<br /> �EEL7 �F TF��1�T
<br /> r
<br /> L��r� �Vo: 5�����84a ��l$t�1��d� Pa�e 3
<br /> impra�ements. �
<br /> PR�3PERTY D�4I1r[A�E INSURANCE. Th�fo�lo�r�ng provisions r�lating �o insuring the Praper�y ar� a part o�this Deed o�
<br /> Trust. �
<br /> [1�ainfenan�e of �nsu�an�e. T�us-�o� shall procure and main�ain palicies of fire insuranc� wi�h standard extended
<br /> co�er�ge �ndorsemen�s,on a replacem�nt basis �or the �Fu[[ insurable �aiue c�vering a[f lmprovemen�s on �he Rea(
<br /> 1'roperty �n an amvunt sufficient ta avoid appl�ca��on o� any coinsuran-ce c�ause, and with a s�andard mortgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or�f Lenderr together wi�h such other ha�ard and lia�i�i�y insurance as Lender may a-easanabl�require.
<br /> Po[ic�es shai� be wr�t�ten in �orm, amount_s, co�erages and basis reasonabIy acceptable to Lender and issued by a
<br /> company or c�mpanies reasanadly accepta��� to Lender. Trus�ar;-upon reauest of Lender, ►jvi[i deli�er to L�nder
<br /> from time to -�ime the polic��s vr cer�tifica�es af insurance in fnrm satisfactory�o Lender, includ�ng stipula�ions that
<br /> coverages wii[ n�t �e cance���d or dim€nish�d withou� a�least ten {3�} days priar virritten notice to Lender. Each
<br /> insurance po[icy also shall includ� an endorsement pro�iding that co�erage in fa�ar af Lender�nri�� no� be irr�pa�red
<br /> in any way by any a�t� omission or de�aul�af T�-us�or or.any o�her per-son. 5hvuid the Rea1 Rr�perty be located in
<br /> an a�ea designated by�he Administra�o�- of the Federa� Emergency Managemen�Agency as a specia[ #[ood ha�ard
<br /> area, Trus�or agre�s to o��ain and maintain Fede�-a1 Flood fnsurance, if avai[able, for the rr�aximum amount vf
<br /> Borrower's credi� �ine and th� -Full unpaid princ�pa[ balance of any priar liens.fln �he property securing �he loan, up
<br /> �o �he rnax�mum policy lim��s se� under�he National F�oc�d [nsurance Pragram. or as o�herwise r�quired by Lender,
<br /> and-�o maintain such �nsurance for�he term af the foan.
<br /> AppIica��on of Proceeds. Trustar sha�f prflmptly n�ti�y Lender a� any loss a€-damage �to the Property. L�nder may
<br /> make proa� of �oss i� Trustor fai[s t� do sa Uvithin fif�een �'[5� days of the casuafty. VIlh�ther or na� Lender`s
<br /> security is impaired, Lsnder may, at Lender's efection, receive and retain �the. pro�eeds o�r any insurance and apply
<br /> �he prvc�eds t❑ �he reduction of the lndebtednessF payrnent of any lien affecting the Property� ar the �-estorativn
<br /> an�i repair of�he Property. 1� Lender elects �o app�y th� proceed.s�o restoratian an�f repair, Trus-�ar shall repai�or
<br /> replace the damaged or destr�yed lrnpro�ements in a�mann�r satisfaCt�ry �o Lender. Lender sha�i, upon
<br /> satis#actory p�vo� o� such e�cpendi�ur�, pay ��- �eimburse Trustor #r�m the proceeds �or �h� reasonabfe cost of
<br /> repair or restorat3an �f Trustor is not in de�auIt under thfs �eed of Trust. Any pra�eeds r�vhicfi ha�e not been
<br /> disbursed w�th�n 180 days afiter their receip� and which Lender has not cammit�ted to the repair or restorartivn o�
<br /> �he Praperty sha�1 be used -first to pay any amount ow'sng �o Lender under�his Deed o�Trust, then �o pay aecrued
<br /> interestr and �he r�mainde�, if any, shall be app�ied to -�he principa[ ba�ance of fihe Indebtedness_ �f Lender hvfds
<br /> any proceeds af��r payment �n fufl of the indebtedness. such p�oceeds shall be paid to Trustor as Trustor's
<br /> in�erests may appear.
<br /> L�NDER'S EXPEIVD�TU�ES. [f TrustQr fails 4�4} to keep the Proper�y �ree o�F a[i �axes, liens, security �nterests,
<br /> encumbrances f and other claims, {B} �o pr�vide any required insurance on the Proper�, �r �C} to make repairs to the
<br /> Property then Lender may do s�. �f any actian or proc�edin� is cammenced tha�t vtirvuld materially afFe�� Lender`s
<br /> rn�erests in the Property, �hen Lender on Trus�or's beha�� rnay, bu� is not required to, fiake any ac�ion tha� Lender
<br /> be�ie�es ta be appropriate-�a prot�c�Lenderrs int�rests. All expenses incurred or pa�d dy Lender�or su�h purposes w��[
<br /> then �ear interes�t��the rate charged under-�he Credit Agreemen�from �he date incurred ar paid by Lender t�the date
<br /> o� repayment by Trus�or. A�� such expenses wi[� becar�e a �art ��-�h� lndebtedness and, at Len�er's option. vvi�� {A}
<br /> be payabie on d�mand; {B} b� added ta th� ��lance �� th� Cred�t Agr�e�nent and be apporti�ned am�na an� be
<br /> payable �rvi�h any inst�a�Imen�paymen�s t� become due during e�the�- ��} the term o�any a�plicabfe insuranc� Ro�icy; or
<br /> �2� �he remain�ng-�erm af�he Credi�I�greement; or ��} be treated as a balloan paymen�c which v�riC[ be due and.payab�e
<br /> at the Credi�Agreement's maturi��. The Deed afr Trust a[so v�iill secure payment of these amoun�s. The rights proWided
<br /> �or in this paragraph sha�� be in add�tion to any other rights o�-any remed�es ta which Lender may be en�itCed❑n account
<br /> af any d��au�t. Any such action by Lender shall nvfi be cons�rued as curing the defaui�so as to bar Lender ��om any
<br /> remedy that it othe�-wise�ould ha�e had.
<br /> V�aRRANTY; DEFENSE�F TfTLE. The fa[�vwing pro�is�ons rela�in��o ownership❑�the Prop�r�iy are a par�o�this Deed
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> T�t�e. Trustor v�rarran�s �ha�: 4a} Trustor h�lds g�od and mark�table title af recard to �he Praperty in �ee simp�e,
<br /> �ree and �lea:r vf al! Iiens and en�umbrances ather than �hase set �orth in the Rea[ Pr�perty descrip�ian or in any
<br /> �itie insurance p�licy, ti�le report, or fEnal tEtl� ap�nivn issued in �aWor a�, a�d accepted by, Lender �n cv�nection
<br /> with-�his Deed ot Trus�, and �b} Trustor has the-�ull r�ght, porr►.rer, and author��y�� execut�anc� de[i�er-th�s Deed a�
<br /> Trust to Lender.
<br /> Defense vf Ti�1e. 5�hject �a the e�cep�ion in �he �aragrap� abo��; Trus�or wa�rants anci inrilf �orever d��Fend the
<br /> title to the Prope.rty agains�th� law�ul claims ��a!! �aersons. rn the e�ent any action or praceeding is commenced
<br /> �hat ques�ians Yrustor's tit�e o�the in�erest of Trus�ee ar Lender under th�s Deed af Trust,T�-ustor sha11 defend�he
<br /> action at Trustor's expense. Trustor may be �he nominal party in such praceeding, but Lender shall be en�it[ed �o
<br /> participate in the praceeding and to he represented in �he pr�ceeding by counsei o� Lender`s own choice, and
<br /> Trus�or�nr���deIiver, or cause fia be deii�ered, tv Lender such instru:men�s as Lender may request�rom time �v time
<br /> �o permit such participa�svn.
<br /> �ampliance �Jith Laws. Trustor v�rarran�s �ha� �he Prvperty and Trustor`s use o�F �he Proper�y comp�ies �iv�th all
<br /> existing applicahle iav►rs,ordinancesr and regu�a�ions vf go�ernmental authori-�ies.
<br /> �ur��va� �f Pxvmises. A�� p�annises, ag�eements, and statemer�ts �rusto�r has made in �his �e�d o� �frust sha�l
<br /> surWi�e��� exec�tion and d��iWerv of�his De�d ���rus�, shalf �e continuing in nature and shall r�r?�ain �n �u�� -�orce
<br /> and ef�ec�unti�such time as Barrvv�er's l�det�tedness is paid ir�fui[.
<br /> �DNDE�VlN�,Tt��. The�ollowing provisians r�lating to ��nde�rinatiQn proc��dirigs are a part of this Deed of T�-ust:
<br /> P�o�eedings. �f any proceed�ng in con�emna�ivn is f'r[ed, Trustor shall promp�ly notify Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trus�or shali promp�ly take suGh steps as may be necessary �o defend the act�on and of��a�n the award, Trus�vr
<br /> may be the nflmina[ party in such proceeding, bu�Lender sha�l be entitled to participa�e in�he praeeeding and to be
<br /> represen�ed in the proceeding by counse[ of its vwn choicer and Trus�or will deli�er �r cause �o be delivered to
<br /> Lender su�h inst�-uments and dacumentation as may be reques�ed by Lender �ram time to �time t� permit such
<br /> par�icipation.
<br /> ' App[ica�ivn o�Net Pirviceeds. l�all ar any part of the Property is condemned by eminent damain proceedings ar by
<br /> any proceeding or purchase in lieu of condemnatian� Lender m��at its elect;on require�hat all ar any pvrt�on o�th�
<br /> net proceeds of the alnrard be appf�ed to the lnd�btedness or the repair ar restvra�ion of �he Proper�y. The net
<br /> prQceeds of the award sha[[ m�ari�h� award a�er pay�ent af aI� reasonabfe c�sts, exp�nses, and at�arneys' �ees
<br /> incurrecl �ay T�ustee or Lende�in cvnnect�on wi���he�onderr�nation.
<br /> lIllIP�S1T1�lV �F�fA�ES. FEES AND CHfA�GES B� C�11ERlV1�1l1ENT�L ►�1�lTH��ITiES, The foI[ovtirir�g praWisions reIating
<br /> to go�ernm�ntal�axes, �Fees and charges are a part a�F�hfs Deed af T�rust:
<br /> Curre.�t Taxesl �ees and Charges. Upon request b� I�ender, Trustor sha�� execute sueh dveuments in add�tion �o
<br /> �his Deed o�Trust and ta[ce �nrhateWer o�her ac�ion is requested by L�nder to per�ect and continue Lender's Iien on
<br /> the R�ai Praper�y. Trus�or shal[ re�mburse Lender fo� aI� �axes. as described belovv, tvg�ther wi�h af� expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, per�ec�ing or continuing �his Deed af Trust, including vLrithout Iimita�i�n all taxes, ��es,
<br /> documen�ary stamps, and other charges for recarding or registering th�s Deed of Trus�.
<br />