<br /> under �he Note �nd �his SeCuriry In�trum�nt shal� be mac�� in U.S. cur�-ency. H�ti�e�er, if an.y check ar o��aer
<br /> instrument recei��d by Lender as pa�men�under�th�N��e or th�s S�curi�}�Ins�ru��en� �s returned to Lender unpaid,
<br /> Iaen�e�•n�ay require�ha�any or a�� subsequent paymen�s due ux�der�he No�e axa�this Se�ur��y�[��strum�nt be made in
<br /> ane�r mare af the fallc�wing farms, as se�ect�d by Lend��r: �a.}ca�h;�b}money order;�c}cer�if ed check,bank�hecl:,
<br /> �treasurer'�c.heck o�-cashier'�check,�arov�ded ar�y suG.h check is dravWn�.��n an inst�tutian whose depas�ts are insured
<br /> by a federai agenc�, instrum�nta�it��, o�r en�i�y; or�d} ��e��ronic Funds Tran�fer. ,
<br /> Pay�nertts are d�emed.receir�ec��y i.�ender w��e��recei��ed a��h� locat�on des��na�ed in the Note or at su���o�her
<br /> �oca�ion as m�.�be des��nated by Lender in accordance wi�h t��e natice provis��ns in Section ]�. Lender may returr�
<br /> an�pa}�m�n�ar par�ial}�aym�n��f�he pa}�n�en�ar partia�payrnen�s are i��suff ci�nt to bri��t�ae:Loar�cu.r.re�a�. Lende�-
<br /> m a�� a�cept any paym en� ar parti a� paym er�t in su ff c�ent t� bri n�; �he �a oan curreY�t, without �n�a�ver o f an y r i�h�s
<br /> ��ereunder ar prejud�ce to its ri�hts to re�u�� such paym��at or pa�•tia� payme��ts �n �he fu�ure, but Lender is no�
<br /> nb.�igated �o apply suc�� payments a#�he�ime such payrm���ts are ac�ept��i. If each Peri.adic Paymen�i�app�ied as of
<br />- its s�hedu�ed due da��,then Len�er need no�pa3r ir�t�rest on una�a��.ied funds. Lender ma��hald suc��unapp)ied funds
<br /> unti� BQrro���er m�kes p�yment���ri���tihe Loan c:ur�•en�. If Barrnwer does�ao�do sa���i#hin a.reasonable peric�d of
<br /> �ime, I.��nder shall ei�her �.pply su�h fuz�ds or re�urn them �o Barrowe�•. �If��ot appl�ed ear�ier, s�uch funds u�ill 1�e
<br /> appliec� �a �he ou�s�anding pr�nc�pal ba�ance un�er ���e h�ate immed�ately� pr�or �a farec�osua•e. Na �ffset ar c�aim
<br /> wh�ch �3arra�ver�nia��t ha�e rtow �r in���� future agains�Lender sha1� re�ie�e Bo�-rovver from makin�payments due
<br /> under the Nate and th�� Secur��t}� Instrum en� or perform ing�h�ctir�enants and agre�men�s seeured by�his Secur��}r
<br /> �ns�rurnen�t.
<br /> 2. A�pl��at�an vf Paym�ents or Proceeds. Except as oth.ervvise described in this Sec�ion ?, all paym����s
<br /> accep�ed ar�d app�ied�y�Ilender shal� �e app�ied in the fo�lavvi.��� order of priority: �a} in��res�due��nder the No��;
<br /> �b�prin�ipal due under�he No��; t�}am�unts due under Sect��n 3. Such payme��ts shall be appl��d�o each Per�odic
<br /> Payment in the�rder il� which i�beca�ne due. A��y�r�m ainir��amaunts�hal� �e app�ied f rst to �ate charges, s�c�nd
<br /> �o any other anzaunts du� un�er t���s Secur��y instriirnent, and�he�to r�duce the pr�ncipal balance of�he Note.
<br /> �f Lerad��• receives a paymer�t from Borrav��er fnr a delinquent PeriadiG Pa�rm�n� w��ich includes a su.f..f��ent
<br /> amoun�ta pay �.ny ,late char�e due, the pay�nent may be app�zed to the de�inauent payment and the �ate char�e. I�'
<br /> �n�.re �ha�� �ne Per�odic; Payment is au�standanb, I,endex may appiy� any payment reGe���d f.�-am Ba.rrower to �he
<br /> repay�n en�o f the Per i od��Paym en�s i f, and to th� ex�ent t�aa�, each paymen��an be pai d �n ful l. T����ex�ent�ha�
<br /> any�xcess ea�sts aft�r the payme���s app�ied�o the full payrne�t�f one or m�re Periodic Pay�nents, such excess may
<br /> be app�ied��any late char�es due. VQlun�ary prepayments shal�be app.lied f rs��o an��prepaymen�char�es and�heY�
<br /> as descr-ibed in the�Io�e.
<br /> Ar�y� appl�cation of paym�nts, insurance p�-oceeds, c�r Misce�laneaus Proceeds��prin�ipa� d�e under�h�No��
<br /> sl�a�l not extend or pos�p�n�the due d��e, or�han���he a�nount, of���e Pe.riodic Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrvv�� it�nr�s. Bor�•��er shall pay ta L�nd�r on�he day Per�a�ic Paymen�s ar.e due under �he
<br /> Not�, unt�l �he�Iote �s paid in full, a su�n ��he "�'��nds"�t�pra��de far pa��men�of am�unts due f��-: �a��a:�.�s an.d
<br /> assessments and ather ��ems v4,rhi�h can a�tain pri�r�ty �ver�his Securi�r Ins���u��nent as a�i�n �r enc�umbrance an�h�
<br /> P�-ap�rty; �h� �ease��Qld payments or ground�•�n�s o�� �he Prope.r�y, i.f an�; �c}preiniurns fa�- an�r ar�d al� insurance
<br /> required by�.ender under Sect�on 5;and�d}N�ortga�e�nsura���e premiums, if any, or any sums payab��b��Borra�vver
<br /> to:�..ende�-in lieu flf the pay���n��f Mor��;abe Ins��ra��ce prem�urr�s�n accordance v�rith the provi��ons of Sectiar� 1�.
<br /> These items are called"Fscrov�I�ems." A�ori�ina.tion or at any t�me du�-in��he�errn of�he Laan, L�nde�-inay require
<br /> ���at�or��munity�.Assoc�a�ion Dues, F�es,and�sess��ents, if a��y, be escro�ved by Barrawer, and such dues, fees and
<br /> assess��en�s sh a�1 be ap E s�rov�r I��m. Borrower shal 1 pr��nptly furn i sh �a Len der a�1 no��ces of am ou���� to be p�aid
<br /> unde�- �t��s Sec�io��. Borrnw-�r sha�l pay I�ender �he Funds f�r �Fscrov�I I.�enas unless Le�lder ��aives Borrov���r's
<br /> obligatian to�ay t�.� Funds far any a.r al1 E�crQ�v��em�. �ender ma���aive Borrar�v�r's ob�i�;atio�� t�pay t�Le�d�r
<br /> runds for�ny�r ali�scrovv i�emS at arly time. Any such wai�er may onl���e in wTiti_nb. I.n t�e ev����of suc��wai�er,
<br /> Barrt�v�er shall pay e�irec�iy, vvh�n and where pa�able, �he amounts d�ue fo�-an}r Es�raw I�ems for wh�ch paymen��f
<br /> Funds h�be�n waiv�d by L,�nde�-a��d, if Le��de�-re�u�r�s, shal� fi�rn�sh to I.,ex�d��-receip#s e�idenc�ng such pa��men�
<br /> vvithin su�h time per�od as Lender may.rec��u�re. �Borra��er's�b�igat�on to make su�h pa�men�s and�o pro�ide receipts
<br /> s��al� t'or a�l purpos�s�e deemed�o b�a ca�e�ant and a�re�men�contained �n���is Security Il�st�•u�nent, as t��e phrase
<br /> lVEBRASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie �I�IaelFreddie illfac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT - MERS p����jc , ,
<br /> Form 3Q28 1I�1 Page 4 a� 15 �vww_r�ocmagi�.�vm
<br /> .
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