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��14�5�51 <br /> �Z. Borrower Not Released; Forhearance By Lender Not a Wa��er. Ex�ension of th�time fflr payrn�ent or <br /> modificatian of amartiza��nn of�he sums secured by�h�s Securit}� Instrument�ranted b� Lender to Borrawer <br /> ar any Successor in �nterest of Borrower shail not apera�e�o release�he 1�ability of Borr�wer or any <br /> Successors in Interes�of Borrower. Lender shall no�be require��o commence proc�e�ings agains�an� <br /> Successor in Inter�st of Borrov�r�r or�o refuse to ex�end��me far paym�nt�r otherwise modify am�rt�za�ion <br /> of the sums secur�d by t�is Secur�ty Ins�rument by reason af any demand made by �he or�ginal Borrovv�r or <br /> any Successors in Interes��f Borrovver. Any forbearar�c�by Lender�n e�ercis�ng any rzgh�or remed� <br /> �n�luding, �rithout�im�i�a�i�n, Lender's accep�ance of payments from�hird persons, ent��ies or Successors in <br /> Interest af B�rrower or in amaunts less than the amount then due, sha��not be a wa��er of or prec�ude the <br /> e�ercise�f any righ�or remedy. <br /> �3. Joint and Ser►eral L�abiiity: CvMsigners: Successvrs and Assigns Bound. Borrower�avenants and <br /> agrees that B�rro�ver's ob�igations and I�ab��i�}� sha�1 be�oin�and se�era�. ��we�er, any Borrawer who <br /> coµ�igns th�s Securi�y�nstrument but does no�execuYe th�No�e�a "ca-signer"}: �a� is ca--s�gn�ng this <br /> Security Ins�rum�nt anly ta m�.�r�gage, grant and canvey�he co�signer's �nterest�n�he Property under�he <br /> �erms�f this Securi�y Instrument; �b} is not per�onally obl�ga�ed�o pay the su�n�secured b��his Securi�y <br /> Ins�rument; and �c} a�rees that L�nder and any other Barrower�an agree�o extend, mod�fy, forbear or make <br /> an�accommodations w�th regard t�the�erms of this Secur��y Instrument or the N�te w�thou��he co-s�gner's <br /> cflnsent. <br /> Sub�ec��o the pro��s�ons of Sectian 18, any Su�cess�r in�nter�st of Borrower vv�o assumes Borrower's <br /> �b�iga���ns under th�s Securi�y Instrument �n v�riting, and is appro�ed by Lender, shall�b�a�n al� of <br /> Borrower's righ�s and bene��s und�r�his Secur�ty �ns�rument. Borrower shali not be re�eased from <br /> Borr�w�r's obl�ga��ons and��abil�ty under th�s Securi�y Instrumen�unless L�nder agrees to such release in <br /> v�rr��ing. The covenan�s and agreexnents af�his Security �ns�rumen�shall bind�except as provided �n Sec�ion <br /> �0} and benef���he su��essors and ass�gns o�`Lender. <br /> �4. Loan Char�es. L�nder may charge Borrower fees for services perform�d in connection wi�h Borrower's <br /> defau��, f�r the purpos�a�prflt�cting Lender's �nteres��n the Prap�rty and r�ghts under�his Securi��r <br /> �ns�rument, �nc�uding, but not��mited ta, att�rneys' f��s, properry �nspection and�alua�iQn fees. In regard�o <br /> any other fees, the a�sence�f express au�horit� �n�his Security �nstrumen�to�harge a spec�f�c fee�� <br /> Borrawer shal� no�be construed as a prah�b�tion�n�he charg�ng of such fee. I.�nder may no�char�e fees <br /> that are expressly prahihited�y�his Security �ns�rument or by Applicable La�v. <br /> �f�he I.oa.n xs subj ect�o a law which s�ts maximum loan�harges, and that Iaw �s �nai�y interpreted so tha� <br /> �he interes��r ather l�an�harges coliected or to be collec�ed in connection with�h�Loan exceed�he <br /> permi�ted limits, then: �a} any such loan charg�sha11 b�reduc�d by the am�un�n�cessary to reduce the <br /> charge�o�he p�rmit�ed limit; and��� an� sums a�read�collec�ed fram Borrow�r vvhich exceeded perm�tt�d <br /> ��m�ts w��l be refunded�a Borrower. Lender may choose tfl make this refund by reduc�ng�he principal awed <br /> under the Note or ay making a direc�pa�rrn.ent to Bflrr�v�er. �f a refund reduces princi�a�, th.e redu����n will <br /> be�rea�ed as a par�ia�prepaymen�withou�any prepayment charge�w�i�ther or not a prepaymen�charge�s <br /> pr���de�.fnr under��e Note}. Borrower's acceptance of any such refund mad�by dire�t paym�nt to <br /> Borrower vW�l�cflns�i�u�e a v�aiver of an�right of action Borrawer might have arising out nf such overcharge. <br /> 'i 5, Notic�s. All nati�es g�ven by Borrower ar Lender�n connec�ian w�th�his S�curi�y �ns�rument must be xn <br /> v�rriting. Any notice to Borrov�r�r�n connec�ion ur��h this Securi�y Ins�rume�.�sha�l b�deemed to have been <br /> g�ven�o Borrower when mailed b��rst class mai� or when ac�ually de�ivered�o Borrower's no�ice addr�ss if <br /> sent by ather means. N4tiC�tD �ny on�B�rrnv��r Shal�ConS�itute ri��1C�t�7 a�I Bo��w�rS un1�S5 App1�Ca��e <br /> Law e�press��requ�res o�herv�ise. T�e not�ce address sha�l be the Prflper�� Address unless Barrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�am�Iy-Fannie MaelFr�die Mac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT Farr�3a2$714� <br /> VMP� VMP6tNEy tl3��y <br /> Walters K[uwer�inanGial 5er�iGes Page 1�of�7 <br />