. ��14�S�4S
<br /> Applicable Lavv. As used �.n th�s Security �ns�rumen�, the �erm "Applicable Law" shal� mean a11 cantro�ling
<br /> appl�cab�e federal, s�a�e and lacal statutes, regu�at�ons, ordinances and adm�n�s�rat��e ru�es and ard�rs �tha�have
<br /> �he effect�f la��as vve11 as al1 appl�cable fina�,non-appealable judiczal apinlons.
<br /> Charges; L1�'�15. Borrower sha1� pay aIl taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attribu�able �fl the
<br /> Proper�y wh�ch may atta�n prior�ty o�er th�s Security Instrument, and �easehold paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> A�the request of Lender,Borrflwer shal�promptly furn�sh to Lender re�e�p�s ev�denc�ng th�payments.
<br /> Barrower sha�� rom t� dischar e any lien which has pr�ority over this Security�nstru.ment unless��rrower: (a}
<br /> p pY g
<br /> agrees in �r���ng to the paymen� of the obl�gat�an secured by the �ien in a manner accep�able to Lender; �b�
<br /> contests in good fai�h �he lien by, or defends against enforcemen� of�he lien 1n, �ega� proceedings w�iich in the
<br /> Lender's op�nion operate tfl �re�en� �he enf�rcemen� of the �ien; or �c) se�ures fr�m �he holder of the lien an
<br /> agreement satisfa�t�ry to Lender sub�rdina�ing the l�en to�his Secur�ty �nstrument. �f Lend�r determin�s tha�any
<br /> par� of the Prapert� is subj ect to a l�en whi�h may a�tain pr�or��y o�er thls Secur�t�Instrument, Lender may give
<br /> Borrov�er a nati�e identifying the lien. Borrovver sha11 sa��sfy�he lien or take one or more of�he actxons se�forth
<br /> above w��h�n 14 days af the g���ng of notice.
<br /> Hazard or Pro erty Insurance. Borrov�er sha�I keep�he impro�emen�s n�v�existing or hereafter ere�ted�n the
<br /> A
<br /> Pr�perfiy insured aga�nst lass by f�re,hazards�ncluded w��hin the�erm"extended co�erage" and any�ther hazards,
<br /> �ncluding �.o�ds or f�floding, for whi�h Lender requires insurance. Th�s Ynsurance shall be ma�n�ained in the
<br /> amounts and for�he per�ods that Lender requ�res. The�nsuran�e carr�er prov�ding�he insuran�e shal�be chvsen by
<br /> Borr�wer subj ect �� Lender's approva� �hich shall n�t be unreasonably vv�thhe�d. �f Borrower fails �� �naintain
<br /> coverage described abvve, Lender n1ay, a� Lender's �pt�an, ob�ain coverage to protect Lender's r�ghts in �he
<br /> Praperty�n accordance w�th sectian t���ed Protectivn❑f Lender's R�ghts�n the Property.
<br /> AIl �nsuran�e policies and renewals shall be accep�ab�e to Lender and shall include a s�andard mar�gage �lause.
<br /> Lender sha1�have the r�gh��o hold�he policies and renewa�s. If Lender requires, Borrower sha11 promptly gi�e to
<br /> Lender aXI receip�s of paid prem�ums and renewal n�tices. In�h� even�of�oss, Bflrrov�er shall g��e pro�pt n�tice
<br /> �fl the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss if no�made prom�.ptly 1�y Borr�wer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borr�wer oth�rwise agree �n wri�ing, �nsuran�e pruceeds shall b� applied �o res�oratian �r
<br /> repair of�he Proper�y damaged, if, �n Lender's sole di�cre��on, the restora�ion flr repa�r is e�anomically feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is n�� lessened. �f, �n Lender's sole d�scr�t�on, the restora�ion or repa�r �s na� economica�Xy
<br /> feas�b�e or Lender's se�ur�ty wou�d be lessened,�he insurance proceeds sha11 be applied�o the sums secured�y�his
<br /> Security �nstrument, whether or nat then due, v�i�h any excess pa�d �o Borrower. �f B�rrower abandons the
<br /> Pr�perty, or does n��answer v�ithin�h�number of days prescribed by Applicable Lavv as set forth�n a no�ice from
<br /> Lender to Bflrrower�hat the �nsurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, then Lender ma�c�llec�the insuranc�
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair ❑r restore the Property ar�a pay sums secured by�his Security
<br /> instrument,whether or no��hen due.The period of�ime for Borrower to answer as set f�r�h in the no�ice wi11 begin
<br /> v�hen�he n�tice is g��en.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rr�wer��he�-vvise agree in writing, any appl�catifln flf proceeds to princ�pa� sha11 not extend
<br /> �or pvstpone the due da�e of the paymen�s due under�he Cantract�r change�he amoun��f the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he se��ion t�tled Accelerat�on; Remedie�,the Prop�r�y is acqu�red by Lender, Borrovver's right�o any insurance
<br /> pol�cies and proceeds r�sulting fram damage �� the Property pr�or to th� acqu�s���on sha�1 pass to Lender t� the
<br /> e�tent of the sums secured by this Secur�ty�nstrumen�immed�a�ely prior to the acquis�t�on.
<br /> Preservat�on, Ma�ntenance and Protection of the Property; Barr�wer's Loan Application; Leaseh�lds.
<br /> B�rrawer sha�l nat destr�y, damage or impa�r the Property, a��aw the Property to de�er�arate, �r�ornmit was�e on
<br /> the Pr�perry.Borrovver shall�e�n default if any forfeiture ac�ion or proceeding,whe�her ci�i�ar�riminal,is begun
<br /> �hat in L�nder's good fa��h judgment c�uld resu�� in forfeiture af the Pr�perCy or oth�rwise mater�a�ly �mpair the
<br /> lien Crea�ed by �his Se�urity �nstrumen� �r Lender's secur�ty �nteres�. Borro�ver may �ure such a default and
<br /> reins�a�e, as provided in sectian tit�ed Borrnwer's �iight to R.einstate, by causing�he aG��on ar pr��eeding t�be
<br /> dismiss�d vvith a ru�ing tha�,�n Lender's goo�fa��h de�ermination,preCludes forfeiture flf�he Barr�vver's interes��n
<br /> the Pr�perty or other mater�al impairment of�he 1�en crea�ed by �his Secur�ty �nstrumen� or Lender's securxty
<br /> in�eres�.B�rrov��r shall also be�n defautt if Borr�vver,during the�oan applica��on pro�ess,ga�e mater�ally fa�se or
<br /> inaccurate �nfnrmation or statements to Lender �ar faxled to prov�de Lender v�i�ch any ma�erial znfor�nat�fln} in
<br /> connection with�he �oan e�idenced by the Contract. If th�s Securi�y �nstrument �s on a leasehold, �3orr�v�er shall
<br /> comply v�ith a11 the provxs�ans of�he lease. If Barr�v�rer acquires fee�itle to�he Proper�y,the�easeh�ld and the fee
<br /> ����e sha1�no�merge unless L�nder agrees�o�he merger in�rit�ng.
<br /> Prntect�on �f Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails �o perform �he covenants and agreern�.en�s
<br /> con�ained�n this Se�ur��y�ns�rumen�, or there is a 1ega1 proceeding�hat may signif�antly affect Lender's r�ghts�n
<br /> the Property �such as a proceeding in bankrupt�y, probate, far �ondemna��on or forfe�tur� or to enforce 1a�vs or
<br /> regulatians}, then Lender may do and pa}� far wh�.tever is necessary �o protec� �he va�ue af the Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's r�gh�s in�he Property. Lender's actions nlay�nclude paying any sums se�ured by a Iien whi�h has priarity
<br /> over�h�s Se�urity Instrument, appearing in cour�,pay�ng reasonab�e at�orneys'fees and entering on�he Propert�to
<br /> mak�repairs.A�th�ugh Lender may�ake a�tion under this secti�n,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this sec�ivn sha11 becon�e additiona� debt of Borrov�rer secured b� �his
<br /> Security �nstrumen�. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree �o other ter�ns af payment, these amaun�s sha�l bear
<br /> interest fr�m the da�e of disbursement at the same rate assessed on ad�ances under �he Cantra�� and shall be
<br /> payable,�vi�h interest,upon notice from Lender�a Borra�er re�uest�ng payment.
<br /> C�2604-20�4 C�tnpliance Systems,Inc.4958-59�4-2013L2,3.1.8�3
<br /> C�nsurr�er Real Estate-Security Inst�ment DL2�3d Page 2 of 5 www.complian�esystems.cam
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