trustor shall pay to Beneficiary such addi#iona! amvunt <br /> within thirty�3D} days after notice from Beneficiary. All amaunts sv paid shall not�ear interest, except to <br /> -5- <br />
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