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��14�75�� <br /> required b� RESPA, and Borro�v�r shal� pay�a Lend�r�he amount ne�e�sary tn make up�he de�c�ency in <br /> accordance with RESPA, �ut�n no more�han ��m.anthi�paym�nts. <br /> Upon paym�nt in ful�of a�� sums secur�d by thi� Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund �o <br /> Borrow�r any Funds h��d b�r Lend�r. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrov�er sha��pay a�I taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and zmposi�ians attri�utable to <br /> �he Fr�per�y which can a�ta�n priari�y over this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, �easeho�d paym�ents or ground ren�s on <br /> �h�Prop�rty, if any, and Cammuni�y Assoc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and A�ses�ments, if any. T�the extent�hat <br /> these it�ms ar�Escrow �t�ms, Borrower sha��pa�r �herr�in the manner pravided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shal�promp��y d�scharge any lien�rhic�has priarit�over this Secur��y �ns�rument unless <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees in writing tv the paymen�af�he ob�zgat�on secured b��he lien in a manner acceptable <br /> to Lender, bu�on�y so Ion�as B�rrawer is perform�ng such agreenr��nt; �b}can�ests the lien in good fa��h by, <br /> or defend� agains�enf�rc�men�of the���n in, �ega� proceedings which in L�nder's�pinian opera�e to prewent <br /> the enfarc�ment of the�ien whi�e�ho�e pra�eedings are pending, bu�anly un�i� such proceedings are <br /> canc�uded; or�c} secures fram�h�halder of�he lien an agreement sa�isfactory�o L�nder subardinatzng th� <br /> lien to th�s Security Instrument, If Lend�r determines that any par�of��e Proper�y is �ubj�ct t�a�ien whzch <br /> can attain priori�y aver�hi� Securzty Instrument, Lender may g�ve Barraw�r a notice�d�nt�f��ng the lien. <br /> '�ithin ��days af the date�n wh�ch that no��ce�s gi�en, B�rr��er sha�� satisfy�he��en�r take one or more <br /> of�he actznns se�forth abo�e in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower��pay a onew�im�charge for a rea� esta�e�ax verificati�n andlor repor��ng <br /> service used by Lender in cann��t�on with thzs L�an. <br /> 5. Prvperty fnsurance. BarrQv�er�hal�keep the improv�ments now existing�r hereafter erec��d an�he <br /> Proper�y �nsured aga�nst lass by f�re, hazards included wi�hin the term "�xtended cov�rage," and any oth�r <br /> �azards including, bu�nat lirn�t�d t�, earthquak�s and floods, far which Lend�r requ�r�s in�uran��. Th�s <br /> insurance shall be mainta�ned�n�he amounts �inClud�ng deduct�b�e���els} and for�he periods that L�nd�r <br /> requires. �hat Lender requires pursuan�ta the preced�ng sen�enc�s can chang�during the term�f t�e Loan. <br /> Th�insurance�;arrier pro�id�ng the�nsurance sha11 be chosen by Borrower sub�eCt�� Lender's right�� <br /> �iisappro�e Borrnwer's choice, wh�ch r��ht shall not��e�ercised unrea�onably. Lender may requ�re <br /> Barrower�o pay, �n connect�fln with this Loan, either: �a} a one-t�me charge f�r fload zane determinat�an, <br /> cer����ca��on and tracking ser�ices; or�b} a�ne-�ime char��for flood zan�determina�i�n and Cer�i�cat��n <br /> �erWic�s and sub�equent charges�ach�ime remapp�ng�or sirni�ar changes a�cur which reasanabXy mzght <br /> affe��such det�rmina�ion or cert��cat�on. Borrov�er shall a�so be respansibl�for the paymen�of any fe�s <br /> �mpo��d by�he F�dera� Emergenc�r N�anagemen�Agency in connec�ian with�he rev�ew of any f�aod zone <br /> deternuna�ian re�u�t�ng from an objection by Barrower. <br /> �f Borrower fa�ls to maintain any of�he���erag�s descr�bed above, Lender may�btain insurance co�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and Barr�wer's�xpens�. L�nder is under no abligation to purchase any par�xcu�ar type or <br /> am�unt�f c��erage. Th�r�for�, suc�c�v�rage sha��cover Lend�r, but r�ught or m�gh�nfl�protect Borraw�r, <br /> Barraw�r's�qu�ty �n the Prt�per�y, �r�he contents of the Proper�y, agains�an�r�sk, hazar�i ar�iabi�i��and <br /> m�.ight pro�zde grea�er or Iesser co�erage�han was pr��iously in effect. Bflrrower ackn�wl�dg�s�hat�he cos� <br /> of the insurance co�erage so ob�ained might si�nif�cantly exceed the c�st�f�nsurance that Borrower c�u�d <br /> have abtained. Any amounts�isbursed by Lender und�r this Sect�on 5 sha11 bec�me add�t��nal debt of <br /> Borr�wer secured by th�s 5e�urzty �nstruxnent. 'Th�s�amaunts shali b�ar in�eres�at t�e Note rate from the <br /> date of disbursement and shal�be payable, with such in�erest, upon n�t�Ce from Lender ta Borrower <br /> request�ng payment. <br /> N�BRASKA-5inc�le�amily-Fannie Masl�reddie Mac UNI�DRM tNSTRUMENT Fvrm 342$11�7 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEy t1342� <br /> WvIters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 6 of 17 <br />