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��14�74�5 <br /> ���s�ectifln. Lend�r �r ��s a����� may �nake reaso��able e���r�es upon and it�spe�tions of�he Pro ert . Lend <br /> � � �r shall <br /> g�ve Borrower no�ice a�ti�e ti�ne c�f or pr�or�a an�nspe��io��spec�fy�ng reas�nab�e cause for��e ���s ec�ion. <br /> � <br /> �ondernna��fln. T�e pro�eeds of any av�ard or��ai�-n fo�-da�nages, direc��r conse ue���ial in ����pec��on vv�tl� <br /> q � any <br /> c�ndemna�ion or other�ak�ng af any part af��ae Pro�erty, or far con�eyance in ��eu of c�ndemn�.��o�� are here <br /> ass�g��ed and s�aa��be pazd�� Lender. <br /> , by <br /> �n �he event �f a ���a� tak���g af�l�e Proper�y, �he pr��eeds shal[ be app�ied �o the sums s�cured b th�s Secur�t <br /> I n s�r u m e n t, vv��e�her or n�t �l�en due, with any e�ce�s aid to Bflrra�er. �n th y y <br /> p � ev�nt of a pa�t�a� takYng of�he <br /> Proper�y in wl�ich ���� fai�r rnarke� �alue of�he P�,aper-�y i�n���ediately b�fflre the tak�ng �s e ua� �o or reater�han <br /> ���e am�uz�� flf�l�e s�.��ns secu�-ed by �h�s SeGurit �ns���u�ne��t i�nmed�a�e � g <br /> Y ly before ���e #.a���ng, unless 8orro�er and <br /> Lender o�her�v�se agree in wr��i��g, �}le su��zs �ecured by���is Se�ur�ty Ins�ru�ne���slaa�� be red��Ged b �he amount af <br /> ���e proceeds mu�tipI�ed by the fo�l�wing frac�io��: a ���e to�a� alnoun�af�he y <br /> � � sums sec��red ��n�-ned�a�ely befo�-e���e <br /> �ak�ng, di��ded by �b� �he fair marl�e� �ai ue of�l�e Pr�pe�ty ��r�med�ateIy bef'o�-e ���e �akin�. ,�.�� balance �hai� be <br /> y <br /> pa�d tio B�rrower. �r� �he �vent af a par�ial �ak���g oF�l�ze pr�per�y in vvhi�l� the fa��r �narke� �a�ue of�he Pro er� <br /> immed�ately before the �ak�n� �s �ess �ha�� ���e a�nount of���e �ums se�ured. im�x�edia�e � y <br /> �y before �he tak���g, un��ss <br /> Borrower and Lender o�herv�ise agree �n wri�i��g flr un�ess 1-��p�icable Lavv o�her�v�se provides, tl�e r�ceeds s��ail <br /> � <br /> be app�ied to�he sums se�ur�d by�h�s��cur��y �nstru���ent w��e���er ar not�he su�ns are the�a.due. <br /> �f tMe Praperty �s aband�ned by Borravver, or �f, after no�i�e by Lender�o Barrov�er t��at t��e �o��demn�r offers �� <br /> �nake an awa�-d or se�tle a cla�m fnr da�nages, Borz-a�ver�'ails �o respond to Le��der vvith�n t��e m���imuln number�f <br /> days es�abIis��ed by Appli�ab�e La�v aft�r tihe d��e�he��oti�e is g��en, L�nder is au�hor�i2ed�a colIe�t a�zd a l �}ae <br /> P�Y <br /> proceeds, a� �ts op�ion, e��her t� res�o��a�ia�� or repa��- af t�ae Prope�r�y or �o �he SUT�`�5 S�Cl�t�ed by �h�s Se�ur��y <br /> Ins��um�n�,v��ae�her or not�hen due. <br /> Un��ss Lende�r and Bor-r��ver atherv��s� agree i�� �r�tin�, ax�y applica���n of pra��e�s ta p��in�ipa� shall not ex�end <br /> or pos�pone�he due da�e�f���e pay�nents due under�he Co��tract or cl�ange th�aznount�f such payments. <br /> Barrower �Iot ���eased; FflrbQarance �y Lend�r �v� a Wai�er. Ex�ension of t�ae ti�ne for paymen� or <br /> modificatiafl of amar��zatio�� of���e su�r�s secured by t�a�� Securi�y Instru���ent gra���ed by I�e��der �o Borrav�er ar <br /> any su�cessot- ir� ���terest �f Borrotive�- sha�i ��at op�r�te to re�ease ���e �iab�lity �f the ori�it�a� Ba�rrovve�r or <br /> Borrov�er's success�rs ip inter�es�. Ler�der si�al� no�be �re�ui�•�d t� ca�-ni�ence pro�eedings agains�any successor �n <br /> �����res�or refuse��extend ti�-�-�e f�r p�yme��t or a�l�er�vise r��oc�ify a��or�izati�n of the su���s secu��ed by this Secur��y <br /> Ins�ru�nent b� reason of any de���a��d �-nade by ���e origin�.� ��rrawer or Barrawe�r's successars ��� ����eresti. At�y <br /> farb�aran�e by L�nder in ex�rc�s�ng �.ny r�gh� ar r��pedy s��a�� ��o#: be a w�iver of or prec�ude �he exercise af ar�y <br /> rig���or rernedy. <br /> �u�cess�rs a��d A�s�g�i� I�ou��d; Joi��� a��d �ever�� �iab��i�y; Ac�ornrnadatior� Sig��er�. T��e c�venaY7ts and <br /> abreemen�s nf�h�s S�cu�r��y Ins�ru�n�nt s��al� bix�d a��d b�nef�t the successors and assigns of Lender ar�d Borra�ver, <br /> s�.��je�� �a �l�e pra��s��ns �f sec#:�an �i���d Tra��sfer Qf �h� Property or a Be���f���a� �n�eres� ir� ��rravver. <br /> B�rrower's c�venan�s and agree�r��n�s sl�a��be j�in�and seve�-a�. .�.ny person wh�cows��n5�h�� s��ur��y�ps�ru�nen� <br /> bu� has nn pe�-sona� �iabi�i�y under �l�e Can�rac� �".�.ccommoda�ion Sigr�e�-"�. �a� is co-s�gning t��is Security <br /> Ins�rument �nly �o �no�r�, gran� and con�ey ��a� �cco�-n�nadati�t� Sxg��er`s �n�eres� in the P�-aperty under �he <br /> ter�ns �f �he Security �ns�ru�nen�; �b} is not persona��y flb��ga�ed �o pay �he su�ns se�u�-ed by ���is Se�uri�y <br /> �ns�r��ment; and �c� a�rees t��a�Le��de�-and a��y�t��er �arrov�er�nay a�ree�a exte��d, in�dify, fo�rbear or make any <br /> ac�ammadations w��h regard�n the��r�-ns af�:his Sec�.��-�tiy zr�s�ruxr�en�o�-�he Contract�vi���ou��ha�Accomm�dation <br /> SI�t�E'�'rS Cn175�'.n�. <br /> Lnan Charges. I.f���e loan se�ured by th�s Securi�� ���strumen� is subjec� �o a la� wh�cl� se�s ����,�i�num loa�� <br /> charbes, a��d t��a� lav�r �s f���aIly in�erpre�ed sa th���he �n�erest flr o���er loan charges �o��ected or ta�e cal�ec�ed in <br /> cnnnec����� vv��h #:��e laar� exceed �he per�ni��ed I�mi�s, the��: �a� any such ioan charg� sl�al� be reduced by t��� <br /> amount necessary�� reduce �he charge �a t��e per�nit�ed �i���i�s a��d �b� any sums atready co��ec�ed f�-om Bfl�-rower <br /> wl�ich e�ceeded per�nit�ed �imi�s tivi�l be refundecl ta ��r�-ov�er. Lender �nay chaose �o make �h�s ref�.�nd by <br /> reduc�ng �he princ�pa� owed under t�1e Contrac� or �y �rt�l�ing a dire��pay�ne����:o Barravv�r. If a refund red��ces <br /> p�rincipa�,t��e reduc�ion�vi�� be trealed as a par�ia�prepay�nen�under���e�on�ract. <br /> �io��ces. Any 7�a�ice �fl �orravve�- pra�ided for i�� tl�is Se�urity ���s���umen� s1�a�1 be g��en by de�iveri��g �� nr by <br /> ma�ling it by frs�c�ass�nai� u�-��ess.�.p��ica��� La�v rec�uires use of ano�he�-me���a�i. T�1e��o�i�e s��ai� be d�rected to <br /> the Praperty Address ar �.ny �ther address Borra�ver c�esig��a�es by ��o�ice �o Le��der. B�rr�v�er ag�-ees �o pro�ide <br /> Le��der wi��� Bar�rov�er's mas� curren��-na��ing ad�ress, as i�may ���a���e fro�n tin�e--�a-�i�ne. Any no�ice to Let�der <br /> shal�be g��en by f rs�class mai 1 to Lender's addre�s s�ated here���or a��y o�h�r address Lender desxgna�e�by x�a�zce <br /> �o �arr�vver. .�1.ny no�ice pra�ided f�r in th�s Securit� �n�trume���s��a�l be deemed tQ ha�e heen gi�e�� �o Borrawer <br /> or Le��der w��e��g��en as pra�ided�n this paragrap��. <br /> �avern�ng Law; �everab����ty, Th�s Se�ur����nstrumen�shall be g�verned by fede�raI �aw and.t��e Iawvs af�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n the e�en� thati any proWision or c�ause oF th�s Secur�ty �ns�rume��� or �he �on�rac� co��f�ic�s with <br /> Appl�cab�e L�.�r, such ca��fli�� sha�l not affect flih�r prQv�sians af�his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� �r the �on�ract wh�ch <br /> can be g�ven effe��wi��7out�h� c�r�fl�c�i��g pro��siar�. To����s e�d�h�p�-ovis�ons of�his Secur��y Instrument and �I�e <br /> Contrac�are dec�ared to��severabie. <br /> SorrowQr's Capy. Bflrrawer s��a��be g��en�ne�op�af�l��s Secu�-ity Ins�ru�n�nt. <br /> �][`ra��sfer❑f the Proper�y �r a Be��ef�c��� �n�erest �n Sorrower. If a�l �r ar�y part af t�ie P�•operty or any in��res� <br /> �n i� is so�d or �ransferred ��r �f a be��efic�a� ����eres� �n Bo�-�-ower is s�id �r tra��tsfe��red a�d Borra�ver is n�� a <br /> na�u�-aI pers�n� wi�haut Lender's priar wri��en �onsen�, L���der rnay, ati ��s op��on, require immed�a�e pay�-�en� i�� <br /> �2�04-2�I4 Co�npliance Systems,inc.�958-SI3D7-�Q 13L2.3.1.8�3 <br /> Cons�ir��er Rea�Estate-SecLirity Instrument I3L203C �'a�e 3 of S ��ww.�or�i�liancesysterr��m <br />