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��14�S�4S <br /> full of a�l sums secured by th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Ho�e�er, �his �pt�on sha�� not be exercised by Lender �f <br /> e�ercise is prohibited by fed�ral lav�as of the da�e of this Security Instrun�.en�. <br /> �f Lender exer�ises �h�s o tion, Lender sha�I gi�e Borrov�er �o��ce of accelera�ion. The n�tice s�a1l prov�de a <br /> p <br /> per�od of no� less than�he minimum number �f days established�y Applicable Lavv from�he date �he n�ti�e �s <br /> de�ivered or maiXed within which B�rrower must pay a�� sums secured by th�s Security �ns�.rument. If Borrower <br /> fa�ls ta pay these sums pr�ar�o �he exp�ration of this period, Lender may �n��ke an�remedies perrnitted by �h�s <br /> Secur�ty�nstrumen�withou�fur�her n���ce or deman�i on Borrflwer. <br /> S�rrower's Right to Reinstate. �1f Bflrrawer mee�s certain condi�ions, Borr�v�er sha11 have the righ� to have <br /> enf�rcemen�af�his Se�u.rity�nstrument d�scontinued at any time prior�fl the ear�ier�f: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> per�od as Applicable Lavv may spec�fy for re�nstat�menl�}before sale nf the Pr�perty pursuant to any power of sale <br /> contained �n th�s Security �nstrument; or �b} en� of a �udgmen� enforc�ng th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�. Those <br /> canditions are �hat Borrvwer: �a} pays Lender aI� sums wh��h then wQuld be due under this Securxty Instrumen� <br /> and the�ontrac�as if no acce�eratian had o�curred;�b)cures an�default of any o�h�r covenants or agreemen�s;�c} <br /> pays ali e�penses incurred�n enforc�ng th�s Secur�ty�nstrument, including,bu�not l�mi�ed�o,reasonab�e at�orneys' <br /> fees tu�he extent permitted by 1av�; and(d�takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y re�u�re tfl assure tha��he <br /> lien of�his Security�ns�rument, Lender's r�ghts in th�Property and Borrov�er's oblzgat�on�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by this 5ecurifiy �nstrumen� sha1� contir�ue unchanged. L�pon reinstatement by Borro�er, this S�curity �nstrument <br /> and the ob�igations secured hereby sha�� remain fu1�y effectxve as �f no a�c��eration lhad �ccurred. Hav�ever, �his <br /> r�ght to re�nstate shall na�app�y in the case�f ac�e�era��vn under the section ti�led Transfer of the Pr�perty or a <br /> B�nefcia�Interest in Borrovver. <br /> Hazardaus Substanees.Bor�av�er shal�n�t cause or permit the presence,use, dispflsal, s�flrage, or re�ease of any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Proper�y.Borr�wer sha�1 no�do,nar a�law anyone eXse�o do,anyth�ng affecting <br /> �he Propert� �hat is �n vio�a�ion af any En�irflnmen�a� La�. The preceding �wo sentences sha11 n�� app�y t� �he <br /> pr�senCe,us�,or s�arage on�he Property of sma11 quan���ies of Ha2ardous Su�bstan�es�ha�are generally recognized <br /> to be apprflpria�e t�n�rma�residential uses and�o nzaintenance of�he Proper�y. <br /> Borrovver sha��pramptly gi�e.Lender wr�tten n�tice of any inves�igation,claim,demand,lawsuit or o�her ac�ion by <br /> any ga�ernmenta� �r regulatory agency or pri�a�e par�y in�olving the Properfiy and any Hazardous Subs�ance ar <br /> En�ironmen�al Lav�r �f which Borrov�er has actual knowledge. If Borrovtrer ��arns, or is n���f ed by any <br /> g��ernm.en�al or regulatory au�hflr�ty,�hat any remava�or�ther remediation of any�3azardous Su�stance affect�ng <br /> �he Property �s necessary, Borro�ver shali pramp�ly take a11 necessary remedial a�tions in ac�ordance vv�th <br /> Env�ronm�ntal La�u. <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are th�se substances�efined as toxic ar hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Enviranmen�al La�v and �he fu��avving substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, a�her flammable �r tax�c pe�roxeu.m <br /> produc�s, �oxic pesticides and herb�c�des, �olatile so�vents, materials conta�n�ng asbestos or f�rmaldehyde, and <br /> radioac�i�e materials.As used in�his paragraph, "En�iranmenta�Lav�"means federal laws and�aws of the state of <br /> Nebraska�hat re�ate to heaX�h,safety ar environxnen�a�protect�vn. <br /> Accelerati�n; RQmedies. Lender shal� give no�icQ to Borr�wer prior to accelera�ion fv��owi�g Borrower's <br /> breach of any co�enant or�greement in th�5 Security Instrument or the Contract under wh�ch acce��rati�n <br /> fs permitted �but not priar to acc�lerat��n under the section titled TranSfer of the Property�r a Bene�ciat <br /> Interest in Bvrrower, unless Appli�abie Law pro�ides otherwise}, The notice shali spec�fy: �a} the defau�t; <br /> (b� the action requ�red to cur� the default; �c} a date, not less than the minimum number of days <br /> establ�shed by Applicabie Law fram the date the nat�ce is given t�Borrnwer,by which the defau�t mu�t he <br /> cured; and �d� that failure to cure the default om or hefore the date specif�ed �n the natice may resu�t in <br /> acc��eration af the sums 5ecured �y thi5 Security Ins�rument and sa�e of the Property. To the extent <br /> permitted by law, the notice shal� further �nforr� Barrawer of the right t� reinstate after ac�eleration and <br /> the r�ght to bring a�flurt action to as5ert the non-existence of a d�fa��t�r any�ther def�nse�f Borr�wer to <br /> acc�ieration and sa�e. If the default i� n�t cured on or �a�fore the date specif�ed in the notice,Lender at �ts <br /> vption may require immed�ate payment xn fuil of ail sums secur�d by this Secur�ty InStrument w�thout <br /> furthQr demand and rmay in�o�.e the power af sa�e and any other remed�es perm�tted by App�icab�e Law. <br /> Ta the ex�ent perm�tted by �aw, Lend�r sha�l be ent�tled ta �oliect a�� expenses incurred in pursuing the <br /> remedies prov�ided �n th�s Secti�n, inc�uding, but not�imited to, reas�nable attorneys' fees and cnsts�f title <br /> e�fdence. <br /> If�he pawer�f sale xs invvked,Trustee shall record a natice�f defau�t in each �flunty in whi�h any part of <br /> the Pr�perty i5 lacated and shall mail�npies of suck� nvtice in the manner pres�r�bed by Applicable Law tv <br /> Burrower and to the other p�rson� prescribed 1�y App�i�able Law. After the time r�quired by Appl�cable <br /> Law, Trustee shall g�ve public notic� �f sa�e ta the persons and in the manner prescribed by Appiicab�e <br /> Law. Tru�tee,without demand an Borrower,sha�l sel�the Praperty at public aucti�n t�the highest bidder <br /> a�the t�me and place and under�he terms de5ignated�n th�notic�of sa�e in vne or more par�els and in any <br /> order Trustee determines. Trust�e may pos���ne �a�e af a�l ar any parcel of the Prap�rty by public <br /> annnuncement at the time and place of any previuusly scheduled sai�.Lender ar it�designee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rec�ipt of payment of the pri�e bid, Trustee shal� d�e���er tv the purchaser Truste�'s deed con�eying <br /> the Property. The rec�tal5 in the Trustee'S deed �hal�be prima fac�e evidence of the truth vf the 5tatements <br /> made therein, Trustee sha�l apply the praceeds af the sale in the fv���wing order: (a� to all cos�s and <br /> expen�es of exer��sing the power of sa�e, and the 5a�e, including the payment�f thQ Trustee's fees actua�ly <br /> �20Q4-2�14 Compliar�ce Systems,Inc,4958-5g�4-2Q13L2.3.1.843 <br /> �ansumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2435 Pa�e 4 of 5�liancesys�ems.cQm <br />