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��14�7157 <br /> requ�red by RESPA y and Borrovver sha��pay�o Len�ler the amount necessary to mak�up �he defic�en�y in <br /> acc�rdan��with RESPA, but in na�n�r�than �2 monthly payxnents. <br /> Upon paymen�in full af a�� sums secured by this Se�urity In�trument, Lender sha��prampt�y r�fund tQ <br /> Borrow�r any Funds h��d�y L�nder. <br /> 4. Charges; L�ens. Borrower sha11 pa�al� ta�.�s, a�s�ssm�nts, charg�s, �nes, and zmp�s�tzons attr��u�a��e�o <br /> the Proper�y which can attain priority over t��s Sec�rxty �ns�rument, �eas�hold pa�men�s or�round ren�s on <br /> the Praper�y, �f a.�y, and Communi�y Assaciat��n Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the ext�nt tha� <br /> these ite�ms are Es�row I�ems, Borra��r shal�pa�them�n the manner provided in Sec�ion 3. <br /> Borrav�v�r sh.alx pr�mp���dischar�e any�ien w�ich has pr�or�ty over�h�s Securi��Instrument unless <br /> Borrow�r: �a�agr�es �n wr�ting to the payrnen�of�he ob��gat�on secured by the�ien�n a manner acc�p�ab�e <br /> �o Lender, but on�y so �ong as Borrower�s perf�rming such agreement; �b} con�es�s the�ien in good faith b�, <br /> or d�fends aga�nst�nforcemen�of th��ien�n, l�gal pr�c�ed�ngs which�n Lender's apinion�perate�o pre�ent <br /> �h�enforcement�f th���en whi���hase proce�d�ng� are pending, but only unti� such praceedings are <br /> canc�uded; ar��} s�cur�s from t�e ha�der af the��en an agreement sa�isfactory�o Lend�r su�ordzna��ng�he <br /> �ien�a th�s Se�ur�ty Instrument. If L�nder de�erm�nes tha�an�par�of�he Pr�perty is suhject to a���n whi�h <br /> can at�ain prior��y ov�r this Security Ins�rumen�, Lend�r may g���Borr�v�e�a noti��identif�ring the lien. <br /> �ithin 1�da�s�f the date on wh�ch that notice is gi��n, Barrovver sha�� sa�isfy�he lien or tak�one�r mor� <br /> of the action�se�farth abave�n th.�s Sec�ion 4. <br /> L�nd�r may r�quire B�rrower to pay a�n�-��me charge for a rea� estate tax�rer��ca�i�n andlor report�ng <br /> service used h�Lender�n connection with thi� L�an, <br /> 5. Praperty �nsurance. B�rrQvver shall ke�p th� ��nprovements now e�isting ar her�after erected an the <br /> Prop�rt�insur�d aga�ns�loss by�re, hazards inc�ud�d with�n�he term "extended ca��rage," and any other <br /> hazards in�luding, but not limi�ed t�, earthquakes and fla�ds, f�r wh�c�Lender requires insuranc�. This <br /> insuranc�shal�b�ma�n�ained in the amoun�s ��nc�udzng deductible�e��ls} and for�he periods�hat L�nder <br /> requires. What Lender r�qu�res pursuan�to the prec�d�ng sentences�arz chang�during the term of the L�an. <br /> The insurance carr��r pro�iding the�nsurance sha�l be ch�sen by B�rrower�ub�ec��o Lend�r's righ�to <br /> d�sappr�v�Barrower's ch�ice, whzch right shall na�be exercised unreasonably. Lender may r�quire <br /> Barrower�o pay, in cannec��on vvith th�s Loan, ezther: �a} a one��ime charge far f�aod z�ne determ��on, <br /> certif�cat�on and tracking ser�vices; or�b} a on�-tzme charge for flood zone de��rmina�ian ax�d certification <br /> ser�vices and subsequent charg�s each tim�remappings or s�mx�ar changes occur whi��reasonably might <br /> aff�ct such de�ermina�ion�r cer�if�cat�on. Barrower shall also be responsxb��for the payment nf any fees <br /> imposed by�h�Federa.� Emergency N�anag�men�Age�cy in c�nnection�v��h the revzew of an� fload z�ne <br /> deternv.nat�on resulting from an objec�ion by Borrov��r. <br /> If Borrower fa��s to maintain any of the�o��rages d�scrzbed above, Lender ma��btain insuranc�c���rage, <br /> a� Lender's opt�on and B�rrower'�e�.p�nse. Lender i�und�r no o���ga�ion to purchase any part�cular type or <br /> amount�f co�erage, T'heref�re, such c�verage shall c�ver Lender, bu�mi�h�or might n�t prot�ct Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equi�y in the Pr�perty, or the con��nts of the Prop�r�y, aga�nst an�r r�sk, hazard or�iabi�ity and <br /> might prov�de gr�a�er or�esser coverage t�an was pr�v�ausly in�ff�ct. Borrow�r acknaw�edg�s�hat the�os� <br /> of�h�in�urance���erage so obtained xn�ght s�gn��cant�y exceed the c�st of insurance�ha�Borrower could <br /> ha��o�ta�ned. Any am�un�s dis�ursed by Lender und�r thxs S�cti�r�S sha��become add���ona.�.debt of <br /> Borrow�r secured by�h�s Securi�� Instrument. These amoun�s shall bear in��res�a��he No�e ra�e from th� <br /> da�e of disburse�n.en�and shall�e paya��e, wi�h such in�er�st, upon not��e fr�m Lend�r��Borrow�r <br /> r�questing paym�e�.t. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farni�y-Fannie Ma�l�reddie Ma�UNIFaRM�NSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3fl2$11a1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N�]�13�2y <br /> WoiLers Kluwer Financia�5er�ices Page fi at 17 <br />