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��14�7157 <br /> Any appl�cation of pa�rmen�s, �nsurance pra�eeds, or Miscellaneou� Proceeds to pr�nci�a�due under�he Nate <br /> sha�l not e�tend or pos�pone the due dat�, �r�hange�he amount, af�h�Periadic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow I�em�. Barrower sha��pay�fl Lend�r on�he day Periadic Paymen�s ar�due under the <br /> No��, un�il �he No�e is paid �n fu��, a sum�the "Funds"}to pr��ide for paym�n�of amaun�s due for: �a3 tax�s <br /> and assessments and o�her i�ems wh�c� can at�axn prior�ty o�ver this Se�urity Instrumen�as a l�en or <br /> en�umbrance an�he Praper�y; �b} leaseh��d paymen��ar ground ren�s on the Pr�per�y, if any; �c�prem.iunns <br /> f�r any and axl �nsurance required�� Lender under S�c�ion S; and �d} Mar�gage Insurance premiums, �f any, <br /> or any sums payable�y Barrov�er�o Lender in lieu �f the payment of M�r�gage�nsurance premiums �n <br /> accflrdanc�v�r��h�he prov�si�ns af Sec�ion ��. Thes���ems are ca��ed "E�cr�w �tems." At�rig�nat�on ar a� <br /> an��ime during the term�f the L.oan, Lender may requ�re tha��ommunity Assac�ation Du�s, Fees, and <br /> A55�55�11�n�5 y if any, be escrawed�y B�rrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shal�be an Escrow <br /> ��em. Borr�wer shall prompt�y furnish to Lender a11 na�ices of amount��o�e paid under this Section. <br /> B�rrow�r sha�l pay I.ender�he Funds for Escrov� ��ems unless Lender waives B�rraw�r's ob��ga�ion to pay <br /> �he�unds for any or a�l Escrow �t��ns. L�nder may wa��e B�rrower's o�Iiga��on�a pa�to Lender�unds far <br /> any or all Escrow �tems at an��ime. Any such waiver�na�on�y be�n wr�ting. �n�he event of such v�raiver, <br /> Borrower sha��pa�directly, when and where payabl�, the amoun�s due for an�r Escrov� �tem� for wh�ch <br /> paymen��f Funds has�een vrra�ved by Lender and, �f Lend�r requires, shali furnish�o Lender rec�ip�s • <br /> ev�dencing such pa�rmen�vvithin such�ime period as Lender m.ay requir�. Borrow�r's ab�igat�on ta make <br /> such payments and�a provide receip�s shall far all purpases be deem�.ed to be a co�enant and agreen�en� <br /> con�a�ned in this Secur�ty�nstrument, as�he phrase "c�venant and agreemen�" is used in Sect�on 9. �f <br /> B�rr�w�r�s obl�gated�o pay Escrow ��ems d�rectXy, pursuant to a wa��er, and Barrower fa��s t�pay�h� <br /> amoun�due f�r an Escr�w ��em, Lender may exercise its r�ghts und�r Section 9 and pay such a�mount and <br /> Barrower shall th�n be o��igat�d under Sec�ion 9�o repa�to Lender any such amount. Lend�r may revoke <br /> the�ai�er as to a��or aI� �scrflw �tems at an���nrz�by a n�ti�e gi�en in acc�rdance w�th Se��ion 15 and, � <br /> up�n such re�oca�ion, Borrovver shall pay to Lender all Funds, an��n such amaunts, �hat are�hen required <br /> und�r thxs �e���on 3. <br /> Lender ma�, a�an.��in1e, c���ec�and�.a�d Fur�ds in an amount �a} suf�cient to permi�L.ender to apply�he <br /> Funds a��he��me spec�fied under RESPA, and�b} nat�o exceed the maximum amaunt a lender can r�quire <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�l estima�e�h�am�unt of Funds due on�he basis�f curren�data and r�asonable <br /> ��t�mates of expendi�ures af fu�ure Escr�w ��ems or a�herwise in accordance wrth App�x�able Law. <br /> The Funds sha��he held in an insti�uti�n v�rhase depasi�s are insured by a federal agenc�, �ns�rum�nta�r�y, or <br /> en���� ��ncluding Lender, if Lender is an insti�ution whose depas��s are s�xnsured} ar�n any F�dera� Ham� <br /> �..oan Bank. I�nder sha1� app�y the Funds�a pay the Escrow �t�ms no later than the�xme specif�ed under <br /> RESPA. L�nder sha��not charge Borrower for ho�d�ng and app�ying�he Funds, annually anal�zing�he <br /> escravv account, �r verifying fhe Escr�w Ztems, u�a�.ess L�nder pays Borr�w�r in�eres�an�he Funds ar�d <br /> App�icable Law per�mits Lend�r�o mak�such a charge. Un�ess an agreement is made in wri��ng�r <br /> Appl�cab�e Law requires in�erest to be paid fln the Funds, Lender shal�no��e required�o pay B�rrov�er any <br /> interes�or earnings on the Funds. B�rrower and I.�nder�an agree in wr�ting, �.awe�ver, �hat interes��ha�t�e <br /> paid�n�he Funds. Lender sha��g��e t� Borrower, v�r�t�au�charge, an annua.I accoun��ng of�he Funds as <br /> requ�r�d�y RESPA. <br /> �f�here is a surp�us of Fund�he�d in escro�v, as defined und�r RESPA, Lender sha11 acc�un��o B�rrower for <br /> �he e�.cess funds in accardance with RESPA, If�here is a shortage of Funds he�d in escrov�, as de�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender shal�r�ot�fy Barrov�er as requir�d by RESPA, and Borrower sha.I�pay to Lender th�amaunt <br /> n�cessar� to ma.�e up the shortage in accordance wxth RESPA, but �n no more�han ��m�nthly paymen�s. If <br /> ther��s a def���ency of Funds he�d in es�raw, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha�� n���f�Barr�vwer as <br /> N�BRASKA-S�ngle�amily-Fanr�ie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Farrr-�3028 11D'! <br /> VMP Q VMPfi(N��{�3p�} <br /> Walters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices Pags 5 vf 17 <br />