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��14�75�� <br /> Al� �nsurance poli�ies r�quzred h� Lender and r�newals�f such palicies shal��� sub�ect�a Lend�r's right ta <br /> d�sapprove such policies, shali inc�ude a s�andard mortgage clause, and sha�� name Lender as mflr�gagee <br /> andlor as an additiona� Ioss payee. Lend�r shall ha���he right to ho�d the po�ic�es and renev�al cer�ifica�es. If <br /> Lender requires, Borrower sha�l promp�ly�xve�o Lender a�� receipts of paid prem�ums and ren�wal no�ices. <br /> If Borrower ob�a�ns an� form of insurance�overage, not ntherwise required by Lender, far damage to, or <br /> destruction of, the Praper�y, such policy sha�� �nc�ude a standard m�r�gage clause and shall name L.�nder as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an additional lnss pa�ee. <br /> �n the e�en�flf l�ss, Bo�rrawer shall gi�re promp�notice to the insuranCe carrier and Lender. Lender rnay <br /> make proof of�oss if no�made prompt��b� B�rrawer, Un��ss Lender and Borrower�therw�se agr�e in <br /> vvri�ing y an� insurance pro�eeds, whether or no�the under�ying insurance vvas r�quired by Lender, shall be <br /> appl�ed to re��ora�ion or repaxr of the Pr�per��, if�he restorat�an or repair is econom�cally f�asible and <br /> Lender's se�uri�y is not lessened. During such repair and res�oration per�od, Lender sha11 ha�e the righ�t� <br /> ha�d such �nsurance pro�e�ds unt�l Lender has had an oppor�un�t�to inspect suCh Proper�y�o ensure�he <br /> wark has�een c�mp�eted to Lender's satisfa�tian, prov�ded that�uch inspection�ha�l be under�ak�n <br /> �r�mptly, I�nder ma�r d�shurs�proc�eds far�he repairs and restoration�n a sing�e paymen�or in a series af <br /> progress pa�rn�nts as the work �s�nmpleted. Unless an agreemen��s made in writing flr Appl��able Law <br /> requires interes��o be paid�n such insurance proceeds, L.ender sha11 nat be required�o pay Borrov�er an�r <br /> interest or earnings�n such praceeds. Fees far pub�iC adjust�rs, or other third par�ies, re�ained by Borrower <br /> shall not b�paid out of the insurance proceeds and shall �e the sole obl�ga�ion of Borrower. If�he res�oration <br /> or repair is no�economically feas�b�e or Lender's security wou�d b�lessened, the insuranc�proceeds sha��be <br /> app��ed t��he sums s�cur�d by�h�s �ecur���r �nstrunzen�, wheth�r or not�hen due, with�he excess, if an�r, <br /> paid fio Borrower. Such insuran�e proceeds shall be app�ied�n the arder pr��ided fflr Xn Sec��on�. <br /> If Borrower abandans the Praperty, Lender may f�le, nego�ia�e and se���e any a�ailabie insurance c�aim and <br /> related mat�ers. �f Borrovver does not respond wxthin 3�da}�s �o a no�ice fram Lender tha�the �nsurance <br /> carrier has�ffered ta settle a claim, then Lender may negntia�e and set��e�he��a�m. The 3a-day per�ad v�r��� <br /> begin v�hen�he notice�s��ven. �n e�ther e��nt, or if Lender acquires��e Pr�per��under Se�t�on 2�or <br /> oth�rw�se, Borrower here�y assigns to Lender�a} Borrawer's righ�s�o any �nsuran�e proceeds in an amount <br /> nat�o e�cee��he amounts unpaid under�he�at�or th�s Security Instrument, a.���b} an�a�her of <br /> Borr�wer's rights �ather than�he right�o an�refund�f unearned premiums paid by Borrower}under a�l <br /> insuranc�pali�ies cover�ng the Propert�, insofar as such r�ghts are appl�cable to the coverage of the <br /> Proper��. Lender may use�he insurance prfl�e�ds e�ther��repair or res��re the Proper�y or to pay amoun�s <br /> unpaid under the N�te or�h�s Se�ur��y �nstrument, vvheth�r or no�then du�. <br /> �. �]ccupancy. Bnrrower sha�l occup�, estab�ish, and use�he Prop�rty as Borravver's princ�pa� res�dence <br /> wi�hin 6�days after�h�exe�ution af th�s Security Instru7ment and shall Gon�inue�o oc�upy the Proper�y as <br /> Barr�wer's pr�ncipal residene� far a�least one year af�er the date�f oc�upancy, un�ess Lender other�v�se <br /> agrees �n wr�t�ng, which consent shail no�be unreasflna�iy v�i�hheld, �r un�ess e�tenuat�ng circumstances <br /> exis�which are beyond Borrower's control. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenanc� and Pratectivn of the �'rvperty; �nspect�ons. Borr�v�er sha11 not destroy, <br /> damag�or impair�he Property, allaw th�Proper�� to deter��rate or comm�.t was��on the Proper��r. �hether <br /> o�not Borro�er is residing in the Proper�y, Borrower shal� ma�nta�n the Proper�y in ord�r to prevent�he <br /> Property from deteriora�ing or decreas�ng �n�ralue due to its condition. Unless it is determined pursuan�to <br /> Section S tha�repair or restora�ion is not ecanornicaily feas�ble, Borrav�er sha�i promp���repair�he Propert� <br /> if damaged to a�oid fur�her deteriorat�on or damage. �f�nsurance or condemna�ion proce�ds are paid in <br /> cannec��an wi�h damage ta, �r�he tak�ng af, �he Proper��r, Borrower sha�l�e responsibl�for repairing ar <br /> restoring the Property only if Lender has re�eased proceeds for such purp�ses. Lender may disburse pr�c�eds <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Family-Fanni�MaelFrer#die Mac UNIFOftM iNSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3028 1!41 <br /> VMP Q VMP6=NE){13�2f <br /> Walt�rs Kluwer Financia!5er�ices Page 7 vf'i 7 <br />