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��14�S�4S <br /> Inspectinn. Lender or �ts agen�may make reasonab�e en�rxes upon and inspec��ons of the Pra e . Lender sha�l <br /> P �Y <br /> �xve Borravver noti�e a��he��rne af or pr�or tv an inspec�ion reasonab�e cause for the�ns ection. <br /> p <br /> C�ndemnatian. The proceeds�f any avvard or G�a�m for damages, direc�or consequent�a�, xn connec�ion w�th an <br /> candern�na�zon or��her tak�ng of any part of the Prape � <br /> x�t�, or fflr con��yance �n �xeu of c�ndemnat��n, are hereb� <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In �he e�ent of a��ta� �aking of�he Property, �he praceeds sha�� be applied �o the sums secured by th�s Securi <br /> � <br /> �nstrumen�, v�hether or not �hen due, �v��h any e�cess paxd �o B�rrov�er. �n the even� af a partial �akir�g �f�he <br /> Proper� �n.wh�ch�he fa�r market vaiue af�he Pr�perty xmmed�a�eiy before �he ta.k�ng �s equa�ta or greater�han <br /> the am�un.t af the sums secur�d by �h�s 5ecurr� Ins�ru.ment xmmediate�y before �he �ak�ng, un�ess Borravver and <br /> Lender o�hervv�se agree rn vvrit�ng,�he sums secured by this Secur�ty�sha��be reduced by th�amount of <br /> the pr�ceeds m�.u���plied by�he fo���vv�ng frac�ion: (a�the��ta�amoun�of�he sums secured immediat�Iy bef�re�he <br /> �ak�ng, div�ded�y �b} the fa�r market �ra�ue af�he Praperty immediately bef�r� �he taking. Any ba�ance sha�l be <br /> paid to Borrower, in the e�en� of a par�ial tak�ng af the Prapert� in wh�ch the fair market va�ue of�he Prope <br /> �Y <br /> �mmediate�y bef�re �he �ak�n� �s �ess than the amount of�he sums secured immediate�y befare the taking, U.�]��55 <br /> Borrower and Lender��herw�se agree �n�r un�ess App�icab�e Law atherwxse pro��des, the proceeds shaX� <br /> be applied��the sums secured by�hx�Securlty�nstrument v��ether or nat�h� are then due. <br /> If�he Proper�y is abandoned by Barr�v�er, ar if, after no�x�e b�Lender�o Borrav�er tha��he c�ndemnor tiffers�o <br /> make an award or s�ttle a cla�m for damag�s, Borrower fails�o re�pond�o Lender within the m�nxmum number of <br /> days established by App��cabie Law after�he da�e the not�ce is g�ven,Lender is authorxzed ta ca��ect and apply�he <br /> praceeds, a� its vp�iar�, either �o restvrat�on ar repa�r of�he Property or t� the sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �n�trument,v�hether or no��hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrawer��her�vv�se agree in wr��ing, any app�xcat�on of prviceeds�o principai sha�l nnt extend <br /> or pos�pane�he due da��of th�payments due under�he Contract or change the amoun��f such payr�ents. <br /> Borrower Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Not a 'L�V�a��er. Extens�an of �he �ime far paynzenti or <br /> mod�f ca�ion of amor��za���n af�he sums secured by this Security �nstrumenti gran�ed by Lender to Barrower or <br /> any successor �n in�eres� nf B�rrower sha�� not opera�e to release �he liab����y of �he origrnaX Barro�ver or <br /> Borrow�r's success�rs in interest. Lender shalX no�be required to comrnence pra�eed�ngs agazns�any successor�n <br /> in�eres�or refuse��extend�ime for paym��n�or otherw�se mod�fy amortizatian t�f the sums secured by�h�s Security <br /> �nstrumen� by reas�n �f any demand rn�.ad� by the original B�rrovver or B�rr��rer's successars �n ���erest. Any <br /> forbearan�e by Lender in exerc�sing any righ.t or remedy sha�l not be a wai�er of or pre��ude the exerc�se Qf any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Succes�ors and Ass�gns Bound; Ja�nt and Se�erai L�abY�ity; A�c�mmoda�ion Signers. The c�venan�s and <br /> agreements flf th�s Security�nstrumen�shali b�nd and benef�the successors and assigns af Lender and B�nrower, <br /> subjec� �o the pro�isions of se�txon �rt�ed Transfer of the Prapert� or a Ben�f�c�a� Int�res� �n Borrvwer. <br /> Bonrawer's co�enants and agreemer�ts shall be j oin�and se�eral.Any persan who co�-sxgns thxs Security Instrumen� <br /> but has no p�rsona� �iab��xty under the Can�rac� �"Accom�moda�ian S�gner"}: �a} �s c�-�s�gning this Secur��y <br /> �nstrument on�y to m�rCgage, grant and con�ey �hat Ac��m�madat�an Signer's interes� in �he Property under the <br /> t�rm.s of �he Security Instrument; �b} zs not personally �bligate� �� pay �he sums secur�d by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrument; and(c� agre�s tha�Lender and any a�her Borrower ma�agree�o�x�end, modify, forbear or make any <br /> ac�amrn.�da�ions vvi�h regard t��he�erms of th�s Se�ur��y Instrumen�or the Con�ract vv�thout tha�Accommoda��on <br /> S�gner`s cansen�. <br /> Loan �ha rges. �f the �oan s�cured by this Secur��y Instrurnen� �s subj ect to a �aw v�rhich sets maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha� Iav�is f natly xn�erpreted so tha�the �nterest or a�her�oan charges col�ec�ed or�o be co��ec�ed�n <br /> connec�zon vv�th �he �oan �xceed the perm�tted �i�mits, then: �a� any such loan charge sha�l be reduced i�y �he <br /> amaunt necessary ta reduce the charge to�he perm�tted ��mits and�b} any sums a�ready�o��ected fram Borrower <br /> vc�h�ch exceeded perm�tted i�m�.��s vv��� be r�funded �� Borrawer. Lender �ay cho�se �a make this refund by <br /> r�ducing the princ�pal ov�ed under th� Con�rac� or by making a direct pay�nen��o Borrawer. �f a refund reduces <br /> �rxncipa�,the reduction wi��be treated as a par�za�prepaymen�under the��n�ra��. <br /> Notice5. Any not�ce �a Bflrr�wer prn��ded f�r �n �his Secur��y �nstrument sha1� be gi�en by deX��eri.tig �t �r by <br /> m�.ail�.g�t by frst c�ass maz�unl�ss App��ca�1e Lavv requ�res us�of ano�her methfld. The not�ce shal�be direc�ed ta <br /> �he Property Address or any ather address Sorrawer designates by no�ice ta Lender. B�rrower agrees �a pro�ide <br /> Lender vv��h Barrower's xnos� curren�ma�Iing address, as i�may change fr�m��me-to�time. Any not�ce �a Lender <br /> sha1�be gi�re�a by firs�c�ass mail�a Lender's address stated here�n or any other address Lender d�signates by no��ce <br /> to Borrower. Any natice prav�ded for�n�his Security�nstrument shall be deemed�o ha�e�een gxven to Barravver <br /> or Lender v�rhen given as pr�vided�n this paragraph. <br /> Gn�erning Law; Sev�rab���ty.Th�s Secur��y�ns�rument shali be go�erned by federaX�aw and�he Iaws af the statie <br /> �f Nehraska. In the even� �hat any provis��n ar c�ause of tih�s Secur��y �nstrumenf or�he Contra�� c�nfli�ts v��th <br /> App���able Lavv, such cvnf��ct sha�� no� affec� oth�r pro��s�ons of�h�s Security �nstrumen� flr the Contrac��vh�ch <br /> can be g��en effect wi�hau�the�onfl�cting pro�is��n. T�th�s end the prav�s�ons af�his Security Ins�r�um�ent and�he <br /> Contra��ar�decXared�fl be severabie. <br /> ��rr�wer's�opy.Borrower shal�be g��en one capy of th�s Security�nstrumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Proper��or a BQnef�cxa�Intere�t�n B�rrt�v�er. �f a���r any par�of�he Proper�y or any interest <br /> in x� zs so�d or transferred ��r if a b�nef c�aX interest in Borrov�er �s so�d �r transferred and B�rr�v�er is no� a <br /> natural pers�n} withou� Lender's prxar wr��ten ca�sen�, Lender�nay, at ��s �ptian, requ�re immed�ate payment in <br /> C�?4�4-20I4 Campiiance Systems,Inc.4958-59�0-2D]3L2,3,l,$D3 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-SeGurity Instr�ment DL2D36 Page 3 o�S www,cam�liancesystems.cvm <br />