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��14�74�5 <br /> A �ica�al� ��vv. As used in t���s Sec�ri�y �ns�rumer�t, �he term "Applicable La�v" sha�l mean all �or��ro�ling <br /> �'� <br /> ap��ica�ble federa�, s�a�e and l�cal s�a�u�es, regu�ati�ns, �rd�nances a��d administrative rules and �rders �tha� have <br /> �h�effect of la�v�as�vel:�as al�app�icable f�nal,nan-appealaU���ud�c�a�ap�n�ons. <br /> �harges; L��ns. Bar�-ower sha�l pay alI taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impasi�ians a��ribu�abl� ta the <br /> Prap�rty vv��ich may att�in prior��y a�er�his Se�uri�ty I�strumen�, a�d �easehold paymen�s or gr�und ren�s, if any. <br /> At th�reauest of I1end���,B�rrovver sha��pr�mptly fu�-nish�o Ler�de�•rece�pts e�zdenc�ng�he payments. <br /> B�rr�wer sha�l ra��n t��y dis�harge any lien w���ch has pr�ori�y aver�his Security �ns�rumen�unless Borr�wer: �a� <br /> p � . <br /> agre�s �n writ�r�g �o �1��� payment af the �bligati�n se�ured by the Iien �n a manner acceptable �o Lepder; �b} <br /> con�ests in good faitl� ���� Iien by, �r defends agains� enforce�aen� af�he �ien �n, l�gal proce�dings vvhi�h in the <br /> Lender's np�nior� apera��e �o prevent �h� e�for�emen� o�f�i�e lien; �r ��� secures fro�n �he l���der of�he �ien an <br /> ag�-eeine�t sa�isfacl;ory�a Lender su�b�rd�na�ing the �ier�ta t��is Sec�.�ri�:y Ins�um�n�. �f Lender determ�nes�hat any <br /> par� �f the Praper�y is ��ub�ec�ta a �ien w���ch may at�ain pr��r��y oWer�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borrower a�za��ce ident:ifying the �ien. �3orr�vrrer shal� sa�isfy ihe lien ��take one �r more �f�he a�tions se� for�h <br /> above v�ri��hin �o days�f'the giving of no�ice. <br /> Haz�rd �r I'rop�rty ���surance. Bo�ower shall keep�he �mpro�e�nen�s no�e�isting or her�after ere��ed on the <br /> PrQperty insured ag�ins�t loss by fi�re,hazards��aciuded wi�h�n�he�er�n"extended c���rage" and any a��er hazards, <br /> �nc�udir�� f�oods or flooding, for v�hzch Lender rec�u�res insuran�e. �"h�s �nsurance sha�l be main�ai�e�d in ���e <br /> amo�n�s and f�r�he periods�ha�Lender requ�res. The�nsu�-ance�arr�er pro��ding�he insurance shali be cl�Qsen by <br /> Borrovver suUject t� L�nder's apprava� which sl�a�l not l�e unreasona�ly �i�hhe�d. If Borrawer fai�s to ��naintain <br /> cav�rage des�rib�d abr��e, Lender ma�, a� Lender's ap�ion, ob#:ain co�rerage to pra�e�� Lender's righ�s in the <br /> Proper�y in a�cordance v�i�h section�t��led Pro�eeti�n a�I�e�d�r���tights���the�'roperty. <br /> Al� �nsura�ce �a1�c�es and renewals shali be acceptable �o Lender and shali ir�clude a standard m�r�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender shall ha�e 1;h�r:�gh�t�hold the�o�ici�s and renevrral�. 7f Lender requires,B�rrower shall promp���gi�ve to <br /> Lender a��receipts of paid prem�ums and rene�al notices. �n�he event af loss, Borrower shall g�ve pr�mpt not�ce <br /> ta the insuranc�carrier and L�nde�-.Lender may���ake proof��'Ioss if no�.made pra��np�ly by B�rrawer. <br /> Uniess Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree �n writing, insurance proceeds sha�l be applied to res�ora�ian ar <br /> repair of the Prope�-ty ��amaged, �f, in Lender's s�le dis�retian, �h� restora�ion or repair is economicaily feasib�e <br /> and Lender's secur��y i,3 n�� Iessened. If, �n Lender's so�e discreti�n, tl�e res��rati�n �r repair is no� ec�namica��y <br /> feasib�e or L�nd�r's security v�rould be l�sse�ned,�he ins��ranGe proceeds shal� be appl�ed�o�he su�ns se�ured by�his <br /> Se�uri�.y �ns�rument, uT��et�►er or no� then due, vv��h any excess pai�. �o Bor�-ovver. �f B�rrov�er abandons the <br /> Pr�p�r�, �r does na�a��srnjer�i�hin the number�f days pt escribed b�App��cab�e L�w as se�f�rth in a na�ice from <br /> Lender�o Bar�-ower���t��t�ae insUrance carrier has affered�o set��e a c�aim� the� Lende�may �o��ect the insurance <br /> p�-oceeds. L�ender �r�ay use the praceeds to repair or restore tlae Pra�er�y �r t� pay su�ns s�c��red by t�is Securi�y <br /> Inst�•ument,w��ether�rr not�hen due.T�e period of ii�ne for Bor�-ovver�o ans�we�-as se�for�h in the no�ice will b�g�n <br /> vvhen�he no�ice is g�we7�. <br /> Unl�ss Lender and Bo��rower ot��e�-wise agree �n wri�ing, an�applicat�fln �f pr��eeds �o principa� sl�all no�extend <br /> or pastpone�1�e du� da�e of the pay�ner�ts due under���e Contrac�or��ange �ti�e am�unt of th�payments. �f under <br /> �he section tit]ed ��c�l�era�ioY�; Rem�dies, �he Pr�perty �s acqu�red��Lender, Borrower's r�ght to any �nsurance <br /> pa�icies and pr�ceeds �resul�ing fi-�m da�-nage �o t�he Pr�per�y prior t� �he acq�isi�ian shail pass �a Lender to �he <br /> e��ent of�he sums secured by this Se�ur�ty rnstru�nen�immedia�e�y pri�r�o the acquisitian. <br /> ]Pr�s�r���t���, 1'�air��e��an�e �nd �Pro�ecti��g �f ��e �ro��r��; Sorro��er's Loan A��li�ation; Le�seholds. <br /> B�rr�wer sha�l not des�roy, dama�e �r impair�he Proper�y, a��ow�he Prope���a deteriora�e, ar commit waste an <br /> �he Property. Lorrower shal�be in d�fau�t if ar�y f�rf�i�ure actian�r proceeding,whe�her c�Wi�or crim���al,is begun <br /> tha� �n Lenc�er's gaod ��ai�h j udgment could resul� in farfe��ure �f the Prope�y �r atherv�ise ma�erial�y impair the <br /> ��en created by this Security �ns�rument or Lender's s�curi�y �nterest. Borrov�er may cure such a default and <br /> reinstate, as pro�id�d in section�itled Borrower's Riglit to R.�insta�e, b� causing�he ac��fln or pro�eeding to be <br /> dismissed wi�h a rulin��hat, in Lender's good faith�et��•mination,prec�udes forfeiture of���e Borrower's in�erest in <br /> ���e Property ar ��her ��na�erial ��-npairmer�� of�h� �ien crea�ed by �his Secur��y Instrument nr Lender's security <br /> int�rest. �3�rr�u�er sha�i also be in d��`ault i��Borr�wer,during the Iaan app�ication process,ga�re n�ateria�i�false or <br /> inaccura�e inf�r���a�ian or s�ate���ents �a Lender (or faiied �o pr��ride Le�der v���h any ma��ria� inf��rrr�atifln� i�� <br /> connecti�n v���l� the �fl��n e�ridenced by the Con�ract. �f this Securi�.y �ns�ru�ne��t is fln a�easehold, Borrower shali <br /> camply v��th ali t��e pr����siflns of the Iease. If B��-row�r ac�uires fee�xt�e�a�he Prflper�y,the Iease��o�d ar�d�he fee <br /> �i�le shali not�n�rge unless Lender agrees to ihe me�ger in wri�ing. <br /> Pr��ec��mn of �e�der'� Rights �m t��e Pro��rty. If B���r��ver fa�ls to perfa�-m �h� covenants and ag�-eements <br /> contai�ed in�his S�cu��i�y���strumen�, or�here �s a�e�;a� pr�ceeding tha�t may signif�cantly aff�c�Lender'� righ�s in <br /> �he Praperty �such as �a praceed�ng in bankruptc�, prab��e, fo�- candemna��on or forfei�ure �r �� enforc� iaws �r <br /> r�gu�atians}, �then �e�der may dc� and pay for vvha�ever �s necessar,� to pra�ect t��e �alue of�h� �'roper�.y and <br /> Ler�der's rig��s in�the �'ropet-�y. Lende�-'s ac�ions�nay inc�ude�aying a��y�ums secured by a li�n w��icl� has pr�ority <br /> �ver�his Se�urity r��s�rumen�, a�pearing in cour�,pay��i�reas�nab�e at�orneys'fees and en�er�ng an the P�•operty�o <br /> ma�e repairs.Altl�oug��Lender may�ake act��n�.�nder ihis sec�ion, I.�en�er does not haWe t�da s�. <br /> �n� amounts disb��rsed by �..ender under �hYs se��i�n shall become addi��o�zal debt of B�rrow�r se�ured by th�s <br /> �ecurity Inst�um�nt. ZJn�ess Borrower and Lender ag��ee �� ����er �erms t�f payme���, �hese amounts shall bear <br /> �nterest fi��m �:he da�e �f disburse�ent at �l�e same ra�� assessed �n advanc�s under ���e Contract an� shal� be <br /> payab�e,witl� �n�eres�,upon n��ice f�-on�I�ender�o Borro�er rec�u�s�:in�payme�t. <br /> o z�o�-�a�������t�h�,���y$r���s,I�ic.4958M8BD7-2D13L2.3.l.Si�3 <br /> Cons��ni�r REa(Estate-Sectirity�nstitiiment DL203G Pa�e 2 of 5 w�vw.�orr�pliar�cesysterr� <br />