<br /> "co�enan�ax�d agreem�nt" �s used in S���ion �. I.f Ba�•rov►�e�-is ob.���a�ed to pay Fsc�•o�v�tems directl��� pursuant to
<br /> a waiver, and Borrower fails to pa������amount due for an�scr�v�I�em, L�nder may ex�rc�se it�r��h�s und�r Se�tia��
<br /> 9 and pay such amoun� an�Borrov�rer shall th�n be abligated u�d�r Se��tion 9�o repay�o tl�nder a�ay su�h am�u��t.
<br /> Lender may�-evak�the���aiWer as ta any ar�I� Esc.ro�r�tems a�any��me b}r a nfltice�iven i��ac�arc��nc�r��ith Sec:t�on
<br /> �5 a2�d, u�ox� such revocation, �3o�-rower sh���pay��Le��der a�I �'un�s, �nd ir� suc�� amounts, �ha�are the�� required
<br /> �mder thi� Sec�ior� �.
<br /> I.�ender r��ay, a��.��v tim�, c�l�e�:t anc�.hold Funds in an amount�a}suf�icien����pern�it Ylendz��a apply�he Fu��d�
<br /> at�h�t�me speiified unde�-P�FSPA, and�b}l�at ta exceed�h��-x�.a��mum amour���.l�n.der can requ�re��nder R�SPA.
<br /> taender shal� estima�e the amQun�af Funds d��e a�����e b�.sis��curr�n�data a��d reasonab�e es��ma�es af expend��ure�
<br /> c�f futu�•��EscrQ�n��t���s ar o�he�-���ise in accorda��ce��i��� Appl��a�ie �...a��.
<br /> The Funds sl�all �e h��d �n an institution «�hase d��osi�s ar� i���ured b�� a federa� agency, i��s�-u�nen�al�t�, or
<br /> ent��y �i��cludi��g �en��r� �f Lender is an institutian �hose d�pos�ts �re sa insured} c�r i�� an�r Fe��ra� Home Loan
<br /> Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay�he F.scrov�Item s no �a�er�ha���he tixne specif ed under RESPA. Lender
<br /> sha�l no�c��ar�e B�rro��rer for holdin�; and apply�ng��e Funds, annually analyz���g�he escrow acc�un�a or�er�f�rin�
<br /> ���e F'lsc�-o���ten�s, ui���ss L�er�der pays�B�rrower�n�eres�on�he F�.�nds and Appl�cable Law perm��s i.��nder to m�ake
<br /> such a char�e. Un��ss an a�reemen�is mat�e in writin��r App�ie�b�e Law requ�res in�e.res��o be�aid o���he F��1ds,
<br /> .Lender sha�� no�be requ.ired to pay Bo�rawer an��i.nteres�or earnin�s on the Funds. F3orro�ver and Lend.er can agree
<br /> in v�ri�ing, howe�er, that in�eres� shall be paid ax� �he Funds. L�nder sha�l �ive ta BorrarnTer, «i�haut char�e, an
<br /> anr�ua� accaunti ng �f the F,unds as required by RE SPA.
<br /> �f ther�is a surp��is of Fu��ds hel� in eserov��, as def ned under RrSPA, Lender sha�� acco�xnf to Barrow�r for
<br /> t��e exc�ss fund�in accardanc��v��h RESPA. Ift��ere�s a sh�r�a��of Funds held in es�ro��,as defined u.nder R.ESPA,
<br /> Lender�hall notif}r Barrow�r as required b�RESPA, a�td Barr�r�ver sha�i pa}f ta I�en.der�he amoun�necessary�c�make
<br /> up the shor�age in accardance����h R.F SPA., bu� an no �nor�tha� �_2 month�.y pa��rnents. If�l�ere i� a�ef cienc�� �f
<br /> Fui�ds��eld in escrov�r,as d�fned under I�.FSFA, Lender shall�o�3fy B�rrower as required by RE�PA, a��d Bar.rawer
<br /> s��al�pay to Lender the amount���cessar�tv make u���e d�f cien�y i�� accordance��rith RESPA., �u��.n no more�han
<br /> ]� mon�hlv pay�nents.
<br /> Upon pa�mertt in fu�l of a��sums s��ured��y�his Security Instrum�.n�, i�ender�ha�l prornpt��refund�a Bo�•ro�e�-
<br /> an�� F unds h�ld by Lend�r.
<br /> 4. Charges; ��ens. Bor�-owe.r shall pay all�a�es, assessme��ts, char��s, f T�es, and impositior�s a�tri�utahle to
<br /> the Property ���ich ca�� attain priority aver �hi� �ecur��� Instr��ment, leasehold pavmen�s Qr ��-ou��d re��s on �he
<br /> Prc�pert��, �f any, a��d Cammu��ity Associat��� Du�s, Fees, and Assessments, if.any. To the ex��n�t��a�these i�en�s
<br /> ar�Escro�v Items, Borro�ver shall pay�he�� i�� the ma��ner provid�d in Sec��c�n 3.
<br /> B��•ro�v��•�ha�l p�•a�r�ptiv��sc��arge any l�en v�hich has prin�-i� o�er t���s Secur�t}��nstru.ment un�ess Borrower:
<br /> ��}��rees i��w�ritin��o the payxr�.ent of�he obli�ation sec�ired b�the Iien in a�r�ani�er accep�ab�e ta Lender,but oril�f
<br /> so �on� as Barra��er is perfarming such a�reement; �b} Ga���S�S th� �ie�� in gaoe� fai�h by, or defends a�ainst
<br /> enfarce�nen�of�he li�n in, le�a��roceedin�s which�n Iaender's opinion operate�a preWent the enfq.r��men�o��he�ien
<br /> u�fhile those proceedings ar�pepding, but or��y u���i1 such p�•oc��d���5 are�oz�cluded; o� �c� secures f.r-oTn�he holdeY•
<br /> af the lien an agreen����t �at�sfac�ary to Lender sub�rd�nating the �i en to th�s Securi�y �nstr�met-��. If Lend�r
<br /> deter��nin�s that any par��f fhe Property is subject to a�aen ��hi��� can at�ai�� priarity ove��his Secur�ty �n��rume���,
<br /> Lender may��We Bt�rrov��e�-a notic� �dentifyi��� �he �ien. �i�hin �� days of.�he date on which that no��ce is given,
<br /> BorrUwer shall satisf'y �h�lien a�•take c�ne or zriore Q.f�he ac��ans se�forth abave in����s Sectian�.
<br /> Le��der may r�quire Bnr-ra��er�o pav a ane-time�har�e far a rea��s�ate tax ve�-�f ca�iofl andf or�•epor�in�ser�ice
<br /> used by TJender in conne�:tion ti�Tith t��is Loan.
<br /> S. �rapert� In�urance. B�rro���er shall kee� �he improven�e�ts now ex�s�i��g or hereafter ere�t�d on the
<br /> P�•oper� iz�sua•ed a�ai���t ��ss b!� �ire, ��a7ards inc�uded wi�hir� the ter�n "ex�e��ded �overa�;e," and any other ha7ards
<br /> includin�, but nv� lim�ted to, earthquakes and floads, fo.r�n�hich Lende�-requires insurance. This �nsurance shall be
<br /> �nain�ai��ed in �he amflun�s �includin� deduc��ble �e�els� a�d for �he per�ods �hat Le�der requi�es. �J��a� I��I1C��I-
<br /> reau�res pursuant to the p�-ecedin�;se��t�n.ces can�hange dur�n��he�erm of t�e Lt�a��. The insuran�:e carrier pr����din�
<br /> t��e insut•apce shall be c��osen by Borro«�er su�ject to Ler�der's r�gh���disap��•ove Borrovver's ch�ice,which rig�3t sha�l
<br /> NEBRASKA--S�ngke Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Ma� �NIFt]!�IlJ� INSTRU�Il�ENT - iIIIERS �yn�$�pC ,
<br /> Forrn 3D28 1!�� P�ge � Df `�5 wvvw.do�mag�c.cvr�r
<br /> .
<br /> .
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