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��14�7��� <br /> D�E� �� �r�us�r <br /> Loan No. ����59g4�a ����7$����d} Page � <br /> substitution o�Trus�ee sha!!govern�o�h�e�xclusion�of all other pra�isivns for subs��tution. <br /> NQTICES. Any no�ice required ta be g'iven under this Deed af Trust. in�fuding w�thout limitation any raotice of default <br /> and any notice of sale sha�� be given in writing, and shall be e��e.�ti�e when ac-�ua��y delivered, when ac�ua�Iy re�ei�ed <br /> f�y te�e�acsimile {un�ess o�herwise required by law}, when deposft�d �rvith a national�y recognized o�ernight cour�er, a�', i� <br /> mai�ed, when deposi�ed in the Unified Stat�s ma�l, as first c�ass, certi�ied or�-egistered maiI postage prepaid� direGted �o <br /> -�he addresses shown near�he beginning of this Deed af Trus�. AI! cop�es o�no�ices o�F forec�osure �rram the ho�d�r o� <br /> any fien whi�h has priority aW�r this Deed of Trus�shalf be sent ta L�nder's address, as shown near the heg�nning o� <br /> �his Deed of Trusfi. Any person may change his or her address �ar notices under�his �eed o�Trus-� by giving farmaI <br /> written not�ce to the ather person ar persons, specifying tha� the purpase of �he notice is to change �he p�rson`s <br /> address. F�r notice purposes,Trustor agrees to lceep Lender in�ormed at all �imes o�Trustor's curren�address. Un�ess <br /> atherwis� provided or r�qu�red by law, if�here is more than one Trustar, any notice gi�en by Lender�o any Trustor is <br /> d�emed to he no�ice given to a.�l Trustors. [t w�(! be Trusrto�'s responsibili�y-�o telf the�thers o��he notice fram Lender. <br /> �l1l5CFLLANEDUS PRaV1S10NS. The following misce��aneous proWisions are a par-t of this Deed o�Trus�: <br /> Amendm�nts. VIIha� is v�ri�tten in this Deed of Trust and in the Related Documen�s is Trustor's entire agreemen� <br /> vsrith Lender concerning the matters covered by this Deed af Trus�. To be effe�ti�e, any change ❑r am�ndment to <br /> this Deed o�Trust mus� be in �riting and must be signed �y�nrhoever wi!! be hound or ob�igated by�he �hange ar <br /> amendment. <br /> �ap�ian Headings. Cap�ion h�adings in �his Dee�i o�Trust are for conWenience purpases oniy and are not ta b� <br /> " used to interpre�or define�he provis�ons of�his De�d o�Trust. <br /> Merger. There shaf! be nQ merge:r o��he in�eres�or es�ta�e created by this Deed of Trust�r�ri�h any ather infier�st or <br /> estate in the Property at any time held by or far�he bene��t n�Lender�n any eapacity, vtirithout the wri�ten consent <br /> o�F Lende�. <br /> G�verning taw. This �eed a�Trust lnrii[ be governed by#edera[ iaw aPp��cabje ta Lender andl to tne ex�ent no� <br /> preempted by�ede�a�law,the�aws o��he State o�Nebraslca wi�hvu�regard to�ts confli��s vf�avtir provis�ons. This <br /> Deed v�F Trus�has been accepted lby Lender in the S�ate vf N�braska, <br /> Chaice vf Venue. !f there �s a �awsui�, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request�o submit ta rthe jurisd�ction �f the <br /> �aur�s of Hafl �ounty, State o�Nebrasfca: <br /> J�int and SeWeral Liability. All obligafi�ons Qf gorrovsrer and Trusto� under this Deed �f Trus� shall be �oint and <br /> several, and ai� r�#erences to Trustor shal� mean each and every Trustor, and all refe�-ences ta Borrower shal� m�an <br /> each and ��ery Borrower: This means tha�each Trus�ar signing �e��w is responsib�e for af!ob�igat�ons in this Deed <br /> of Trust. <br /> No Waiver by L�nder. T�us�a�understands Lender will not�i�e up any o�F Lender's righ�s unde�this Deed af T�-us� <br /> unless Lender does sv �n writing. The �ac�tha`� Lender de�ays or amits to exercise any righ� wi�[ not mean that <br /> Lender has gi�en up tha� righ�. �f Lender does agree in writing to give up one o� Lender's righ�s, �ha� does not <br /> mean Trustor v�ri!! not have ta cvmp�y with the other pro��sions of�rs De�d of Trus�. Trusior aiso understands <br /> �hat if Le;nder does consen��o a �eques�, �ha� d�es nofi m�an that Trustor w�Il not have �o get Lender's consen-� <br /> again i�the situa�ion happens again. Trustvr�urther understands tha�jus�t because Lender consents�o❑ne❑r mare <br /> af Trustvr's requests, that does not mean Len�er�rvill be required to consent tv an� of T�us�or's future requests. <br /> Trustor waives presentment, demand�or paymen�t, pro�est, and notice of dishonor. <br /> Se�erab�lity. �f a court finds that any provision o��this Deed o�Trust is not valid or shouid not be enfor��d, �ha� <br /> �ac�by i-�se[f wi�� no�mean that the res�of�his Deed of Trust will not E�e valid or enforced. There�ore, a c�urt w��� <br /> enforce�he res�of the pro�isions�f�his Deed o�Trus�t even if a provisian of thfs Deed of Trust may be fnund to be <br /> Fn�alid or unenforc�abfe. <br /> Successors and Assagns. Subject to any fimi�ations sta�ed in this Deed of T�-us� an transter of Trus�Qr's in�erest, <br /> this De�d o�Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the bene�it of�he parties, �heir su�cess�rs and assigns. l�r <br /> own�rship o��he Properky becomes Wested in a persQn other than Trustor, Lender, withou�natice ta Trustor, may <br /> dea[tirvith Trus�ar's successors wi-�h re�e�-ence to�his I�eed of Tr-ust and the lndebtedness by�►vay of€orbearance or <br /> extens�on without releasing Trustor fram the obligations of this ❑eed o#Trust or fiability under the �ndeb�edness. <br /> �'ime'rs of the Essence. Time is of the�ssence in the performance o��his Deed of Trust. <br /> lftilaive Ju�y. A1� p�rties�o#his Deed o�T�ust hereby►nraive�h� �ight ta any jury tr�a� i� any a�tian. proceeding, or <br /> cvun�erclairn brough�by any party agains�any vther party, <br /> Vlla��er o� Hvmestead Exemp�tio�. Trus�or h�rehy releases a:nd wai�es all righ�s and b�ne�i�s o� �he homes�ead <br /> - exemption Iaws of the 5ta�e of N�braslca as�o all lndeb�edness se�ured by this Deed of Trus�. <br /> DE'FIN1Tl�NS. The f�llowing words sha�� ha�e the�o��owing m�anings when used in-�h�s D�ed of Trust: <br /> Bene�i�i.ary. The v+�ard "Beneficiary" means Equitable B�nk, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> Borrov�rer. The word "Borrawer'r means Lorence L Brown and Janelie L Brown and includes ali co-signe�s and <br /> ca-rnakers signi�g the Gredi�Agreemen�and a��their successors and assigns. <br /> �redit A9reem�nt. The WQ3"CI5 r"Credi� A�reemen�rr rnean �he credi� agreement da��d Dcta�er 3�, ��14, vUith <br /> �t`edit li�'r1[t �f $75.��Q.�� from Borrow�r ta �.ende�-, �age-�he�- vvith a[[ �-�newals o-�, extensions o�, <br /> rpodi�icat:ons ��, r�financings of; consolidati�ns of, and subs�i�u�ions for the prflmissary note or agreement. The <br /> maturi�ty date o�F �his Deed of Trus� �s �c�ober 3�#, 2Q�9. N�T10E TD TRUST��: THE CRED�T AGREE�t1iENT <br /> G�NTAINS A VARIABLE�NTEREST R►�TE. <br /> Deed �f Yrust. The words "Deed o� Trust" mean this Deed of Trus� amang T�-ustor, Lender, and Trustee, an.d <br /> inc[udes wi�hout lim�tation af I assignment and secur�ty in�erest pro�is�ons relat�ng to the Persvnai Proper�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> Env�rvnmen�al Larrvs. The wvrds °'En�irvnmen�al La�vs" mean any and all state, federa[ and �aGa! statutes, <br /> regu�a�ions and ordinances relating to th� pr�tec�ion o� human health or the environment, including wi�haut <br /> limitation the Comprehensive En��ronmental Respons�, Campensation, �nd Liabili�y Ac� of �980, as amended, 4� <br /> CJ.S.C, Section 9C�1� et seq. {"CERCLA"�, the Superfund Arr�endmen�s and Reauthorsza�ion Ac��� '[986, Pub. L. <br /> No. �9-�-39 �"SA�Ar'�,�he Ha�ardous Materiaks Transpor�ation Act, 4-9 U.S.C. 5ect�on �BQ�, e�t seq.,the F�esaurce <br /> ConserWat�ora �nd RecoWe�y Act, 4� IJ.S.C. Sec�ion �9�1, et seq., �r�ther app�icable s�a�e or�edera� ]aws, r���s, <br /> or regu[a�i�ns adop�ed pursuarr�t there-�a. <br /> EWen�of De�aul�. The words "rEWent o�De�aul�'r mean any❑�the�ven�s a�de�ault set�arth ;-n this �eed vf Trust in <br /> �he eWen�ts af defaul�sectian o-�this ❑eed v�Trust. <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances. The words "Hazardous Subs�an�es" mean materials �ha�, �ecause flf the�r quan�ity, <br /> conc�ntrat�on or physi�al, chernical or infectious chara�teristics, rnay cause ar pose a presen� or po�ential hazard <br /> �o human health or the environmen�when improperly used,�reated, stored, dispvsed o�, gen.era�ed, manu�actured, <br /> transported or otnerv�r�se handled. The words "Hazardous �ubstances" are used in -�heir very�roades� sens� and <br /> incfude wi�hau� Ii.mita�tion any and all hazardous �� t�xic substanees, materiafs or was�e as d�fined by or fisted <br /> under the En�ironmentaC Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" a�so inc�udes; vvi�hvu�[imi�atio.r�, petroieum and <br />