<br /> �n the Pr�per�y and r�ghts under this Security�nstrumen�; and�d}�akes such ac�ion as Lender may
<br /> reasonabl� requ�re to assure tha�L�nder's interest in the Proper�y and rights under this Se�uri�y Instrurnent,
<br /> and Borrovv�r's obligat�on�o pa�the sums secured by�his Security Instrum�n�, shall cont�nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Barrower pay such reinstatement sums and exp�nses in one ar more af th�follow�ng
<br /> forms, as se��cted by Lender: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c} cer�i�ed che�k, bank check, treasurer's�heck ar
<br /> cashi�r's che�k, pro�ided any such check is drav�n upon an ins�i�ution vvhose deposits are�nsured by a
<br /> federal agen�y, instrumen�ality or entit�; or�d} �lectron��Funds Transfer, Upon r��nst�temen�b�Borrawer,
<br /> th�s Secur��� �nstrument and ab�iga�ions secured here�y sha�l remain fu��y eff�c�ive as if no a�celerat�an had
<br /> o�curred. �awe�er, �his right�o reinsta�e sha��not apply in�he case of acce�erati�n under Sec��an �8.
<br /> 2D. Sate of Nate; Change vf Loan Ser►►i�er; Notice of GrieWance. The Note�r a par��ai interest in the
<br /> No�e�toge�her w��h this Se�uri�y�nstrument}can�e sold one ar more times v����ou�prior notice�o
<br /> Borrower. A sale might resu�t in a�hange in th�ent��y �known as the "Loan Servicer"} that col�ects Peri�d�c
<br /> Paymen�s du�under�he No�e and th�s Security Instrument and perfarnls other mor�gage I�an servic�ng
<br /> �b��gat�ons under�he No�e, �his 5�cur��y�nstrument, and Applica�le Law. There a�so migh�be one or m�re
<br /> changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated�o a sa�e of the No�e. If there�s a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> B�rrnwer wx��be gi�ven written notice of the change which�i11 sta�e the name a.nd address of t�e new I.oan
<br /> Serv�cer, the address to which paymen�s should he made and any o�her�nformati�n RESPA requ�res in
<br /> connection with a no��ce of�ransfer of ser��c�ng. If�he Nate�s sold and�hereaf�er�he Loan is serviced hy a
<br /> Laan�ervicer other than the pur�haser af�he Nate, the mar�gage Ioan servicing o�l��a�ic�ns to B�rrov�rer w���
<br /> rema�n wi�h the Loan Servicer ar�e transferred to a succ�ss�r I.�an Servicer and are no�assumed by the
<br /> N�te purchaser unless�therwise pro�ided by th�N���purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borr�wer nor L.ender may commence,jo�n, �r be�a�ned�o an�r judicial ac�ian�as e�ther an
<br /> ind�vidual litigan�or�he member of a class}tha�arises from the o�her party's act�flns pursuan�to�his
<br /> Se�ur�ty Instrument�r�ha�alleg�s tha�the other par�y has breached any pravis�on of, or any du�y owed�y
<br /> r�asnr��f, this Securit��nstrurn�nt, un��1 such Borrower or Lender has not�fied�he fl�her par�y�with such
<br /> no��ce g��en in comp�iance w�th the requ�remen�s of Se�t�on �5}of such al�eged breach and afforded the
<br /> other pa��hereto a reas�nable per�od after the giving of such no�i�e to tak�correctiwe ac�ian. If Applica�le
<br /> Law provides a tim�p�riod v�rhich must elapse before cer�ain action can be�aken, �hat t�n�e p�riod w�il�e
<br /> d�emed t��e reasona�ie for purposes�f�his paragraph. The notice of acce�era�ion and oppor�unity to cure
<br /> gi�en to Barrower pursuant ta Secti�n�Z and the natice of a�c��erat�on g��r�n to Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Sec�ian �S sha�l be deemed to sa��sfy�he no�ice and opportunity�a fiake correc�i�e ac��on pro�isions of this
<br /> Sec�i�n 24.
<br /> �1. Hazardaus Suhstances. As used in this Secti�n�1: �a} "�'a�QrdouS Subst�ar�ces"are�hose substances
<br /> de�ned as�oxic or hazardous su�stanc�s, po��u�ants, or wa��es by Environmental Law and the following
<br /> subs�anc�s: gasaline, kerosene, o�her flanzmable or tax�c petroleum pr�ducts, �ox�c pes�ic�des and herbicides,
<br /> .
<br /> �oia��le sol�ents, material�containing asbestos or fornZa�d�hyde, and radiaac�i�e rna�erxals; �b}
<br /> "�nviron�rzentar�iw"means f�d�ra� laws and�av�s of the j ur�sd�c�xan where�he Pr�per�y �s�o�a�ed�hat
<br /> r�late�a�.ealths safety or�nvironmental pro�ection; �c} "Envirar�f�zentc�l �leartr�p"in��udes an.y response
<br /> action, remedial ac�i�n, or remova� act�on, as def�ned�n En�ironmen�al Law; and�d} an "Envirort�rtentar
<br /> Gor�dition"means a cand��ion tha�can cause, contribu�e to, or oth�rwise trigger an�nW�ronmenta� Cleanup.
<br /> Borrow�r shall not�ause�r permi�the presence, use, disposal, s�orage, ar re�eas�of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ances, or�hrea�en to r��eas�any Hazardous Su�s�an�es, on or in the Proper�y. �arrawer shall no�d�,
<br /> n�r aliow anyone eise�o da, anything affecti�ng the Proper�y �a} �hat is �n viola�ian of any �n�iron�nen�al
<br /> Law, ��}wh�ch cr�ates an En�vironmen�al Cond�tion, ar�c}wh�ch, due�o�he presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazar�ous Substance, creates a c�nd�tion that adversely aff�c�s the value of�he Proper�y. The preceding tv�ro
<br /> N�BRASKA-SingIe�amily-�annie Mael�redriie Mac UNIF4RM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3�28�ID#
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�y['t 3�2�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Finar�cial 5er�ices Page i 3 a#17
<br />