<br /> Payment of Principal and In�ere�t; �ther�harges.Borrawe�shal�promptly pay v�hen due�he pr�nci�a�of and
<br /> in�erest on�he de1�t owed under the Contrac�and Iate�harges or any o�her fees an��harges due�under the Contract.
<br /> �ippli��ble Law. As use�i in th�� Se�ur�ty �nstrumen�, �he t�rm "Applicab�e Law" shall r��ean a11 contro��ing
<br /> appli�able federai, sta�e and lflcal statu�es, regulatians, �rdinan��s and adm�nistra�ive rules a��d arders �that ha�e
<br /> the�ffec�flf law}as we�I as a��app�icable fnal,non�appea�able�ud�c�a�op�n�ons.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Borrower shal� pay aIl taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and imp�sition�> attr�butable �fl �he
<br /> Pro��r�y which may attain priori�y ov�r this Secur�ty �nstrument, and�easeh�ld payments �r�;raund rents, if any.
<br /> A.t�he reques�of Lend�r,Borrower shall prampt�y furn�sh ta Lender re�eipts e��dencing�he pa�men�s.
<br /> Borrower sha�l promptly discharge any l�en which has pr�ority ov�r th�s Securi�y�nstrument L�n�ess B�r�ow�r: �a�
<br /> agre�s in wr��i.ng �o �he paymen� of�he obligation secured by �he Iien in a manner accep�able to L�nder; �b�
<br /> cont�s�s in gofld faith �he l�en by, or defends against enforcement af the lien in, �egal proceed�ngs vwhich �n the
<br /> Lender's op�n�on opera�e to prevent �he enforcem�n� of�h� �ien; �r �c} secures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> agre�ment sa��sfactary t�Lender su�ordinating the l�en to �his Secur�ty�ns�trumen�. If Lender�e�ermines tha�any
<br /> par�of�h� Proper�y is subj ect to a Iien Which may attain priori�.y o�er�h�s Security �ns�rume���, Lender may give
<br /> Borrower a no�ice �dentifying�he lien. B�rr�wer shall sa��sfy the l�en or take one �r mare of�the actions set for�h
<br /> aUave vvith�n �0 days af�h�gi�ing�f notice.
<br /> I�az�rd or P�oper�y Insurance. Borr�wer shal�keep �he improvements now ex�sting or hereaf�er erected on the
<br /> Property�nsured against�oss by f r�,h�.zards inc�uded within the term "�xt�nded co�erage" ans�any other hazards,
<br /> �r�c��ding floods ar flaoding, for which Lender requir�s �nsurance. This insuran�e sha�� b�� ma�nta�ned in �he
<br /> amflLua�s and for th�per�ads that Lender requires. The�nsurance carr�er pr�vidir�g the�nsuran��shall be�hosen by
<br /> Borrower subj�c� �o Lender's appro�val wh�ch shall not be unreasonably v�i�hheld. If Barrov��er fails �o main�ain
<br /> ca�erag� des�rihed abave, Lender ma�, at Lender's option, obtain co�erag� to pr��ect Lender's rig��s in the
<br /> Property in ac�ordance v�ith sec��an�i�led Pr�te�tion of Lender's Right�in the Property.
<br /> A�1 �nsuran�e policies and renev�a�s shall �e acceptable �o Lender and sha�l include a s�anda��d mor�gage clause.
<br /> L�nder sha�l have�he right to hold th�polici�s a��r�ne�va�s. If Lender requixes, B�rrovver sh��.11 promp�Iy gi�e ta
<br /> L�nder a�I re��ip�s of paid prem�ur�n.s and ren�wa�noti�es, In�h��ven�of loss, BorroWer sha�I g�v�pr�z�pt n��i�e
<br /> ��th��nsurance�arri�r and Lender.Lender may make pro�f af�oss�f not mad�promp�Iy 1�y Bc�rrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwise agr�e in writ�ng, �.nsurance proceeds sha�l b� app���;d to restoration or
<br /> r�pa�r af the Property damaged, if, �.n Lender's sole d�scretion, the rest�ration or repair is e�unam�cal�y feasible
<br /> and Lender's security �s no� lessen�d. If, in Lender's sole discre�ion, �he restora�ian or repazr is not �ca�flmicaliy
<br /> f�asible or Le�der's se�urity v��uld be tessened,�he insurance praceeds shall�e applied to the sums secur�d by�his
<br /> S�curity �nstrument, whether or not th�n due, u�i�h any exce�s pa�d to Borr�wer. If Borr�ower abandons �he
<br /> Property, or d�es not ansvver wi�h�r�the numb�r of days prescr�b�d by App�icable Law as s�t f��h in a no�ice fram
<br /> L�nc�er�o B�rrower that the insura��e carri�r has affer�d to set�le a claim, th�n L�nder may�oll�c�th� insurance
<br /> proc�eds. Lender rnay use the proceeds to r�pair or res�ore �he Property ar�o pay sums s��u�red by�his Security
<br /> ��str�men�,whe�her or no�then due.The per�od of�ime for B�rrvwer to a.nsv��r as�et far�h in�:he notice w�l�begin
<br /> when�he no�iee�s g��en.
<br /> Ilnless Lender and Barrow�r oth�rvvise agree in writing, any application af pr�ce�ds to pr�nei.pa� shal�not extend
<br /> or pos�p�ne the due date of the paym�n�s due under�he Contrac�or change the amount of�he payments. �f und�r
<br /> th� s�ction�itled A�celeration; Remedies, �he Pr�per�y is acqu�re�by L�nder, Borrovver's rig�t ta any insurance
<br /> pol��ies and praceeds resulting from �.amage �o the Property pri�r �o the acquisition shall pa5s t� Lender to �he
<br /> e�ten�of�he sums s�cured by this Security�nstrument�m.mediately priar to the acquisi�ian.
<br /> P�es�rva�ion, Maintenan�e and Protection of th� Proper�y; Bvrrower'� L�an App1i�E�t�on; L��seholds.
<br /> B�rr�w�r sha11 not destroy, damage or impair the Properry, allowv�he Property tfl deteriarate, c�r c�rnmit waste on
<br /> �he Property.Bflrrovver sha�1 be in defau�t if any forfe��ure action or pr�ceedrng,vvhe�her civil a�r criminal,�s begun
<br /> tha� in Lender's good far�h judgment c�uld r�sult in forfeitu.re �f the Property or otherwise ma�erially �rnpair�he
<br /> Ii�n �reated by �his S��ur�ty �nstrumen� or Lender's se�ur��y �n�erest. Borro�ver may cure such a default and
<br /> reins�at�, as pr���ded in sec�ion�itle�.Barrflwer's Right t� Reinstate, by causing the actian+3r pr�ceec�ing to be
<br /> dismissed wx�h a ruli.ng tha�,ln Lender's good faith determinat�on,prec�udes farfe��ure of th��c3rrower'��nterest�n
<br /> �h� Praperry or other ma��r�a� impairmen� of�he l��n crea�ed �y �his Securi�y ��strumen� or Lender'� secur�ty
<br /> in�erest.Borro�er shall also�be�n defaui�if Borr�wer,during the Ioan application�rocess,ga�ti;materially fa�se�r
<br /> ina.ccurate information or stat�men�s �o Lender ��r failed �o provide Lend�r w��h any mat�rial inform�ation} in
<br /> c�nn�c�ion wi�h the Ioan �v�den�ed�y�he �on�ra�t. �f this Securi�y �ns�rumen� �s on a�easehc3ld, Barr�wer shal�
<br /> c�mp�y w��h alI the pra�isiflns of�h�Iease. �f Borrower acqu�res f�e�i�le t��he Pro��rty,�he �e,�.s�hold a�.d�he fee
<br /> �itle�hal�no�merge un�ess L�nder agrees�o�he merger in wr���.ng.
<br /> Prnt�ctivn �f Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fai�s �o perform �he c�vena�r�ts and agre�m�nts
<br /> contain�d�n this S�cur�fiy Instrument, or th�re�s a�ega�pro�eedi.ng�ha�may s�gnifican�ly affe�.t Lender's righ�s in
<br /> th� Property �such as a pro�eed�ng in ba.n.krup�cy, probate, for �ondemna�ron ar f�rfe��ure ar�o enforce laws or
<br /> re�u��.�i�ns}, then Lender may da and pay f�r v�ha�e�er is n�c�ssary �o pratec� �he �a�ue of the Proper�y and
<br /> Lend�r's righ�s in�he Froper�y. Lender's actions may includ�paying any sums secured by a�ien.w�.ich has priar�ty
<br /> aver�his S�curz�y�ns�rumen�, appe�ring in c�urt,paying r�asana�ble at�arneys'fees and enter�n�;on the Praperty�o
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may�a.I�e act�o�under th�s sectian,Lender does not have to do sv.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender und�r �his section shall become additianal debt of Barrov��er s�cured by th�s
<br /> Se�urity Instrument. Unless Borr��er and Lender agr�e �o other �erms of payment, �hese ��mounts s�all bear
<br /> C�Z044-Z4I4 Campliance Systems,Tnc.4958-DFiD-2D13L2,3.1.803
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