<br /> full of al� surns securec� by �his Se�urity I��s�r�ment. H�we�eY-, �:his op�ion shal� n�� �e exe�-cised by Lender if
<br /> ex�r�is��s pr�hibited���federa� lavw as�f th�da�e of this Secu�i�y Ins�rumen�.
<br /> �f L�nder ex��-cises �:��i;� optiQn, Lender sha�l give B�rr�v��er r�otice of acce�era�ion. The no�ice shall provide a
<br /> peri�d of na� �ess than the min�mum number af days es�a��ished by App�icab�e La`nr from t��e da�e �h� not�ce is
<br /> de��vered or mailed wi�:h�n v►�h�ch B�rr�wer ��nus� pay al� surns secured by th�s Security �ns�rument. If�flrr��ver
<br /> fa��s�o pay���ese sums prxor_to �he e�p�ra�ion �f�i�is period, Lender Ynay �nvoke any reme�ies permi��ed by ����s
<br /> Securi�y�ns�rument v���l-��ut further noti��or demand�n Borr���r.
<br /> Borro�ver's ]�igh� �a ��einstat�. If B�rrower meets �erta�n conditions, �3arrower shall ha�e the right to ha��
<br /> enforcemen� of���is Security rrist�u��ent d}scontir�u�d at any ti�ne prior�❑t�e ear]ier af: �a} 5 days ��r such ��her
<br /> period as App�icable Lt�vv Inay specify for reinsta�ement}before sale�f�he Praper�y pursuan���any pa�ver af sale
<br /> con�ained in this Security �r�strumen�; or ��� entry of a �u�.gmen� enf�rc�ng th�s Se�uri�y Instrumen�. Those
<br /> conditions are ���a� Borr�v�er: �a} pays Lend�r a�� sums which tl�e�would b� due under �his Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and�he�ont�a�t as�F n��accele�-at�on had occu�-red;�i�}cures any d�fau]�of any o�her cove��a��ts or agreerr�en�s;�c}
<br /> pays a11 expenses in�ur�-ed in enforcing this Security�ns�ru���ent,including,bu�n���im�ited to,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fe�s�a the ex��n�perm:it�ed l�y Iav�; and�d}�a��es suG�� a�tion as L�nder may reasonabiy requ�re ta assure tha��he
<br /> Iien af�his Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender's r�g��ts i��the P�oper�.y and�orr�wer's obl�ga��fln�o pay�he sums secured
<br /> byr �his Secu�ri�y �ns�rumen� shali cant��aue unchanged. �Jpon reinsta�emen�:by Borrov�er, �his Secur�ty Instrument
<br /> and �he o���ga�ions secured hereby sl�a�� rema�n fu��y eff�ctiv� as if no acceleratifl�had oc�i�r�ed. However, �his
<br /> r�gh��o reins�a�e s��al�1��ot apply in the case of acce�erati�n under the se�ti�n ti�led Tran�fer of�he Prop�rty ar a
<br /> �eneficial In�erest in�g�rr�wer. .
<br /> Hazardous �ubsta�c�s.Borrower�hali not cause or�ermit�he presence, use, d�sposal, st�ra�e, or relea�e of any
<br /> Hazard�us Su�s�ances+�n or in the Proper-�y. Barra�ver sha�1 no�d�,nor al�ow anyon��lse�o do,anythxr�g affec�ing
<br /> �he Property �l�a� is in vio�a��on �f a�y En�ironmen�a� La�. T�ae prec�d�ng tw� sent�nces shali no� apply �o the
<br /> presence, use,Qr s��ra�e on the Properry of s�nall c�uan�i�ies�f��azar��us Subs�:ances�hat are generally re�ognized
<br /> to b�approp��a�e�o no�•Y�a�res�dentia�uses and ta main�enance af t��e Praperty.
<br /> B�rrov�rer shall prompt]�y g��e L�nder v�r�tten�nflt�ce flf any�n�estiga��on,c�a�m, demand, lawsuit ar fl�her ac�x�n by
<br /> any governmental ar �-��guia�ory agency or pri�a�e pa�� �nr�o�ving the Properfiy and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> E��ironmental Law of w��ich Barro�uer laas ac�ua� know�edge. If B�r�ower �earns, ar is notifi�d �y an�
<br /> go��rnmen��.i �r regu�a.tory au���arity,t���any�-em ava] or oth�r remed i ation of any H azardous S ut�s�an ce affecting
<br /> the Proper�y �s ne�es.�ary, Ba�-rov�er s[�a�I pr�rnp�ly take a�l n�cessary remedial ac���ns in accorda�ce v�it��
<br /> Environmen�al Law.
<br /> As used in this paragr�:ph, "�Ca2ardous Substances" ar��h�se substari�es def ned as to�i� or hazardous substa�ces
<br /> b� En�ironr�enta� La�v and the fol�av�ipg suhs�ances: gas��ine, �erosen�, o�her �ammable or �oxic �etro�eum
<br /> praduc�s, toxic pestici�.es an� �erb�c�des, vola�ile solvents, mater�ats �����aining a.sbes�os or forma�dehyde, and
<br /> rad�aactive materia�s. ��s used in�hi��aragraph, "E�nvironmental Lavv"means federa� laws and Iaws of.�h�sta�e nf
<br /> Nebraska that re�a�e to h�al�h,safety�r en�vironmentai prateC�ian. '
<br /> Acceler���on; �em�d�es. L�nder shall gi�ve notice �a �B�rra�ve�r pri�r �� acceleration f�l�awing �3orrower's
<br /> hreach�f any c�v�nant ar a�re�rr�ent in this Securi�y I��s��•um�n��r�he�ontrac�und�r v�hich acc�leration
<br /> is perm���ed �bu� nat prior ta accel�ra�i�n unde�•�h� sect�an �it�ed '�'r�nsf�r of�h� Pr�pe�-ty or a �enef�ciai
<br /> �n���est �n Borrowver,, unless Ap�lica��e L�w pror����� ��herwi�e}. The notic� �ha�� sp�cify: �a� t�ie default;
<br /> �b� t��e action r�quir�d �o cure �he defaui�; �c� a date, n�t �ess �han the minimum number af days
<br /> es��bi�shed by A���icab�e Lavv fram the date the n����� is gaw�n t� �orro�ver, by wh�ch the default mus��e
<br /> cur�d; and �d� �ha� faii��r� �� cure �he d�e�a�.r��; on or l��f��e ��e date spe�if�ed �n �he no��c� may result in
<br /> acce�erati�n of �he ��ms secu�ed by �h�s ��c��ri�y �ns��-ume�t ��d sale af �h� Pr���rty. To t�e e��ent
<br /> �ermitt�d b� �aw, �h� notice shali fur�her �nfnrm ��rr�w��- of the r�ght to re�n�ta�� aft�r acceier�t�on and
<br /> the r�gh�to b�-ing a c�3ur�act�on to assert the n�n-��xist����e a��d�faui�or any a�her�ef��se af Borra�ver to
<br /> accelera�iQn and �ale, If�h� d�faw�t is na�cured �� o�- bef�r�e ���e da�� specified �n ��e n�tice, Lender at its
<br /> �ption �ay require i�mmedia�e �ay�men� in fu�l of a�l s��ms secured by �hi� Security Instr��m�n� withaut
<br /> fu�-ther c�emand and r��� in�olke �h� power �f s��� and a�y �����r �e�nec���s p�rmitted by Appii�ab�� Law.
<br /> To �he ex�en� pern���t�d by �a�v� Lend�r �ha�� be en�i��ed �o �o�le�� al� expens�s incur�-ed in p�r5uing the
<br /> �-emedi�s pra��ded i� t��is�ectinn, i���ud�ng, hu� r��� lim�ted ��, r�as�nahle att�r�eys' f�es and cos�s of ti�l�
<br /> eW�dence. .
<br /> If the pav�er af sale �.� invo��ed,Tr���ee sh�l� rec�rd � �o��ce �f d�fau�t in e�ch ��unty in vvhich any par�af
<br /> �he Proper�� �s iv�a��td an�shal� mai�copies�f sw�h ���ti�e �n th� �nanne�-pre�c�-ibed by Appl�cab�e La�vv to
<br /> lBorro�ver and �❑ ���� o�her p�rso�� �rescr��b�d �y A���ic��i� ��v�. �fter �he t��ne r-equired by A�plicab�e
<br /> La�v, Trus��e shal� gi�� pu��ic ��a���e of sa�e �n �n� p�rs��� �nd in t�e manr�er presc�•ilbed by A�p�icable
<br /> La�v. '�rust�e, vvi�hor:��demand �n �orrvv►�er,sh�l�sel� the�'raperty at pu�blic auc�ion ta�he h�ghe�� hidder
<br /> at i:h���r�e and plac�and under�he terms d�s�g����d �n �h�nv�ice�f�a�e in ane or rr�or�parce�s and in any
<br /> �r�er T�-����ee c�e�er�m�mes. 'I�'�-us��� r��y po���a���� sa�� �f a�� or ar�y parc�� of th� Property �y pu�lic
<br /> a����ouncer�e��t a��he���rn��nd ���ce of any �r��ious��s�h�du�ed ���e. �ender or�ts designee may�urcha�e
<br /> t�e Praper�y at a��y sa�e.
<br /> Upar� �-e�eipt af paym�nt af the price b�dg 'I'rus��e s��a�� d��i��r t� th� purc�aser Trustee's deed con�eying
<br /> $he Prape�-�y. rThe r�{c�tal� in the'I`r�s����s d��d shall b� prim� faci���ide��ce�f�he truth of the statements
<br /> �ade the�•ein. TruStee �hal� a�p�� the p�•���eds of t��e �a�e i� �he f�i�odvi�g order: �a� t� al� costs and
<br /> �xp�n��s �f e�erc�si�g�he �a�e�• �f��ie, ��� th� sa��, in��u����g �he �ayr��nt of�he Tru�ste�'s feeg ac�u��ly
<br /> G 2��4-2�1�Camp�iance�ys#etr�s,I.nc.�958-8BD7-20�3I�2.3.].$43
<br /> Consumer Rcal Estate-SecL�rity Tilstr��mer�t❑��2n36 f'a�e=t of5 www.complisncesystems.c�m
<br />