<br /> �]IE�Q �F TR�J�T
<br /> Loan No: �7���954� ���1�t��7u�C�� Page 4
<br /> Taxes. The �ollaw�ng $haI1 consti�u�e tax�s to �rh�ch this section applies: ��} a specific fiax upan �his type o�
<br /> ❑eed of Trus� or upon a!I or any part o��he Indeb�edness secured by�his Deed of Tr�s-�f {2} a specific -�ax on
<br /> Bo�-rawer�rvhEch Borrower �s authoriz�d �r requir�d �ta deduct from paymsnts on the �ndeb�edness secured hy this
<br /> �ype of Deed of Trust; {3� a -�ax on�his type of D�ed of Trus-� chargeab�e agains�the Lender or�he hoider o�fihe
<br /> Cre�i�Agreement; and {4� a speci�ic tax on a!1 ar any porfii�n o�the �nd�btedness or o�r payments o�F prinGipal and
<br /> interest made by gorrower.
<br /> Subsequ�n� Tax�s. �-� any tax to whi�h this section app�f�s is enacted subsequent ta -�he date o-F �his Deed o�
<br /> Trust, this event shatf have the same efFect as a.n Event o� Default, and Lender may exerc�se any or aI� o� its
<br /> available remedies ��r an EWent ot �e�au[t as provided below un�ess Trus�or �ither �1} pays the tax 1�efo�e it
<br /> becomes d�linquent, or {2} contests �he�ax as provided ab��e in the Taxes and Liens sec�ian and deposits wEth
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficient cvrporate surety band ar o�h�r security sa�is�fa�tory to Lender.
<br /> SECUFilTY AG�EE�ENT; F[N�4NC[NG STATEIIl�EI1IT�. The �af[ov�ring p�-avisions relating �o this Deed of Trust as a
<br /> securi�y agreem�nt are a part o�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Secur��y �greemer��. This instrum�nt sha�� constitute a Security Agreement �o �he exten� any a� the Property
<br /> c�ns�itutes �ix�u�es, and Lender sha�� have all af the righfis of a secured party under the Uniform Commerc�a! Cade
<br /> as amended�rom time ta time.
<br /> Security ln�erest. Upon request by Lender, T�ustor sha[[ take whateve�action is requ�sted by Lendet�to perFect
<br /> �nd continue Lender's security interest in �he Persanal Praperty. �n addition to recardFng this Deed ��r Trust in the
<br /> real property records, Lender may, a� any time and wi�hou� fur�h�r authorization �rom Trus�or; fi�e executed
<br /> coun�erparts, cop�es or reproductions o� this Deed af T�-ust as a financing sta�ement, Trus�flr sh��I reimburse
<br /> � Lender for a!1 expenses incurred in perf�cting or con�inuing this secu�i�y interest. Upon de�au[�, Trustor shal� no�
<br /> r�mov�, sever or de�ach the Personal Praper�y fram the Prop�rty. �pon de�ault, Trus�or shall assemble any
<br /> PersonaI Property not a��ixed to �he Property in a manner and at a place reasonably con�enient t� Trustor and
<br /> Lender and ma[ce it avaiiab�e �o Lender within three {3} da�rs af�er receip� v�f writ�en demand �rom Lend�i�to �he
<br /> ex�ent perm�-�ted by appl�cabl��av�.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses vf Trusta�r {deb�or} and Lender �secured par�y} from vtirhich in�ormation
<br /> conc�rning �he securi�y interest gran�ed by this Deed o�T�rus� may be obtained {each as required by�he �n��arm
<br /> Cornmercia� Cade� are as s�a�ed on the�First page of th€s Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES: ATT�RNEY-IN-FAC`f. The �o[fawing provisions relaf�ng �to tur-ther a5sur�nCes and
<br /> attorney-in-�ac�are a part of�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Fur�her Assuran�es. A�any time, and ��om �time �a t�me, upon requ�st of Lender, Trus�or wi�I make, exeCute and
<br /> deli�er, or wi[I cause to be made, executed ar defi�ered; �o Lender ar�ro Lender's designee, and vtirhen reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause�to be �Filed, reGarded, refE�ed, vr rerecarded, as �he case may be, at such �imes and in such af�fces
<br /> and p�aces as Lender r�r-�ay deem appropria�e, any and all such mar�gages, deeds �f trust, securi�y de�ds, security
<br /> agreements, financir�g s�atements, �ontinua�ion s�atemen�s, instruments o�F further assurance, Gerti��ates, and
<br /> �the�documen�cs as may, in the so�e op€nian of Lender, be necessary or des�rable�n order to ef�ectuaie, comple�e,
<br /> p�rfect, continuer or preser�� �3} Borrower's and Trustor's obl�gations under th� Credit Agreement, this D�ed o�
<br /> Trust, and the Rela-�ed �ocuments, and �2� �he �iens and securi�ty inter�sts crea�ed by�his Deed o�Trus�as first
<br /> and �riar liens on the Proper�y, whether now owned a�her�af�er acquired by Trus�or. Uniess prvhibited by law or
<br /> Lend�r agrees to the cvntrary in vi�riting, Trustor sha1� reimburs� Lender �or af I cos�s and expenses �ncurr�d in
<br /> conne���an with th� matters re�erred to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attarney--in--Fact. �f Trustar-�ai[s to da any of the �hings r��erred �o in�he preceding p�ragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> far and in the nam� o�Trustor and at Trus�or's expense. Far su�h purposes, Trus�or here�y irr�vocab�y appo�n�s
<br /> Lender as Trustor"s a�ttorn�y-in--�act fior�rhe purpvse a�making, executing, deli�ering, �i��ng, recording, and doing all
<br /> oth�r things as may be nec�ssary or desirable, in Lender's so�e opinion, tv accomplish the matters referred to in .
<br /> �he preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PEI�F�RN[A�VCE. If Borrower and Trustar pa� all the Indeb`�edness ir+rhen due, �erminates�h� cred��line account,
<br /> and Tru�tor o�he�wise performs a��the obligat�ons imposed upon Trustor under fhis Deed �f Trust, Lender shall execu�e
<br /> and de�iWer t� Trustee a request �ar ful� reconveyanc� and shall ex�cute and deli�er ta Trustvr suitable sta�emen�s o�
<br /> �e�minat�on of any f�nanc6ng statemen� on file evide:ncin� Lender's security in�eres� in the Ren�s and th� Personal
<br /> Property. A.ny recon�eyance fee required by law shall be paid by Trustor, if permitted by appfi�able ialrv.
<br /> EVENTS �3F DEFAULTw Trustar v�rill be in defau[t under�his Deed o�Trust if any of the fol�o`rving happ�n: {A} Trustar
<br /> commits fraud or malces a mat�ria� misrepresenta�ion at any �ime in connection with the Credit Ag�-�emen�. This can
<br /> inelude, fo�example, a�alse statement about�orrower's ar Trus�or's income, assets, liab�liti�s, or any o�her aspec�s o�
<br /> Borro`rver's or Trustor's financial cond�tian, {B} Borr-ower does no�rneet�h� repaymen�tsrms of the Credit Agreemen�.
<br /> �C� Trustor's action or inaction adversely af�Fec�s the co��a-tera� or Lender's righ�s in�he �olla�eral. This can inc�ude, �or
<br /> example, �a��ure to maintain requir-�d insurance, waste �r des�ruc�i�e use of the dwelling, fai�ure tv pay taxes, dea�th �f
<br /> ai� persons liab�e on the account, transfe�- of tit[e or sale of �he d�nre���ng, creatian o� a senio� Iien on the dwelling
<br /> wi-�hvu�Lender's permiss�on, �or-ee�osure by�he h�Ide�o�another�ienr vr the use of funds or�he dwell�ng�or proh�bited
<br /> purposes.
<br /> C�IGHYS A1VD �ENIEDIES DN DEFA�]LY. lf an EWen�o� Deiaul�accurs under this Deed o�Trus�, a�t any t�me thereafter,
<br /> T�us#ee or Lender may exe�-cise any one or mor�o#the�all�wang righ�s and remedies:
<br /> Acce�e�a�ia�lJpon Default:Additivnal Remedies, [-�any EWent o�Defau[��ccurs as p�r the terms of the C�-edi�
<br /> Agreemen�secured herehy, Lender may decIar� a�� lndebtedness secured f�y this D�ed o�Trus��a be due and
<br /> payab�e and the same sha�I �h�reupon become due and payabie �ithou�any presen�tment, demandr prates�or
<br /> no�ice o�an}r kind. Therea��ter, Lender may:
<br /> �a� E��h�r in persan or hy agent, �+rith ar �ri�hvut bringing any action or proceeding, o� by a re�ei�er
<br /> appo�nted by a court and �nrithout regard �o the adequa�y�f its securi�y, enter upon and�ake possession
<br /> of the Property, ar any part�hereo�, in i�s own name or in the name af Trus�ee, and do any a��s wh�ch i-�
<br /> deems necessary or desirab�e�o preserve�he va[uer marke�ability or rentability of-�he Proper-�y, or part o�
<br /> �he Properfy or in�eres� in �he Property; increase the €r,come from the Property or p�-a�e��the s�curi�ty o�
<br /> �he Property; and, wi�h or wifihout fiaking possession o� the Pr�perty, sue for or �ther�nrise callec� �he
<br /> �e1'lfi5r issu�.s and prvfits o�the Property, s.n.cl�din.g �hos� past due and ur�paid., and ap:pl�the sarne, le.s.s
<br /> cos�s and expenses o#opera�ivn and co��ecti�n a��a�neys'fees,to any indeb�edness secu�ed by th�s i�eed
<br /> v� Y�us�, �[1 in such order as Lender may determ'sne. The entering upon and ��king poss�ssian of the
<br /> Prop�r�y, �h� ca�lection of such ren-�s, issues �nd pro�its, and the applica�ion therefl� sha�� no� cure or
<br /> waive any de�au[t or no�ice of d�faul� uncler this �eed of Trust o� inWalidate any ac�done in response�o
<br /> such defau[t or pursuan�to such no�ice o�d�fault; and, no�withstanding the cont�nuance in possession of
<br /> the Property or the c�E�ec�ian, receip� and app��ca�tian ot ren�s, �ssues or profi�s, Yrustee vr Lender shall
<br /> be entitled to exercise eWery righfi pro�ided for in the �redi�Agreement or the Rela�ed Documents or by
<br /> �aw upon�h�occurrenee of any eWent o�d��ault, inc�uding the righ��o exercise the power a�saie;
<br /> �b} �ommence an ac�ian to forecl�se this Deed af Trus�as a mortgage, appoi:nt a rece€ver or specificaily
<br /> enforce any o�F�he covenan�s hereo�; and
<br />