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��14�7��� <br /> Transfer of�he Property or a B�nef�c�ai Interes�in Borrower. �f aIl ar any part�f the Pro�pe�.y or any interest <br /> in it is sold or transferred �or if a �beneficial in�erest in Borrower is sold or transferred anc�. B�rr�wer is no� a <br /> natura� person} wi�hou� Len�er's prior writt�n �onsen�, Lender may, at its option, requ�r� im�med�a�� payrn�n� in _ <br /> f�ll of all sums by this S��uri�y Instrument. Ho�ve�rer, this �ption sha�I not be ex�}rcis�d by L�nder if <br /> exercise is pr�hib��ed by f�deral lavv as of the date of�h�s Security Instrumen�. <br /> If Lender exercises �his opti�n, Lender shal� gi�re Borrovver no��ce vf acc���ration. The na�t�c� sha�� pro��de a <br /> �er��d of not Iess than �he minimum number of days established by Appli�able Lav� from ��e date �he notice xs <br /> del�vered or mailed vwi�h�n wh�ch Borrower mus� pay a1� sums secured by �his Security �nst�umen�. If Borrovver <br /> fails �o pay these sums prior �� th� expi.ratx�n af this per�od, Lender may �nvoke any r�medi.�s permitted by this <br /> Securi�y Instrument v�ithout fur�her nat�ce or d�mand an Borrov�er. <br /> �orrovver's Righ�t to Reinstat�. If Borrower mee�s �er�a�n cond�t�ons, Borrov�er shall ha�fe �he righ� to ha�e <br /> enf�rcemen��f this Security Instru.ment dis�on�inued at any time pr�or���he earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such a�her <br /> per��d as Applrcable Lavv may specify for re�nstatemen�}before sale of�he Proper�y pursuant�o any power of sale <br /> conta�ned in this Secu.ri�y Instrument; or ��} entry �f a judgment enforcing �h�s Secur��y �nstrumen�. Those <br /> conditions are �hat Barrower: �a� �ays Lend�r all sums which �hen would be due u.nd�r th�s Securxty �ns�rument <br /> and the�an�ract as if no ac�e�era���n had occurred;�b}cures any default of any other�ov�nan��s or agreements;�c� <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enfor��ng�his Security Instrurnen�, including,bu�na��im��ed�o,r�easanable at�orneys' <br /> f�es to th� exten�permit�ed by law; and�d}�akes such action as Lend�r may reasonably requ�re�❑ assure tha�the <br /> Ii�n�f this Secur�ty Instrumen�, Lende�'s righ�s �n�he Property and Borrower's abligatian to pay the sums secured <br /> by t�is Security �nstrument shall c�n�inue ur�changed. Upon reinsta�ement by Bo�rro�ver, th�s Security �ns�rument <br /> and the flbliga�ions s��ured here�y shali remain ful�y effective as if n� accelera�ifln had oc�L�rred. Ho�ever, this <br /> righ��o re�nsta�e sha1l no�apply in the case o�accelera�ion under the s���ron�i��ed Tran�fer o:�the Pr�perty or a <br /> �en�fi�ia�Interes�in Borrower. <br /> Ilazardous Substances. Barrower shall not�ause flr permit the presence,use, disp�sal, st�ra��e, flr re�eas�of any <br /> �-�aza.rdous Subs�an�es on ar�n�he Property.Borr��ver shall nat do,nor aliow any�ne else�o d�3,anyth�ng affe�ting <br /> �he Pr�pert� tha� �s �n ��ola�ion of any Env�anmenta� Lav�. The preced�ng two sen�ences sh.all not apply to �he <br /> pres�nce,use,or storage on the Properry of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are��enerally r��ognized <br /> ta be appropria�e to narmal res�dential uses and to main�ena.nce flf�he Pr�perry. <br /> �orrower shal�promp�Iy gi�e Lend�r wr�tten n��ice of any in�es�igati�n,c�aim,demaz�d, or other action by <br /> a�y governmental or regulatory agency or private parCy involving �he Prop�rty and any Haz��rd�us 5uhstance or <br /> Env�ronmen�al Law of which Borrov�er has actual kn�v�Iedge. If B�rrawer Iearns, ar �s na��f ed by any <br /> g�vernmen�al or regu�at�ry au�hori�y,that an�remflval or v�her remedia�ian of any�azardous Subs�ance affecting <br /> the Froperty is necessary, Bflrra�ver shall promp�ly take all ne�essary remed�a� ac�ions :in accordance v���h <br /> Envir�nmen�al Law. <br /> As used �n th�s paragraph, "Ha2ardaus Substances" are those substances defined as�flxi� ar h�.zardaus substanc�s <br /> �y Envi.ronmental Law and �he fall�wing s�bs�ances: gasol�ne, kerosene, ather flammable or toxic p�troleum <br /> p�oducts, �axic pesti�ides and h�rbicides, �ala��le solvents, mater�als cantaining asbestos or f�rmaldehyde, and <br /> radioactive ma�eria�s.As used�n this paragraph, "Environmentai Law"means federal lavvs and laws of�he s�a�e�f <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e�a health, safe�y or en��ronr�ental pro�ec�ion. <br /> A��elera�ion; Remedies. Lender �hall gi�e n�tice to Borrvwer prior to acce�erativn fa��Iav�ing I3orrower's <br /> b�-ea�h of any covenant or agreemen�in this Secur�ty Instrument or the�ontract under��hich acce�erati�n <br /> is perrr�it�ed �but no� prior to ac�eleration under the 5ect�on tit�ed Transfer vf the Property or a Benef�cial <br /> Intere�t in Borr�wer, un�ess Appiicab�e Law pro�ides atherr7vise}. The noti�e shai�spe�x:ey: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b} �he ac�ion required ta cur� the def�ult; �c) a date, not less than th� �ninimum number of days <br /> e�tabli�hed by Applicable Law from the date the notice is given t�Borrower, b�which tl�e default must be <br /> cured; and �d) that failure to cure the default an or befnre the date �pec�f�ed �n the nc�tice m�y result �n <br /> a�ce�era�ion af the sum� secured by �his Security In�trument and sale of �he Prope�*tye Ta �he extent <br /> p�rm�tted by �aw, the notice sha�l further �nform Borr�w�r of the right to re�nsta�e af�er a�celeration and <br /> ��ue right tv br�ng a caurt ac��on t�assert the nan-exis�en�e of a defauit or any o�her defe�ase of B�rrower to <br /> acce�er�tian and sale. If the defa�l�is not�ured on or bef�re the date spe�ifi�d �n the �t�ti�e, Lender at its <br /> option may require �mmed�ate �ayment in fuil of a�l �um� 5ecured �y �h�� S��urity Instrume�� withou� <br /> f�rther demand and may in�nke the power of sa�e and any other remedies �ermitted b;� .+A�pplicab�e Law. <br /> T� t�e ex�en� permitt�d by law, Ler�der sha�� be entitled to �ollec� a�� expe�se� in�urr��d in pur�u�ng the <br /> r�medies prov�ded in this Se�ti�n,includin�, but not�imited to, reasonable at�vrneys' f�es and c�s�s of titie <br /> ���den�e. <br /> If th�pflwer�f sale is in�oked,T�rustee shal� record a nvtice af defaul�in each county�n which any par� of <br /> the Prvperty is I�ca�ed and shai�maii copi�s of su�h no���e in th�manner pre�cri�ed by��pplicabi�Law to <br /> Borrower and to the other persons prescr�bed by Appiicable Law. After the time re��ired by Appiicab�e <br /> Laws Trustee shall give publ�c n�tice vf sale to the persanS and in the manner prescr�bed by .A�.pp�i�able <br /> Law. Tru�tee,without demand on B�rrower,sha�l se�l the Property at public auction ta�the highe�t bidder <br /> at th�t�me and place and und�r t�ie t�rms designat�d�n the noti�e of sa�e in o�e or mare��arcel�and in any <br /> or°de�- 'T`rustee determine5. Trustee �na� pvstpon� sale of a�l or any parcel of the �'�•oper�y by publie <br /> amnouncement at�he time and p�ace af any previou�ly��heduled sale. Lender or�ts des�gne�may purcha�� <br /> the Froper�y at any sale. <br /> Uparn r�ceipt af payment of�h� pri�e bid, TruStee sha�� d�Ii�er ta the purchaser Trust�Q's deed conv�ying <br /> �he Fr�perty, The recitals in th��rustee's deed shali be prima facie ev�dence�f�he�ruth of�he s�atiem�n�s <br /> C�2944-2414 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.4958-DF 1 D-2D�3L2,3.1.8Q3 <br /> Cvnsumer ReaI Estate-Sec�rity Instn.ament BL2�35 Page 4 of 5 www, <br />