<br /> All insuranve policies required by Lender and r�ne�wals of su�h polici�s sha11 Ue subj ect to Lender's right ta
<br /> disapprave swch�o�icies, shall�nclude a st�dard e cl.ause, aad sh,al.l name Lender as mvrtgagee
<br /> andlar as an a�idational lvss payee. Lender shall hav��he righ#to hold the polici�s and renewal certificates. If
<br /> Ler�der requires, Borrower shall pramptly give�o I�der al.l receip#�of pai�premiums and renewal not�ces.
<br /> If Barrawer oUtains any form of i.nsurance coverage,nat otherwise required by Lender, far damage to, or
<br /> d�stx-uctivn vf, the Property, such policy shall inc�ude a standard n�rtgage c�au�e and sha11 na,me L�nder as
<br /> mor�gagee andlar as an additior�al�oss payee.
<br /> In the even�of loss, Borrvwer shall give prom��nvt�ce to the insurance�arrier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> mtake proaf vf lass if not x�de promptly by Borrower. Unless Lend�r and Barrower otherwise agree in
<br /> writing, an�insurance pro�eeds, whethe�r or not the und�rlyiva�insuranoe was requ�red by Lenc�er, s�xa11 be
<br /> appli�d ta res�vratiun or re�air of the Prvpezty, if the res�orarion ar repair is e�onomically f�asible and
<br /> Lender's security is nat less�nad. During such repair end restoration period, Le�rider sha11 have the right t�
<br /> hald such insuranoe proceeds until Lender has hard�n o 'ty ta inspect such Praper�y to ensure the
<br /> work has been complet�d.tv i,end�'s sat�sfa�aivn,provid�d that such inspectivn s�ha1.�be ua�dertak�n
<br /> promptly. Lende�r may disburse prvice�ds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment vr in a series of
<br /> progress payments as the wark is camplete�l. Unless an agr�ement i�s mad�in writing ar Applicable Law
<br /> requ3res interes�to be paid on such insurance proceads, Le�der shall nat be required ta gay Borrower any
<br /> interest or earnings on such proc�ds. Fees for public adju�ters, or ather third parties,r�i.ned by Boirower
<br /> shall not be paid out of�h�insurance praceeds and s�all be the sa�e obiiga�ion af Banrower. If the restoration
<br /> or repair is not ecanomically feasible ar Lendez's security would be�ess�n�d,the i�surance proceeds sha11 be
<br /> applied tv the sums secured by this 5ecurity I �, whe�her or not then due, �w�ith the�xcess� if any,
<br /> paid tv Borrower. Such insurance proc�eeds shall Ue applied in the vrd�r provided fvr in 5ectian 2.
<br /> If Borrawer abandons the Property, Lend�rr may file, negotia�e and se�.tle any a�ailable in�urance��aim�nd
<br /> related mat�ers. If Bon�wer does not respond wi�un 3U days to a notice from Le�d�rr that_the in�urance
<br /> carrier has affered to se�ttle a claim, the�a Lead�rr rnay nego#�ate and settle t�e claim. Th�3fl-day period will
<br /> be�wheu#�e noti�e is giv�n. In either e�ve�t, or if Lex��ier a�quires the Praperty und�rr Sectian 22 vr
<br /> oth�rwi se, Bvrrawer hereby assig�s to Le�d�er�a}Bo�rawer's rights to any insuranoe in an amount
<br /> not tv exoeed�}ie am�unts unpaid under th�I�ote vr this Security Instrumea�, and�'b}any ather of
<br /> Bvrrower's rights�ath�r�han the rig�t to any refund vf une�rnec�grenaiuma paid by Borrqwez�under a��
<br /> insurance palicies cvvering the Proper�y, insafar as such rights are a�pplirat�le to the coverage af the
<br /> Propezty. Lender may use the in.suranae praceeds either to repai.r�r restare the Prope�y or to pay am�unts
<br /> unpaid under�he Note ar this Security In.strument, whe�ther or not the�due.
<br /> �. �c�cupancy. Borrower sh,a�.l ac�upy, establish, and use the Properr�y as Borrower's principal residenve
<br /> wi#hin�4 days af�er�he exec�io�af t�is Security Instr�t and sha11 cvntinue to oc�upy�h�Praperty ars
<br /> Bvrrower's principal residea�ve for at 1ea�st one year af�er th�date of occupancy, unless L�nd�r ath�rwise
<br /> agrees in writing, whi�h�vnse�at sha�1 nat be unreas�a�ably w�thheld, or u�nless exte�nuati�g cir ces
<br /> exist which are beyond Barrower''s cantml.
<br /> �. at ion, M aintenance and Rnat�ct ion vfi the Pnoperty; i nspect ians. Borrower shal.��.vt des�r�y,
<br /> damage vr impair�he Prnperty, a11nw t�ie Prvperty t�d�te�or�rte�r rammit waste�n t�ie Property. Whe�her
<br /> or not Barrower�s residing in the Property, Borrower sha�.l ' ' the Propezt�r in order to pr�vent the
<br /> Prnperty from d�eriorat�ng or decreasing in value d�e ta its aondition. LTnless it i s detezmined pursua�nt ta
<br /> 5e�tion 5 that r�pair or restoration is n�t econflmically feasible, Barrawer shall promptly repaa.r th�Property
<br /> if damaged to avoid fiu�t�ier dete�`iaration ar damage. If insurance or vand�a�anatian praceeds are pa�d in
<br /> canunectian with dan�g�ta, or the ta�ing o�the Property, Barrower sha11 he responsib�e for repairing or
<br /> restaring the Prvp�rty only if I�nder has relea,sed praoeeds fvr such pu�poses. Lender may di sburse�roce�ds
<br /> 23�348338 D VBN�
<br /> NEBRASKA�Sing�Famiy-Fsnnis MselFrsddie Ma�UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3d2B�141
<br /> VMP� VMPB�NEy{7 3i]Z�
<br /> WoFtars Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices Pa�e 7 n#17
<br /> � � �
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<br />