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<br /> satisfa�tion,pr��xded that such inspecti�n shall be und.ertal�en promptly.Lender may pay for the repairs
<br /> and restoratian rn a single�lisbursement or in a series of progress payments as the�vork is c�m�l.eted. �
<br /> Unless an agreement rs made in writ�g or Appircab�e Law requires interest to be paid❑n such
<br /> Miscellane�us Proceeds,Lender sha1X not be required ta pay Borrower an� interest a�earnings on suc�.
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. If the rest�rat�on vr rep�ir is not econorn�cally feasibYe or Lender's security ulould
<br /> be ressened,the Nl�sce�Iane�us Proceeds s�al�be applied to th� sun�s secured�y this Security Instn�.nzent,
<br /> �hether Qr not then due,with the e�cess, �f any,paid to Borrower. ��c�i Misce�laneous Pracee�s shal�be
<br /> applied in the order�rovidecl f�r in Section 2.
<br /> In the event of a total tal�ing, destructian, or loss in value�f the Property,the Miscellan�ous Proce�ds shall
<br /> be appl�ed ta the sums secu.red by this Securiiy Instn�.ment,whether or not then due,wit�i the e�cess, if any, .
<br /> paid to Barro�er.
<br /> In the event of a partial taking, �lestxuct�on, or Iass��.value of the P�oper�y u�w�iich the fai�market value of ;
<br /> t�ie Pr�perty immediately before the partial�ng, destruct�an., or�flss in value is equal to ar greater tba�the
<br /> a.m.�unt of the sums secured by this Security Instn�m.ent immed�ate�y befor�the par�ial taking, destx�u.ction, or
<br /> �oss in value,unless B�rrower an�I Lender otherwise agre��n writi.ng,the sums secured by th�is Security
<br /> Instrument shall be reduced tay th�amount of the Misceiiane�us Proceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> fraction: �a�th�tot�l amount of t�ie swms secured immediately before the partial tak�ng, destru�ti�n, vr�oss
<br /> in value divided�by �b}�ie fair�narket value of the Propert~y immecliately before the partial�aking,
<br /> destruct�on, or�oss i�vaiue. Any balance shall be paid tv Borrower.
<br /> In the eve�t of a partial tak�ng, destruct�on, or lass Yn value af the Proper�y�n which the fair nzarket value of
<br /> the Property�mm�diately before tbe partial taking, �.estruction., or Ioss�n va.�.ue is less tha.n the amount�f the ,
<br /> sums secured immediate�y befare the pa.rtial taking, destruction, o��vss in value,uxil.ess Barrav�er and
<br /> I�ender otherwise agree in writing, the Nliscellaneo�s Pr�ceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by tbis
<br /> Security Instru.ment vvhether or not the sums�re tben due. =
<br /> �
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrawer, or if, aft�r notice by Lender to Borrower that the�pposing Part�y .
<br /> (as defined in t�.e ne��t sentence� �ffers to ma.ke an award t� settle a claim�or damages,Borrau�er fails ta
<br /> responc�to Lender within 3� d.a.ys aft�r the date the notice is given,Lender is authari�ed t� collect and apply
<br /> �Jhe Miscellan.eous Proceeds ezther to�estoration or repair af the Propex�y or t�the sums secured by th�s
<br /> Security Instru�nent,whether or nvt then due. "�ppas�ng Par�y" nseans the third pazty that ov�es Barrower
<br /> Miscellar�e�us Proceeds ar the party against tivhom Borrower has a right of act�on in regard to Nliscelianeaus
<br /> Praceeds. �
<br /> Borrower s�ll be i.n default if any act�on❑r�racee�ling,whether civi.�.ar criminai, is begun that, �n Lender's
<br /> judgment, caul�i result i.n forferture of the Property or oth�r material u.�pairment of Len�.e�'s interest in the
<br /> Properly or rights unc�e�t.�us Security In.strument. Borro�er�an eure such a default and, if accelera�ion has
<br /> accurred, rein.state as provided in Sec�.on 19,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismrssed with a �
<br /> ruiing tbat, in Lender's judgment,prec�udes forfeitur�of the Property or nther m.aterial impairment of
<br /> Lender's interest in th�Proper�y� or rights under thi.s Security Instru.ment. The proceeds nf any a�vard or
<br /> claim for damag�s t�iat are attributabie t�the�mpairment af Lender's interest xn the Propexty a�.are hereby
<br /> assigned and shall be paid t�Len�e�.
<br /> A�Miscellaneous]P�oceeds�at are not app�xed to restoration or repair of the Propezty shall be ap�p��ed in the
<br /> arder prav��ed�ar in Sect�an 2.
<br /> NEBRASKA�ingfe Family-Fannie MaeJFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRL]MENT Fvrm 3�28'I1�'i
<br /> VMP CR7 VMP6(NE}('[302}.0�
<br /> Walter�K[uwer Financial Ser�ices Page 10 0#'17
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