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��14�7�43 <br /> Any applica.tion vf payn�ents, insuraave proveeds, �r Misv�llaneous Proveeds to principal due under the Nvt� <br /> shall not exten�or pastpnne th�due date, or change the an�ount, of�he Pez�i�dic Paymen�,s. <br /> 3. �nda fvr Escrnw Items. Barrower shall pay ta Lender on the day Periodic Pay�aa�ents are due under the <br /> No�e, unt�l�he 1�Tote is paid in full, a sum�fihe"Funds"�to provide for pay�ent of amount��u�e far: �a]ta�es <br /> and assessm�nts�nd ot�her items which�n aita�in priority�ver#his Security Ins�rumex�t as a lien or <br /> encum�arance on t�e Property, Cb�le�seh�ld paym�ts or graund rents on�he Property, if�y, C�}pre�miurns <br /> for any and all insur�nve by L�nder und�r Sec�ivn 5;and�d}Mortga�e Insurance premiun�s, if any, <br /> or any sums payable by Barrow�r to Lender in lieu of the payment�f Mortgage Ins�u�ance premiurns in <br /> arccordan�e wit�►the provisions of 5ectivn 1 D. These it�ms are cal.Xed"Escrow Ite�s."At origination ar at <br /> any time during the te�rn af the Loan, Lender may requare that Cc�mmunity Assaciation Dues, F ees, and <br /> ts, if any,be escrvwed by Borraw�r, and su�h dues, fe+es and assessnneats shail be an Es�ar�w <br /> Item. Borrnwer shall prompt�y furnish to Lender a11 nat�ces af am.aunts ta be paid under this Se�ctivn. <br /> Borrower sha.11 pay Lender the Funds for Fscrow I�m�s w�l.ess Le�ader w�ves Borrower's obligat�on to pay <br /> �he Funds for any vr all Escrow I�en�s. Lender may waive Bo�rowe,�'s�bligation to pay#�LendeT Funds far <br /> any or ali Escrvvv Itelns a�any time. �y such�v�may only be in�itin�. In the event�f such waiver, <br /> Borro�ver shall pay directly, v�hen and where payabl�, the amounts due for any EsGrow Items for which <br /> pa}�ment of Funds has been waived by L�nder and, if Le�der requires, s�hall fiar�u�to Lender receipts <br /> evidencing such payment withi.n such time period as I�nder may require. Barr�wer's ubligati�n ta make <br /> such payments and to provide receipts shall for a11 purpose�be d�med.ta be a cove�nant and agre�m�nt <br /> contained in this Security��nt, as the phrase"co�en�ant and agree�m�nt"is used i.n Se�on 9. If <br /> Borrnwer is ob�igated tv pay Escrvw Items directly,pursu�nt t�a waiver, and Barr�wer fails tv pay the <br /> amaunt due for an Escraw Item, Lender may exercise its righta und�r Sec�i����n�pay su�h ama�xx�t and <br /> Borrower shall th�n be obligated under Sec�ivn 9 to repay tv Lender any au�ch a�m�ount. L�nd�er may re°�ake <br /> the�vaiver as�o any vr al�Escrow Items at any t�me by a notice given in accordanve with Section 15 and, <br /> upon such revocatian, Borrower sh�all pay to Lender a1�Funds, and in such aar�unts, that are then required <br /> under thi s 5ect�on 3. <br /> Le�der may, at any t�me, co�lect and hold Funds in a�n am�unt�a)suf�i�ient#o p�rmit Lender to ap�ly the <br /> Funds a�the t�me speci�ed under RESPA, and�b�nat to exc�ed the maximum Rmaunt a lender r�n requir� <br /> uuader RESPA. L�nder sha11 estimat�the amnunt af Funds due on th�basis of cuxr�nt data.and reasonable <br /> estinaates�f exp�n�iture�s of future Escraw Items or otherwis�in a�ccordan�e vv�ith Appl��able Law. <br /> 'The Funds shall be held in an institution wh�se deposits are i.nsured by a federal agenc�, instrume�tality, or <br /> ez�#�ty[including Lender, if Len�r is an institutian wh�se d�posits are sa insu�red}or in.any Federal Home <br /> Loan Ban�k. Lend�r shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrvw It�m�no�ater�the time specified under <br /> RESFA. Lender sh�al.Z not�harge Borrower for holding and app�ying the Funds, analy�ing t�ie <br /> escrow a�couunt, �r verifyin�the Es�row It�ms, unless Le�der pays Borrower inter�sst vn the Funds and <br /> AppliGable Law permits Lend�r to rnake such a charg�. TJnless an a�reernent is made in writing or <br /> Appli�ahle Law requires interest ta be paid on the Fund.s, Lend�er sha1.1 not be required�o pay Barrow�er any <br /> in�erest ar earnings vn the Funds. Bvrrower and Lender can a�ree�, hawever, that interest sha11 be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall g�ve ta�arr�wer, withaut char�e, an annual a�rcvun�ing vf the Funds as <br /> required b�R��PA. <br /> If there xs a�u�rplus vf Fuuda held in esczow, as defined un�.er RESPA, Le�ider shall account tv Barrower for <br /> t�e excess fund�in a�cordance with RES�'A. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as d�fin�d und�er <br /> RESPA, L.e�der sh,all notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower sh�all pay to Lend�r the amvunt <br /> n�cessary to mak�up the shorta�e in aQcordance with RESP.A, but in no mvre than 12 rnanthly payments. If <br /> there is a deficiency of Funds held�n escrow, as d�ned und�r RE�PA, Lend�r shall notify Borrower as. <br /> 23��348338 0��NE <br /> N�BRASKAwin�la Fsm�y-'F�nnis MasfFreddie'N�a�c UNIFQRM 1N5THUMENT Form 3028 71�1 <br /> YMP� VMPBRNEI t13QZ] <br /> WoFters Kiuwer Finsndei Services Pa�e 5 of 17 <br /> � F:�/ <br /> � <br /> l� <br /> ,r <br /> f �� <br />