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��14�5�51 <br /> designated a substitu��no�ice addr�ss by not���to L�nder, Borrower shal�prflmpt�y not�fy L�nder af <br /> Borrower's change o�address. �f Lender speC�f��s a pr�cedure f�r reparting B�rr�w�r's change af address, <br /> then Borrower sha�l �n��report a change of address through�hat specified pra��dur�. <br /> There may be anly ane designated notice address under th�s Security Instrument at any one time. Any natice <br /> to L�nder shall be gi��n by deli�ering i�or b�ma�l�ng it by first class mail t� Lend�r's address sta�ed herein <br /> unl�ss Lender has de�igna�ed another address by notice t� Barr�u��r. An� not�ce�n connec��on w��h th�s <br /> �ecurity Ins�rument sha�l n�t be d�emed t�have be�n given to Lender unt�� actua��y receiv�d by L�nd�r. �f <br /> any notice required�y this SeCur�ty �nstrumen��s axsfl requ�red under App�zcabl� Law, the Appt�cable Law <br /> requ�rement will satisfy�he correspond�ng requ�r�m�nt under�hzs Securz�y Instrument. <br /> 1�. �n►rerning Law; Severability; Rules af �nnstructian. This Security Instrum�n�shaXl be governed by <br /> federal law and the�aw af the jur�sdiction in�hich the Proper�y is locate�. All r�gh�s and ab��ga��ons <br /> con�ain��. in th�s Security �nstrument are subject to any requirements and��m��ations �f Applicable La�v. <br /> App�icabie Law m�gh�exp�icit�y nr�mp��c���y a��aw�h�par��es to agree by contract or it migh�be sil�nt, bu� <br /> such s�lence shai�na�be construed as a prohibition agains�agree�nen�by contra��. �n�he e��n�that any <br /> prov�si�n ar c�aus�of�his 5ecurity Instrument or th�Na�e confii�t�with App��cab�e Law, such canflict sha�l <br /> not aff�ct a�h�r pro�isions of thi� Security Instrumen��r th�N�t�v�vh��h�an be given effect without the <br /> confl��ting pro�isi�n. <br /> As us�d�n th�s S�Curity �nstrument: �a}words of the mascu�ine g�nder shall m�an and �n�lude corresp�nding <br /> neu�er w�rds or v�ords of the fem��n�ne gender; �b}wor�s in the singular shall m�an and �n�lude the p�ura� <br /> and v�ce�ersa; and tc� the word "mtay" gi�es s�le discretion wi�hout any�bl�ga�i�n t�take any a�t�an. <br /> '17. Bvrrower's C�py. Borr�w�r sha�l be gi�en one copy �f the Note ar�d af�hzs S�curity �nstrument. <br /> '18. Transfer of the Property vr a B�nef��ial Inter�st �n B�rrvwer. As used in this SeCtion T 8, "Interest in <br /> the Pr�per�y" means any��ga� ar b�nefzcia� interest in the Praperty, �ncluding, but no�limited t�, those <br /> bene�cia� interests�ransferred in a bond far deed, contract for deed, installment sa�es Contrac�ar escr�w <br /> agreemen�, �he inten�af which is the transf�r af�i�l�by Borrower at a futur�date��a purc�aser. <br /> If all ar any part of the Prop�rty or any �nt�re�t�n the Pr�per��r is sn�d or transferred tar if Borrawer is no�a <br /> natura�p�rs�n and a benef�c�al �ntere�t zn Borr�wer�s s�ld�r transferred}withou� L�nder's priar writ�en <br /> cansen�, Lender ma�requ�re�mmediate payment in ful�of a�l sums secur�d by this Securit� �ns�rumen�. <br /> However, th�s�ptzon shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is pr�hib��ed by App�icabie Law. <br /> If Lend�r exercises this op�ion, L�nder shal� give Barrawer no�ice�f acceleratz�n. 'I'he noti�e s�.a��provide a <br /> period of not less than 3�days fr�m th�date the natzce zs g���n �n a�cardan�e with Sectian �5 �vi�hin which <br /> Borr�wer must pay al� sums secured by th�s Security �ns�ruz�nen�. �f Borrawer fa�ls to pay these sums pr�ar to <br /> the exp�rat�on af th�s period, Lender may �nvoke any r�medies per�ut�ed by thi� Se�urity Ins�rument w�thout <br /> further n��i�e or demand an Borrawer. <br /> �9. Borrower's Right to Re�nstate After Acceleration. If Barr�wer mee��certazn conditians, Borrower <br /> shall ha�t the right��have enforc�ment�f this Securzty �nstrument d�scont�nued at any�ime prior to the <br /> earliest�f: �a} f���days before sale of the Proper�y pursuant t� any power of sale contained in thi� Security <br /> �nstrum�n�; �b} such o�her periad as App���able Law m�ght specify for�he�ernunation of Borro�er's righ�t� <br /> reins�ate; or�c}entry�f a judgment enforcing�hi� Security Instrument. Thase cnnd�tians are that B�rrawer: <br /> �a}pa��Lend�r all surns which then�vould be due under this Security Instrument and�he Nfl�e as �f zao <br /> acceleratian had occurred; �b} cures any defaul�of any other co�enan�s ar agreem�nts; �c�pays a�l expenseS <br /> incurred in enforcing this Security Ins�rumen�, in��ud�ng, but na���mited ta, reasonabl�a��orneys' fee�, <br /> pr�p�r�y inspection and�aluation fees, and�ther fees in�urred for�he purpose of protecting Lender's int�rest <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-�anni�MaeJ�reddie Ma�tJNI��RM lNSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 i J�7 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NEy�1302� <br /> WaiLers K[uwer Financial Services Pag�12 0#17 <br />