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��14�7��� <br /> in�eres� from the da�e of dis�ursem�nt at the same rate assessed on advances under �he C�ntract and shall be <br /> payable,with zn�er�s�,upon no���e fram.Lend�r�o B�rrower reques��ng payment. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender �r ��s ager�� may make rea�onab�e entries upon and ins�ections of the Prnper�y. Lender sha�� <br /> g�ve Barrower not�ce at�he��me of or prior�a an inspection�pecifying reasonab�e cause far�he ixa.spect�o�.. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, dire�t or cons�quen�xa�, �n cox�nec�ion wi�h any <br /> cand�mna��on or o�h�r takxng of ar�y part af�he Fr�pez-�y, or for ��nveyance �n �xeu of candemnation, are hereby <br /> assign�d and sha11 b�pa�d�o Lender. <br /> �n�he �ven� of a�ota1 �aking af�he Proper�y, �h� proceeds shall be applied to �he sums secured by tih�s S�cur�ty <br /> Instrument, whe�her �r no� �hen due, with any excess pa�d to B�rrower. In �he even� of a par��a� ta�C�ng vf�he <br /> Property in whzch the fair market va�ue �f the Prvperty immediate�� b�fore the �aking is equai to or grea�er than <br /> the amoun� of�h� sums se�ured by �hzs ��curity Instrumen� immed�a���y before the taking, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender fltherv�ise agree zn wri�ing,�he sums secured by�his Security Instrumen�sha��b�reduced by the amount of <br /> �he proceeds mul��p�z�d by�he follov��ng fra�tzon: �a}the t�ta�amount of�he sums secured immedia�e�y bef�re�he <br /> �aking, d�vxded by (�} the fa�r market �a1ue of�he Proper�y �mmediate�y before th� takzng. Any balance sha�l be <br /> pazd to Borr�wer. In the even� of a par�ial taking of�he Praperty in which the fa�r market valu� of�he Pro�erty <br /> immed�a�e�y befor� the taking is Iess than the amount of�he sums secured immediate�y befflre �he taking, un�ess <br /> Barrower and L�nder o�herw�se agr�e zn vvri�ing or un�ess App��cable Lav��therwise pra�ides, �h�pra�eeds shali <br /> be applied to the sums b�th�s Securifiy Instrument v�he�her or no�the sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Pro�erty is abandaned by Borr�wer, �r�f, after notice b�Lender�o Borrower that�he c�nc�emnor offers to <br /> make an award or s�t��e a c�a�m far damages, Borrov�er fa�ls�o respond to Lender wi�h�r�the m�n�mum numb�r of <br /> days established by Appl�cabl�Law after the da�e�he not�ce is g��en,Lender is au�horzzed ta collec�and apply�he <br /> pro�eeds, a� �ts op�ian, ei�her ta res�ora�ian ar repair �f the Pr�perry ar �o �he sums se�ured by this Se�ur�ty <br /> Instrumen�,v�hether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrovc�er otherw�se agree �n wr���ng, an�applzcat�on of pr�c�eds�o principal sha�l not extend <br /> or p�s�pon�the due date af the paymen�s due under the Cant�ac�or change�he amaun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not Released; Farbearance By Lender Not a Wa��er. E�tension of the tzme far payment or <br /> mod�fcation af amor�ization of t�ie sums secured by th�s Security �nstrumen� gra.n�ed by Lend�r�o Borrower or <br /> any suc�essor �n interes� of Borrower shal� no� apera�e �o release the liability af the �rig�na� B�rrower or <br /> Borravver's successors xn interest. Lender shal�no�be requ�red�n cammence pr�ceedings agains�any success�r�n <br /> �n�eres�or refus�to e��end t�me for paymen��r o�herw�se m�dif�amortizari�n af the sums secur�d by�h�s Secur�fiy <br /> Ins�rument by r�as�n �f any demand made by the origznal Bflrrawer ar Borr�v�er's successars in �nterest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerczs�ng any right ar remedy shall n��be a waiver af or prec�ude�he exerc�se af any <br /> r�ght or remedy. <br /> Succes5ars and Ass�gns Bound; Jain� and Severa� Liab���ty; Acc�mmodati�n S�gner5. The ca�renan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of this Security�nstrumen� shall bind and benef��he succ�ssors and assigns of Lender and BorrovWer, <br /> subject t� �he pr��isians �f section txtled Transfer of the Praperty or a Benef�c�a� Interest xn Borrawer. <br /> Borrawer's cfl�enar�ts and agreemen�s shall�e join�and severa�. Any person vvho co-signs thzs Securi�y�nstrumen� <br /> but has no persanal Iiab����y und�r �he �ontract �"Acconamoda�ian S�gner"�: �a} is ca-signir�g �his Secur��y <br /> �nstrument anly �o mor�gag�, grant and convey �ha� Accommoda�ion S�gner's interest in �he Property under the <br /> terms flf �he Securi�y �nstrumen�; �b} �s na� personally �biigated �a pay �he sums secur�d by th�s Secur��y <br /> �ns�rumen�; and�c}agrees�ha�Lender and any��her Borrovver may agree�o extend, m�dif}�, forbear or make any <br /> accommoda��ons v���h regard�o�h�terms af this Securi�y Instrument or�he�ontrac�wzthau�tha�Accommoda�i�n <br /> 5�gner's consent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f�he Ioan secured by �h�s Secur�ty Instr�zmen� �s subject �a a �aw v�hich se�s max� �oan <br /> charges, and tha��aw is f nally interpre��d so that the i�.�erest�r other�oan charges co��ec�ed or�o be�ollected in <br /> conne��zon w�th the �aan exceed th� perm�tted iim�ts, �hen: (a} any such �oan charge shal� be reduced �y the <br /> amount n�cessary�a reduce�he charge to the perm�tted li.mi�s and�b} any sums a�ready c�Ilected from Borrav��r <br /> which e��eeded permit�ed �imxts vvil� be refunded ta B�rrower. Lender may ch�ase to make th�� refund by <br /> redu�ang the principa� owed under�he �ontract or by mak�ng a direct paymen��o Borrovwer. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,the reduction wi�l be treated as a�ar�xal prepayment under�the Contract. <br /> Notices. Any natic� �� Borrower pravided for �n �his Security �nstrum�nt sha�� be g��en by delivering �t or by <br /> ma���ng��by fzrst�lass mail un�ess Applicab�e Lav�rec�uires use of ano�her meth�d. The n��ice sha��be d�rec�ed t� <br /> the Proper�y Address or any o�her address Bflrrower deszgna�es by nntice to Lender. Borrawer agrees�� pro��de <br /> Lender�rr�h Borrower's mos� curren�ma�ling address, as zt may �hange from�iume-�a-��.me. Any not���to Lender <br /> sha��be gzven by f rst class mai�ta Lender's address sta�ed h�rein or any o�her address Lender designa��s by no�ice <br /> �a Borrawer. Any n�t�c�pro�ided for in th�s Security I�.strument sha��be deemed to have been g�wen�o Borrov�er <br /> or Lender when g��en as provided in th�s paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; Se�erab���ty.This Security��sha��be�overned by federallaw and the�aws�f the state <br /> of Nebraska. In the e�en� �hat any prov�sion �r clause of�hxs Secur��y �nstrumen� or the Cantract conflicts wi�h <br /> Applicable Lav�r, such conflict sha11 not affect oth�r pravis�ons of�his Securxty �nstrumen� or the Contrac� whxch <br /> can be given effec�v�ith�u��he conflzcting pra�isian.To this end the pro�is�nns of th�s S�curi�.y Ins�rumen�and�he <br /> �on�ract are declared t�be severable. <br /> Barrovver's�opy.Borrower sha�l be given one copy of�h�s Secur�ty Instrum.ent. <br /> �2�04-2�14�ampiia�ce Systems,Ir��.4�58-DFII3-2a13L2.3.1.803 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Ir�strumet�c DL2�3b Pa�e 3 of 5 www.c� <br />