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��14�7557 <br /> ��o�be exercised unreasona��y. t.��nder n�aw r��u�re�3a�•ro�e�-�a pay, i���o�necti��z����th t�is IJoan, �ither: �a}a one_ <br /> �in�e char�e for flaod zon�de�er���na�ian, certi�cat�on and�racki����r�Fices; or�b}a��e-time ihar�e far fload z�ne <br /> determii�atian and cert�fca�ion se.rvices and subsequ�n�charges�ach ti�rte r�ma�pin��or s�mila�-changes accu�•v�fhich <br /> reasonably m��;l�t affec�such dete.rn��na��on or eertif�atio�. Borrov�er shal� aisa be responsible far the payment of <br /> any fees imposed�y the�ederal Emergen�y Manaaement Agency� in connect�on v�rit�.the retiriew•�f a�y ��ood z���e <br /> de�erm�nation rz�ui�in� f.ram an abjec�i�n �y Borrt�w�r. <br /> If Barra��er fai�s�o r��ai�-��ain any af�he co�era�es des�.ri'�ec�ab���e, �Ilender�na��o��a.�n insu�•ance cov�ra��, a� <br /> Lender's optian and B€�rrc�wer's e�.pe��se. Lender is und��•no obliga�ion �o�urchase any particu�ar typz�r amoun� <br /> o#cav�ra�;e. T`h�refore, such covera�e sha�l ca�er I�ender, b�.Et mig��t �r mig��� r�a� pro�ec� Barr�v�rer, Borr�vve.r's <br /> eq�.�it�� in���e Property, or the cQnt�n�s of the Propert�r, a�ai��st any r�sk, hazarc�or�iabil��� and��ight pr��ide greater � <br /> or l�sser c��era�e tha��v�Tas p�•e�iousl}� it��ffe�t. Bor�•o�u�er aG�.�aowled�es t��a�t�i.e cost af�h� �nsuranc�coverage so <br /> o�tained migh�si�mif cantly exceed t��e�os�o�insuranGe that g�x•rornrer cou�d hav�obtained. Any amoun�s disburs�d <br /> �y.Lender upder this Section 5 shal�became addi�ional de��o�'Borro���r se�ured by�his Securi�ty Instrument. T��ese <br /> am�unts sha�l ��ar interest a�the Note ra�e€�rom �he d�.te �f disbu�•semen�and sha�� �e pay�ab�e, ��ith such in.�eres�, <br /> upon no�i�e frozn I.�ender�o Barrati�r�r re�uestinb payn�en�. <br /> A�1 �nsurance po�icies r�Q�.�ired b�r Lende�-and r�ne���a�s�f�uch poi�cies s.hal� b� subject to Le��d�r's,r��h�ta <br /> �isapp�-ave such po�i�ies� shat� in�lude a s�andar�mar�:ga�e G�lause, �.nd s�7a�l na�ne i�ender as mc�rtga�;ee�ndlar a��.n <br /> additianal �ass payee, Lend�r�hall have the ri�,h�ta haid rhe p�li�izs ar�d ren�tival certifcate�. �f Lend�r reau�res, <br /> :�3a�rro��ver s��all prom p��y �;��e�� I�ex�der ai�r�ceipts o.f paid pr.e���um s and r�ne�al na��ces. �f�3a.rro�ver obtains an� <br /> form of insurance co�era�e, n�t o�herw��e r�q�iired by Lende�•, f�r damage ta, or destruc��on of, �he Praperfiy, such <br /> palic� shal� iF�clude a standard xnar��a�e c� and shal� na�ne Lender as ma.r��agee and�or as an additional �oss <br /> paye�. <br /> �n the even�of iass, Bo�-�-o��er sh�.11 gi��pro�rtp�not�ce to�1�e insuran.ce carr�er and Lender. I�ender�na�make <br /> proaf af�oss �f�o� made prom�tl�f by Barr�wer. Unles� Leflder and Borrr�wer �t�� a�ree �n writiing, any <br /> in���rance p�•aceeds, v��hethe�-ar na���e under�yin� insurance«ras re�uire�by Lend�r, s�all be applizd x�.restora�ion <br /> or repair of�he Property, if th.e rest�rat�an �r re�air is ec�namicall}r f�asib�e �.nd Lend�r's securi�l is not lessened. <br /> �7u�-ing suc��repa�r ai�d�•est�ra��or�peri�d, �.�ender shal]ha�e�he ri�h�to ho�d such insu�-ar�ce proceeds u.���i� I.fer�de�- <br /> has ��ad a�� oppor#uni�y �o in�p�c� such Propert�� �o ensure�he ti�or.k.has been ���np�e#ed �o Lend�r's �ati�fac:t�on. <br /> pro�idec� �ha� such �n�pecti�n shal� be unde�•take�� promptl��. Lend�r may d�sburse pro�eeds for ���e repairs and <br /> res�tora�ion in a sin�le paWmen�or �n a series of pr��ress payme���s as the work is comp�eted. Unless an a�neemen� <br /> is made in vvri�in� or App�icable ��aw re�ui�•es in�er�s�to be paid on such �nsuran�e pro�eeds, Lender sl�a�� �7at be <br />�o pay Borra�r�er an�intie�•est or earnin�s on sueh pro�e�ds. Fees for pub�ic a.d�usters, ar other third part�es, <br /> �•e�ain�d �y B�r.ra��ver sha�.l na� be paid �u.t of�he i.��surance prace�ds and sha�� �e the sole��ort. of Borrower. <br /> �f the restora�ion or repai.r is na�ecan�n�icallv feas�ble or Lender's securi���rould be�essened,�he�.nsurance�roG�eds <br /> s��all��e appl�ed ta�h�sums secured���his S�curity�nstrumen�, w��ether or no��hen due, ��ith�he ex��Ss, i.f ap}�, paid. <br /> �o Borr�v��er. Such insurance proee�ds shal� be appl�ed in�he orde.r prc�vic�ed f�r in Sectian 2. <br /> �f Borrav�er �.bandans �he FrQperty. Lender may file, ne�otia�e and se�tl� any aWai�ab�e insurance elaim an� <br /> reiater� maiters. If Barrovv�r does not�-es�ond tivithin.3�days ta�no�ice from�.�ender t��a���e ins��r.anGe carrier has <br /> of=fered �c� se�tle a clai�r�, then i.�e�d��-xna}� ��ebo��a�e a��d �et��e �he c�aam. The 34-day period v►�il� begir� ��en �he <br /> no��c�is�iWen. in either���ent, �r if Lende�-ac:qui�•es t��e Prnperty under 5ectior�2�01•othervv�se, Borrower hereby <br /> ass��ms�o I�e��der �a} Bo�•�•Q��er's ri�hts �o �n�� �nsu�•ance praceeds �n an arnoun�no��o ex�eed the amnun�s unpa�d <br /> unde�r���e Nate or this Securi�.y�ns�rument, an�i�b3 any a�her�f F��rrower's ri�h�s�n�he.r. th�n�he ri�;ht to any refund <br /> of ui�earned pre�ri i ums pa�d by Barrav►�rer} under all insurance po�.icies �o�erin�the Propert�, �n.safa�- as 5uch ri�h�s <br /> are�pplica�le��the ca�erage af�he�r�pe�-�y, Lender may use th�insurance�roc��ds eith�r to repair or rest�re th� <br /> Proper�y ar ta pa� am o�unts unpai d under�he�a�e ar t���s Sec�.�ri�y I:n str um ent, whe�h er or��ot�h en due. <br /> 6. qecupancy. Bvrrov�er st�all �ccupy, �stablish, and use �h� Pr�per�}j a� �3orra�ver's pr�nc�pal res�dence <br /> �ithin ��days after the execu��on c�f�his Sec�a�•i�y�nstrument and���all continue ta occup��he Praper�y as Borrower's <br /> pr�nc�pal.residence fc�r a��east an�e vear after�he da�e�f occupancy, un.les�Len�er other��is�a;rees in writing, whi�h <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie �a��Freddie �Illac �JNIFQRiIII �NSTRUMENT - III#ERS p������ , , <br /> Form �02$ �io� Page 6 ❑f �5 <br /> . <br />. � <br />