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� � ��14�7��� <br /> I�EE� �F TF�U�T <br /> Loan Mo: �72�5��4-� ����`���u[�C�} �'ag� 5 <br /> {c} De[i�er to Trustee a wri-�ten declaration v�default and demand�or sale and a w�it�en.nvtice v�de�ault <br /> and election to cause Trustar's interest in�he Properfiy to be sold;vuhich natice Trustee shaf l cause to be <br /> duly f[�d�or record in the appr-opriate ofi-�i�es o�th�Coun�y�n�hich the Property is�oeat�d; and <br /> �d} V!lirth respect ta all o�-any part o�the Persona� Praper�y, Lender shal� haWe all the ��ghts and remed�es <br /> of a secured party un�er the Nebraska Un�form �ommerc.ia[ Code. <br /> Fore��osure�y Pvwer of�a[e. [f Lender ele�ts t�fore�[ose by exerCise o�the Pouver o�Sa�e herein contained, <br /> Lender shall no�ify T�-us�ee and shalC d�posit with Trustee �his Deed of Trus� and �he Credit A�reemen� and <br /> such receipts and evid�nce of exp�.ndi�ures made and secured hy this Deed of Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> {a} Upon receipt ofi such notice from Lender, Trustee shall cause to be record�d, published and de���ered <br /> �o Trustor such Notice of❑e�aul� and Notice of Safe as then required by law and by this Deed a�Trust. <br /> Trustee sha�lr wi�hout d�mand on Trus�or, after such time as may -then be required by Iaw and after <br /> rec:�rdat'ron o�F such Notice o� Defaul� and after No�ice o�Sa�e ha�ing been giWen as required by law, sell <br /> the Prop�rty a� the ��rne and p[ace o� sa[e f�xed by it in such Not�ce o-� Saie, ei�her as a whflle, or in. <br /> separa�e �o�s��pa�-cels or i�ems as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as �t may de�ermine, <br /> at pubi�c �uction tv the highes� bidder�or cash in �a�ni-�ul money of-�hs United 5�a�es payable at the time <br /> of sa[e. Trustee sha[E deliWer to such purchaser or purchasers thereof its goad and sufF'rcien� deed or <br /> deeds convey�ng fihe p�ap�rty so so�d, but �nrithau� any covenant or warranty, express or imp�ied. The <br /> re�ita�s in such deed o� any ma��ers or �ac�s shall he conclusive p�-oof a�the truth€ulness thereaf. Any <br /> persan, inciuding v�rithou�limirta�ion Trustor,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> {b� As may be permit�ed by 1aw, af-ter deducting all casts, fees and expenses af Trustee and o�F �his <br /> Trust,including costs of e�idence of�it�e in cor�nec�ion w��h sa�e,Trustee sha�� apply the pr�ceeds af sale <br /> �o pa�men� a� {i} a�� sums e�€pended unde� �he terms of this D�ed of Trus� or under the �erms of the � <br /> Cr�dit Agreement not th�n repaid, including bu� no� �imited �a a�crued int�rest and Iate charges, �ii� a1� <br /> other sums then secured hereby, and {iii} the remainde�r, if any, to �he p�rson or persons [egaily entft�ed <br /> thereto. <br /> �c� Trustee may in the manne�-provided by iaw pastpone sale vf a[C or any por�ion a�the Proper�y. <br /> Remedies Nvt Exc�usive, Trustee and Lender, and each a� them, shall be entitlec� �a enfvrce payment and <br /> per�armance�f any inde�tedness or obl��afiions secured by this Deed o�r Trust and to exercise a�� righ�s and powe�s <br /> under this �eed of Trust, under the Cr�dit Agreement. under any ❑f the Re[ated Documen�s, ar under any other <br /> a�reem�nt or any [aws novv or hereafter in foree; n�tw�ths-�anding, some or a11 of such �ndeb�edness and <br /> ob�iga�ions se�ured by�his Deed o�F Trus�may novv or hereafter be atherw�se secur�d, v�rherther by mor�gage, deed <br /> ��trust; pl�dger �ien, assignment or o�herwise. Neither the acceptance o�this Deed of Trust nvr �ts enforcement, <br /> viihe�her by �ourf-action or pursuan�to the pflwer af sa�e or other pawers cantained in this Deed of Trust, shaif <br /> prejudice or �n any manner affect Trustee's or L�nder's right�a realize upon ar enfarce any ofiher security now a� <br /> hereafter he[d by Trustee ar Lender, 'rt�eing agreed that Trustee and Lender, and e.ach of�hem, sha�l be enti�Ced to <br /> enfor�e �his D�ed Q� Trus� and any ather security novU or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such arde�r and <br /> manner as �they or either o� them may in their absol'u�e dtscrefi��n de�ermine. �o remedy can�erred upon vr <br /> reserved to Trustee or Lender, is intended �o be exclusi�� of any athe� remedy in �his Deed of T�-us� o�- by law <br /> pro�ided or permit�edi but each shall be eur-r-�u[ati�e and sha[[ �e in addi�ion to ��ery othe.� �emedy giv�n �n th`rs <br /> Deed of Trust o�- naw or hereafter-ex�sting at la�nr or in equ€ty or by statute. Every power or remedy given by the <br /> Cred�t Agreemen� or any of the Related D�cuments to Trustee or Lende� or ta vvhich e�ther o� them may be <br /> athe�v�ise entitled, may b� exercise�i, cancurren�iy vr in:dependen�ly, fram time ta t��-rie and as often as may be <br /> de�med �xp�d�ent �y Trustee or Lende�-, and ei-�her- af them may pur�ue inconsis�ent remedies. Nothing in this <br /> D�ed of Trust shall �e proh�bi�ing Lender frQm seeking a de��ciency judgment against the Trustor t� <br /> �he�xtent such aG�ion €s permit�ed �y la�nr. <br /> ElectYvn of Remedies. A.11 of Lender's righ�s and remed�es w��l be cumulat3ve and may be exerc�sed a[an� or� <br /> together. �� Lender decides to spend money or �a per-#orm any of Trustor's abI'�ga�ions under this aeed o�Trustr <br /> after Trustor's �aiiure �o do so, tha� decis.ion by Lend�r vvi(� n�� afFect Lender's right to d�clare Trustor in d�fault <br /> and ta exercise Lender's �emed�es. <br /> �ec�uest�vr Nv�ice. T�-us��r, on �ehalf�t Trustor and �ende�r hereby requests that a �vp�of any Notice of Defauit <br /> and a co�y a�any Notice of Sale under this Jeed �6�'rus`t be mai�ed �o therr� a�th� addresses set fo�-�h sn the fi�-st <br /> paragraph a�this ��ed of Trust. <br /> At�orneys' Feesp Expenses. [f Lender institutes any suit or �ction t� en�orce any o� the te�-ms of th�s D��d v�F <br /> Trustr Lend�r sha[i be enti�led �o recoWer such sum �s the court rr�ay adjudge reasonable as a��rneysr fees at�ria� <br /> and upon �ny appeal. 111lhether or not any cvurt actiQn �s invo��ed, and �a the extent no� prahibited �ay faw, a�1 <br /> reas�na�ie expenses Lencler incurs that in Lender's �pinion are necessary at any tim� for the protectiQn of �ts <br /> in�er�s'�ar�he�nforcement af��s righ�s shal! �ecvme a part of�he lndeb�edness payab�e on demand and shall hear <br /> �n�erest at the Credit Agreemen� rat� fram fihe date �f fihe �xpenditure unt�� repaid. Exp�nses coWered by �his <br /> parag�-aph in�lude, v�rithout limitation, ha�iever subje�t to any limi�s under appliGa��e �aw, Lender's att�rneys' ���s <br /> and Lender`s lega� expenses; vvhether or riot there is a lawsui�, inGluding at�vrneys� fees and expenses for <br /> bankrup�cy prviceed�ngs �inc[uding �ffvr-ts to modi�y or �acate any a.utoma�ie s�a�or �rnjur��tion}, appeals, and any <br /> anticipated past�udgmen`� coI[ection serWices, �he cos� of se�rching records, �btaining ti�l� repor�s {including <br /> foreclosure a�epor�s}, s�r�eyors' reports, and appraisa� ��ese �itle �nsurance, ar�d �ees f�r�he�Crus�ee; to-�he �xten-� <br /> permit��d br��pp��cable [av�r. -frus�or alsa will pay�r�y ca���osts, in addi�ion to a[����er su�s�aro�ided by l�w, <br /> Ri�lhts a�Trustee. TS ustee shal,I have a[!af the ragh�s an�dut�es�f Lende�-as set�orth in th�s se�tion. <br /> P�Vti1EF�S AN1J �]BL�C�A�f��NS �F TFiUSfiEE, �f-'he�ollaw�ng pro��sivns relating ta�he po►rue�s and obliga�ians o�Trus�ee • <br /> are par�of this Deed��Trust: <br /> Pvwers vf Yrustee. ln addition to a[l p�w�rs a�r Trus�ee artsing as a matfe�of[avt►, T�us�ee sha[� ha�e the po�rver�ta <br /> take�h��o[Io�nring ac�ions with resp�ct�a�he Property upon�the writ�en request of Lende�-and TrUstor: {a� join in <br /> preparing and �iling a �nap or plat of �h� Rea� Proper�y, including the dedication o� stree�s or other r�gh�s �Q the <br /> public; �b� jvin fn �ranting any easemen-� or �reafiing any restr�ction on the Rea� Proper�ry; and �c} 4ain in any <br /> subordinativn or o�her agreement a�fe�t�ng thzs Deed o�F Trus�or the interes�af Lender under this Deed af T�-ust. <br /> Trustee, Trustee shall m.eet a!I qual�fica�ians requ��ed for Trust�� �nder appficable [av+r, ln add�t�on tn the r�ghts <br /> and remedies set for�h abave, �ith ��spect to a[� �r aray �art ��the Property, the T[rustee shal� ha�� �th� r�gh� to <br /> . �orec�ose b� n�tice and sale, and Lende�- will have the right to ��rec�ose by�udicia[ forec�osure, i� eithe� cas� �,n <br /> accardance with and to�he�ull ext�n�pro�i�ed by app�ica�ale 1a�. <br /> 5u�c.esso��ruste�. Lender, at LenderYs opti�n, rna��r�m t�r���a�irr�e appvint a suc�essor Trus�ee�a�ny Trustee <br /> appo�nted under this Deed o�F Trust b}� an instrum�nt execu�ec� and ackno�rledged by L�nder and recorded in the <br /> of�Fice afr �he recorder o� HALL Cauntyf State o�F Nebraskaa The �nstrument shal� contain, in add�tion �a all o�her <br /> matte�rs required by state law, the n�mes of th� origina[ Lender, Tru�tee, and Trustvr, the b�ok and page {or <br /> �amputer sys�em reference} where �his De�d of Trus� is re�vrded, and the name and add�-ess o� �he su�cess�r <br /> trustee, and the instrument shall be ex��uted and aCknc�w�edged by ali�the bene-Ficiaries unde�this �eed of Trust v�- <br /> the�r successors �n inter�st. The successor trus`teer without conWeyance of the Property, sh�If suGceed �o all the <br /> tit�e, power, and duties con�erred upon the Trust�e in this Deed o�Trus�and by appi3cable la�rv. This procedure�or <br />