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Such loss reserve shall be non-refundab�e, <br /> notw�thstanding the fact t�at the Loan is ultim.atel.y paid in fu�.�., and Lender shall not be re�uired to pay <br /> Borrawer any interest or earnings on such Iass reserve. Len�er can n�Xonger require loss reserve payments <br /> if Martgage In�urance coverage �in the amount and for��a.e period that Lender requires�provided b�an <br /> �nsurer selected b�Lender again becom�s avaixa�bie, is ol�tai.n.ed, and Len�.�r requxres s�parate�y designated <br /> payments taward the premiums for Mortgage InsuranCe. If Lender required 1Vloztgage Insuran.ce as a <br /> condz.tion of making the Loan and Borrawer v�as rec�uired to make separately des�g�n�ted payments totivard the <br /> premiums for Mortgage Insurance,Borrower shall pay the premiums maintaiin Mortgage <br /> Insurance xn e�ect, or to provid�a n�n refundable��ss reserve,until Lender's requi.arement for Mortgage <br /> In.suran.ce ends��accordance w�th any�ritken agreement bet�veen Borrower and Lender for su�h <br /> ternux�.t�on ar untai�term�nation is required by ApplicabYe Law.Nothing in thi.s Section 1�affects <br /> Borrower's obligatian to pay interest at the ra.te pravxded in the Note. <br /> Mo�gage In�urance reimburses Lender�ar any entity that purchases the N�te}for cer�ain�osses Yt nlay i.ncur <br /> if Borrov�er does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borro�er is not a pariy to the Mortgage Insurance. � <br /> Martgage insurers evaluate theYr ta�a1 risk an all such in.surance in force from tune to�in�.e, and may enter <br /> into agreements wxth other par�ies that share or modify their risk, or reduce l.�sses. These agreements are on : <br /> terms ax�.d condit�ons that are sa�isfactory ta the m�rtgage insurer and the other party �or parties�to t�iese - <br /> agreements. Th�se agreements xna.y require the mort.gage insurer to make payments using any source of funds . <br /> that the mortgage�nsurer xnay have available �whrch may include funds oYrtaYned frQm Mortgage Insurance <br /> premrums�. <br /> As a resu.�.t of these agreements,Len�ier, any purch,as�r of the Note, anather xnsurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> ent�ty, or any a�f�liate of any of the foregoing, may receive �clirectly or indirect�y} arr�ounts that d�rive from <br /> �or might be characteri�ed as� a portion of B�rro�er's payments for Martgage Ins�ance, rn exc� for <br /> shar�ng or m�difying the mortgage insurer's risk, ar reducing�osses. ]C�such agreement provides that an <br /> af�lYate of Lender tal�es a share of the�nsurer's risi�in e�change for a share of the premiums pai�i to the <br /> ir�surer,the arra.ngement is aften t�rmed"captive reYnsura.nce."Further: . <br /> �a�� �y such�g��enrne�.�s w�ll n���f��$the�naaux�ts�hat�orro��er h�s agre���� ���for 1VIor-�g�ge � <br /> I�su�-��e,�r�y�ther���s��the I�oa�. Su��.��ee�en��s w�ll not���r��s�th��.���t <br /> �o�-r�vver���ll�v�r�f�r IVia�g�g�I�sur��e,a�d�h�y w���mo�e�t�tl��ox-�r��v�r to �.�.y r���d. <br /> �b� �y 5u�h�gr�e��nts w�ll��t��c�th�r�ghts�o�ro�v�r�.as-��y-�v�.th res���t t�t�e <br /> 1VI��g�ge I�sur�.n.�����er�th���ffi���vn�rs Prot�c�ion.�ct of 199�or�y�t��r���. T��se�.ghts <br /> ��y�nclude th�ri.���to �����v�cert�� dz5cl.osu��ss to r�qu�st a�d��t��.��������aon�f th� <br /> Nloa�g�ge I�suran�e,to have t��1VI��ga�ge Insu���e t�rmn.xnated��.��na.����lly, an.d1��to r����v� <br /> �r�fu�.���a�y IVIo�b�ge�sur���pr���u�.s tl�at w�re�xne��d at t��t���f such <br /> ��c�������or ter�����io�. <br /> 'I'I. �I�s�g�r�en��f�llis���l����us�r���eds;ForF�itu��.All Misce��anevus Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> an�sha11 be paid t�Lender. . <br /> If the P�apexty is damaged, such Nliscel�aneous Proceeds sha.11 be app��ed to restoration or repair af the <br /> Property, if the restorat�on or r�pair i.s economicaliy feasible and Lender's security is not Iessened. During <br /> such re�aair and restora.t�on perivd,Lender shali hav�the right ta hold such Miscellaneaus Proceeds unt�1 <br /> Lender has had an appoxtu�ity to inspe�t such Propex�ty to ensure the work has been]Le�der's <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami[y-Fannie NlaeJFreddie Mac LlN1F�RM[NSTRL]N1ENT Form 3028�109 � <br /> VNiP C�7 VMP6�NE}{'13D2}.00 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 9 af'[7 <br />