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��14�7157 <br /> B�RR�'�E�.C�VENANTS that Barrower is lawfu���se�sed of the�state here�y��nv�yed and has the r�ght ta <br /> grant and c�nv�y the Praper�y and that the Praper�y is unencumbere�., exc�pt for encum�rances of recard. <br /> Borrov�er�varrants and wi1� d�fend general�y the tit�e to th�Pr�p�r�y aga�nst a�� ��a�ms and den�ands, sub�ec��a <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S SEGURITY�NSTRUMEI�T combints u�iforxn cowenan�s for na��ona�us�and non�unzform cov�nants with <br /> limited varia�ions by jur�sd����on�o Cans�itu��a uniform securzty �nstrument cover�ng rea�property. <br /> Uniform �o�enants. Bflrrower and Lender cavenant and agree as fol�ows: <br /> '1. Payment �f Pr�r�cipa�, lnterest, Esc�ow item�, Prepayment Charges, an� Late Charges. Barr�w�r <br /> shaZ�pay when due the principa� of, and �n�erest an, the d�b�evidenc��by�he l�o�e a.nd an�pr�payment <br /> charges and Ia���harges due under�he Note. Borrower shall also pay funds fnr Escr�w �ter�s pursuant�a <br /> Sec��on 3. Paymen�s due under th�Nate and t���Se�ur�ty�n�trumen�shal�he made�n U.S. currenc�r. <br /> Ho�vever, if any check or other instrumen�receiv�d by Lender as payment und�r the Not�or this Security <br /> I�as�rument is returned�o Lender unpaid, Lender ma�requ�r�tha�any�r a�l subs�quent pa�rments du�under <br /> th�Na�e and this Securi���nstrument be made in one or m�are af�he follovving forms, a�selec�ed by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b� money order; ��}cer�i�ed check, bank che�k, treasurer's check ar cashier's�heck, pravided any <br /> such che�k is drawn upon an�nst��u�ion whose deposits are insured�y a federa� agenc�r, ins�rumental��y, ar <br /> ent�ty; vr�d� Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paym�nts are deemed received by I�ender when received at the�ocati�n de�zgnat�d�n�h�N��e or at such <br /> o�her lacat�on as may be designated b�r Lender in ac�ordance v�v��h the n�ti�e prQ��sions in Se�ti�n �S. <br /> L�n�er may return any payrnent ar par�ia�pa�ment if the payment or partia�payments are insufficient ta <br /> brxng�he Loan current. Lender may a�cep�any pa�ment ar par�ial payment in�uff�cient ta bring�he Loan <br /> �urrent, w�thout waiver af any rzghts hereunder�r�rejudice to i�s righ�s t�refuse such payment nr par�ia� <br /> paymen�s in�he futur�, but L�nder�s not ob���ated to appiy suCh paymen�s at the�im�such paymen�s are <br /> a�cep��d. �f each Per��dic Paym�nt is appl���as of�ts schedu�ed due da�e, then Lender need not pay intere�t <br /> on unapp�ied funds. Lender may hold su�h unapp��ed funds unt�� Borrower znak�s pa�rm�nts tQ bring th� <br /> Loa.n curren�. If Barrower do�s n�t do sa�v�thin a reasonabl�periad�f�ime, Lender shali��th�r app�y such <br /> funds ar return them to Borrower. �f nat appl�ed�ar�i�r, such funds wi�l b�appl��d ta�he out�tan.d�ng <br /> princ�pal balance under the No�e immed�ate�y pri�r t� f�rec�asure. N��ff�et or cla�m wh�ch Borrawer might <br /> have now�r in the future agains�Lend�r sha�l relieve Borrower from�naking pa�men�s due under�he N��e <br /> and�h�s Securi�y Instrumen�or performing the cov�nants and agreements secur�d b�this Se�urity <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> Z, Applicatian af Rayments o� Pr�ceeds. Except as�therw�se descr�bed in�h�s Sect��n�, all paXments <br /> acc�p�ed aiad app��ed by Lender sha11 be applied in the fol�owing vrder af pr�ori�y: �a} intere��due under the <br /> Nate; �b}principa�due under�he Note; (c} amounts due under Section 3. Such paymen�s sha11 be applied�o <br /> each Per��d��Payment�n the order xn whi�h�t became due. Any remaining amounts sha�1 be app�ied�rst ta <br /> late charges, s�ca�d t�any other amoun�s due under�h�s Securit� Instrum�nt, and then ta reduce�he � <br /> principal balanc�of the N��e. <br /> If Ler�d�r rec��ves a pa�m�n�from Borrower f�r a del�nquent Periadic Pa�men�v�rhich �nc�udes a suffici�nt <br /> amount to pay any�ate charge due, the paymen�ma�be appl�ed��the del�nquent payment and the late <br /> charge. �f m�re than one Per��dic Paym�nt is�utstanding, Lender may apply an�pa�ment receiv��from <br /> Borro�ver ta the repayment�f�he Periodi�Payments �f, and to the ex�ent that, each paymen��ar�be pa�d in <br /> fu��. To the ext�nt that any excess exists aft�r the payment is applied to the fu11 payment af one�r more <br /> Per�od�c Pa�ments, such exc�ss ma�r�e app�ied ta an��a�e charges due. V�luntary prepa�men�s sha�l b� <br /> appl�ed fxrsfi to any prepayment charges�d then a�described in�he Not�. <br /> NESRASKA-Singl��amily-Fannis Mael�reddi�Mac IJNIFORM INSTRUMENT �orm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE�{13��1 <br /> Walters Kluw�r�inancial 5er�ices Pac�e 4 af 17 <br />