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��14�7�43 <br /> required by RESPA, and Sorrowe�c sh�a1.1 pay to Lencier�he ampunt a to make up the deficiency in <br /> accordance with RESPA, but in no�r�th�an 12 ma�thly payments. <br /> Upon payment in full of a11 sums s�ureci by this�urity t, Len.der s�hall prvm�atly refund to <br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> �. C�tenges; L.iens. Borrawer shal�pay all taxes, assessm�nts, �harges, fines, and impositions attributable to <br /> the Property which can attain privrity vv�r t�uis�ecurity Ins�ruament, leasehold payments or ground r�nts an <br /> the Proper�y, if any, and Community Association 13u�es, Fees, aaad Assessmen�s, if any. Ta the extent that <br /> these it�ms ar�Escrow Items, Borrawer sha11 pay them in the m�anner pravid�ed in Sec�ion 3. <br /> �orrower shall prvm�tly dischar�e any lie�which has pr�ority av�r this 5ecurity Instru,ment unless <br /> Sarrawer: �a)agrees in writing ta the payment of the oblig�i�n secured by the li�a in a menn�r aacep#ahle <br /> to Lend�r,but�nly sa l�ng as Borrawer is p�rforming such agr�ment; �'b]contes�the lien in gnad faith by= <br /> vr d�fends against e�forceme��of the lien in, 1eg�pEroceedings wh�ch in Le�d�r's�pinion opez�a�e to prevent <br /> the enforcement of the�ien while those proceedings a��pen.d�ng,but an�y unt�such proceedings are <br /> concluded; vr(c}secures fram the hold�er of the lien�n agr�m�nt sa�isfactary to Lender su ' 'ng the <br /> lien to this Security Instrument. If Lende� ' es that any pa�t of the Prop��rty is subject to a lien v�hich <br /> can atta�n privrity over this Security Instrument, Lender may giv�Bon4wer a n�tice i�ienfiifying t.he lien. <br /> V�ithin 1�days of�he date on which th�at not�ce is giv�n, Borrower sh�all sat�sfy the lien or take o�e ar more <br /> of the a�ons set forth abov�in thi s Sectian 4. <br /> L�nder ma.y require B�rruwer tc�pay a an�time ch�ge for a real estate tax ver�i�Cc�tion andlar repo�ting <br /> service used by L�nder in connectivn with this Loan. <br /> 5. Pnoperty f nsurance. Barrower sh,�ll keep t�ie irnprov�m�n�s now ea�isting ar hereaf�er erected an the <br /> Praperty insured agains�loss by fire, h�ards included within the#e7m"�xt�d�ed caverages�' and any ather <br /> hazards including, but not limited to, earthc�uakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. This <br /> insuran�e shall be m�a.nta�ned in the aim�ounts{inclu� deduc�ible 1e�ve�s�and for the periods that Lendez <br /> requires. What Lender r�quires pursuant ta the pr�aeding s�nter�ces can change d� the term of the Loan. <br /> The insurance rarrier providing�he insuranve s�iall b�chas�by Bo�rower subj ect to Lender's right ta <br /> disapprove Borrvwer's chvic�e, which right shall nt3t�e�xercised unreasvnab��. I�nder ma�require <br /> Borrower to pay, in vonnec�ion with this Loan, ei�: ta]a one-time charge far fl�od zone determinratian, <br /> certi�cation and tracking s�ervi�es; vr{�a}a�ne-time charge f�r f�vod zone d�termir�a�tion end ce�tification <br /> services and subsequeat charges each time r�map�pings at similar changea occur which reasanably might <br /> affect such det ' 'an or certi�i�ation. Bo�rower ah�1.alsa be 'ble for the payme�t of any fees <br /> impas�d by th�Federal Em�ergency Man�agement Agency in ccnmecti�n witb the r�iew of any flaad zone. <br /> d�t�rminaticm resul.ting from an object�on hy Bo�r�wer. <br /> If Bo�-roweT fails ta ma�ntain any of the vavera,ges described abo�e, Lender may abtain insurance vav�ge, <br /> at Lender's aptian and Barrowez's expense. Lead�is under no vblig�ion�o purch�ase any particular type or <br /> am,vunt af�over��e. Therefore, su�h va�eTage shall cov�r Lend�r, but might ar might not protect Barrower, <br /> Borrower's equity�n the Prop�rty, or�he contents vf the Property, against anY r�sk, hazard ar liability and <br /> might provid�greater�r lesser covera�e t�an wes pr�vivusly in efFect. Barrower acknvw�edg�s that the cost <br /> of the insuranae�overage sv abtained might significantly exceed the cost vf insu�-ance th�Borrower cou�d <br /> have vbt�ned. Any anaawnts disbursed by L�ndez uud�er this Seactian 5 sha1�be�ome add�tianal debt of <br /> Borrower secured by this 5ecurity Instrume��. These amounts shall bear interest at the Nate rate from the <br /> date of disb t and sh�1 be payable,with such interest, upon no�iae from L.end�r to Barrower <br /> requesting payrn�nt. <br /> 23Q�348338 a VBNE <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famihl-Fsnnie Msel�reddie M�c UNlFDRM lNSTRUAAENT Farm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP(� VMP8�N�3 4'�34�) <br /> 1Nctters Kluwer Finanoiel Ssr�icas Pape g of i 7 <br /> � <br /> r <br />