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��14�7��� <br /> �]E�D �F T�LJ�T <br /> t�an �Vo: �7���984� ����t[t�u�d} Page � <br /> Possession and Use. Un�i� the occurrence o� an Even� o� L7efau��, Trustor may ��7 remain in possession and <br /> �on��ol o�F�he Proper�y; {�} us�, operate or manage the Property; and ��} callect the Rents#rom tne Property. <br /> Du�y to il�laintain. Tru�fio� shall mainta��n the Property �n goad condi�ion and prompt[y perform af� r�pa�rs, <br /> replacements, and maintenan�e necessary to preser�e its value. <br /> CompCiance l�i�h E��r'rronmenfial La�nrs. Trustor �epresen�s and warrants to Lender that: �1} During �h� period of <br /> Trustor's ownership of the P�operty,there has been no use�generation, manu�Facture, storage, �reatment, dispv�aI, <br /> re�ease or �hreatened re�ease of any Ha�ardaus Substance by any person on, under, abou� ar from the Property; <br /> {2� Trus�ar has no knawledge o�f, or reason to be[ieue that there has been, excep� as previously disclosed to and <br /> acknotirirIedgetl by Lender in writing, ta} any breach or �iola�ion ofi any Environmen�al Laws, {5} any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, s�arage, �rea�menfi, d15p�5��� re[ease o�-�hreatened re�ease o-F any Hazardous Substanc� <br /> on, under� ah�ut ar �ram the P�aperty by any prior owners or occupan�s of �he Praper�y, o� �c} any actuai or <br /> �hrea�ened �itigation or cla�ms of any �ind by any person �eta-�ing �o su�h mattsrs; and 43} Except as previousiy <br /> disciosed t� and acknov�r�edged by Lende�-�n �nrri�ing, {a� nei�her Trus�or nor any tenan�, c�ntractor, agent or other <br /> authorized user o#the Praper�ty shall use, genera�e, manu�acture, st��e, trea�, disp�se of or re[eas� any Ha�ardous <br /> Subsfiance on, under, a�ou�or�rom the Proper�y; and �b} any such activi�y sha[[ be conducted in comp�iance wi�h <br /> aII app�icala�e �Federal, state, and loca� �a�rvs, regu[ations and ordinances, inciuding v�ri-�houfi Iimi�ation aI� <br /> Environm�n�al Laws. Trustvr authorizes Lende� and �ts agents to en�er upon the Praperty �o make such <br /> inspec�ians and t�s�s, at Trustar's expens�, as Lender may deem appropriate ta determine compfiance of �h� <br /> Proper�y wi�h �h�s sec�ion o�the D�ed of Trust. Any inspections �r �ests made hy Lender sha�� b� for Lender�5 <br /> purposes an�y and shal� na�be cons�rued t❑ create any r�sp�nsib€Ii�y or liability on th� part o�Lender to Trustor or <br /> to any flther person. The representations and warran�ies �antained herein are based �n Trustvr's du� di��gence in <br /> in�estigating the ProPer�y-�or Hazardous Subs�ances. Trustar hereby {'�} re�eases and waives any�u�ure c�aims <br /> � agains�t Lender for indemnity or contribution in the e�ent Trus�or becomes l�able �or cleanup or other casts under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to indemni-�y, defend, and hold harmless Lender agains�any and afI claims, Iosses, <br /> i�abil�ties, damages, pena��ies, and �xpenses�hich Lender may direc�ly or indirect�y sustain �r suf�er resulting f�-om <br /> a brea�h of�his sec�ion o�the Deed of T�us�or as a consequence o�r any use, generation, manufacture, storage; <br /> disposal, re�ease or-�hreat�ned re�ease�ccurring prio�to T'rusto�-'s awnership or int�rest in the Prop�rty, whe�h�r o� <br /> na� the same was or shou�d ha�e been kn��nrn �o Trus�ar. The prvvisians of this sec�ion o-� -�he Deed of Trus-�, <br /> including the abliga�ion to indemn€�y and defend,shal€sur�i�e th� payment of the �ndeb�tedness and the sa�is�Faction <br /> and reean�eyanc� �f�he �ien of�his D�ed of Trus�and shal[ not be a��ec�ed by Lend�r's aequ�sition of any in�erest <br /> in ths Property, wheth�r by�orec[osure or o�her�nr�se. <br /> Nuisance, Vllasfie. Trus�or sha�� no� cause, c�nduc� ar permit any nuisance n�r commi�, permit; or su��er an� <br /> stripping o�F or vtras�te on or to the Pr�per-�y or- any partion of the P�oper�y. Vil�thou� �imi�ing the generali�y a��he <br /> -�oregoing, Trustar wifl not remo�e, vr gran�to any ath�r party the righ-��o �emave, any timber, .minerals �including <br /> oiI and gas}r CDr7�r C�c`l�/,s�oria, soil, gravel or rvck prvducts withou�Lender's prior wri�tten cons�:nt. <br /> �emoval of[mpr�vements. Trustgr shal[ no�demolish or rerno�e any[mprovemen-�s fram th� Real Proper�y wi�hou� <br /> Lender's prior written cans�nt. As a Gand�tion ta th� remova[af any lmpro�ements, Lender may requ�r�Trustor to <br /> malce arrangements satisfactary �� Lender ta rap[ace such frnproWemen�s wi�h �mpro��men�s o� at l�ast equa! <br /> va�ue. <br /> Lender's Right�� Enter. Lender and LenderTs age.nts and representati�es may en�er upon �he Real Property at a�1 <br /> reasanabfe times �o attend to Lend�r's €nteres�s and to inspec� �he Rea� Proper-ry for purposes vf Trustor's <br /> compliance�rvith�he terms and conditions of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Compl��nce wi�h GoWernm�r��al Requirements. Trustor sh��� promptly corrmply �rvi�h all Iav�rs, �rdinances, and <br /> regulatians, n�lnr or hereafter in effect, Q� a[1 gQWernm�nta[ authorities app[icable �o �he use or vccupancy o�the <br /> Property. Trustor may contest in good�Faith any such fair�r, ordinanc�, ar regufation and �rvithh�ld c�mpliance during <br /> any p�roceeding, �ric[uding apprapriate app�als, so �o�g as Trus�or has notified Lend�r in w�i�.ing prior to doing so <br /> and s� �ong as, in Lender's sol� opinion, Lender`s �nterests in�he Prop�r�y are not�eopard'iz�d, Lender may require <br /> Trus�or t� p�st adequate secur��ty❑r a surety bvnd, r�as�nably sat�sfactary to Lender; �o pro���t Lender`s in�erest. <br /> Du�y to Prv�ect. Trustor agrees ne��rher �a abandon or IeaWe unattended �he Property. Trus�or shal� do aI! o-�her <br /> � acts, in addition�a those ac�s set f�rth abo�e irt this sec�ion, �rvhich from th� charact�r and use of the Proper�y ars <br /> reasonah�y necessary to prat�ct and preser�e�he Proper�y. <br /> ❑UE�N SALIE-C�NSENT BY LENDE�. Lender may, at Lender's op�ion, dec�ar-e immediate[y due and payable all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed af Trust upon the sa�� ar��t�ansfer, w�thou�Lender's priar written cvnsen�, of al� or any part o�the <br /> Real Proper�y, or any interest in tne F�eal Proper�y. A '"sale ar trans�er" means the conveyance o� R�a1 Property or any <br /> r�gh�, title or interest in the Real Pr�p�r�y; whether Iegal, hene�iGial or equi�able; whether �vlun�ary ar invo[un�aryf <br /> whether by ou�right sa�e, deed, insta[[menfi sale contract, land con�rac�, contract for deed, leasehold interes� w€th a <br /> �kerm greater than three �3� years, lease--opt�on co�tract, ar by salea assignmen�, or trans�er o�r any�ene�iciat interest in <br /> or to any [and trus� holding t�tle to the Real Property, or hy any other methad of eon�eyanGe of an in�erest in the Real <br /> Proper�y. H�wever, �this option shall not �e exercEsed by Lender i� such exercise is prohibi�ed by -�ederal �aw or by <br /> Nebraska �aw. <br /> TAXES AIVD LIENS. The fo[fovtiing provisions rela�ing fio �he t�xes and liens an �he Property are par� o��his Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> iPaymen�. T�us�or sha�[ pay when du� �and in all eWen�s prior to delinquency} all taxes, specia�taxes, ass�ssments, <br /> charges ��nc�ud�ng vUater and serrv�r}; fines and �mpasi�ions [evied against o�on account of the Property, and sha�[ <br /> pay �rvhen due aII c�aims �or worlc done an or�or ser�ices rendered or maferia� furnished �a the Property. Trustor <br /> shal� rnaintain the Property free of a[l liens ha�ing prior�ty over or equal to�he in-�erest of Lend�r under this Deed o� <br /> Trust, except �or tne �ien af taxes and assessrr�ents not due and �x�e�t as otherwise pro�ided in this D�ed vf <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right to Gvn�est. Trustar may w�thhoid pa�yment of any�ax, assessment, or cfaim in connection with a good �ai�h <br /> clispute o�er the o�liga�ion t� pay, so �on� �s Lender's in�eres�in�h.e Proper�is n��j�apardized, �f a �ien arises or <br /> is filed as a r�sul� �# nonpayment, Trus�or sha�! wi�hin fifteen {��� days.after the lien arises ar, if a lien is filed, <br /> �nri�hin fi��een {�5} days after Trustor has n���c� ��the ��1in j, secu�re the discharg� �f the �ien, or i� r�q�ested by <br /> Lende�, cleposit with Lender Gash or a su�icient cvrpora�c�surety bond or��her security satisfactvey to Lender�n an <br /> amaunt sufficient�Q discharge the l�en plus ar�y �osts and a�tarneys' fe�s� or other charges�ha�could accrue as a <br /> result a�a fvre�losure ar sale under�he lien. �n any c�n�es�,Trustor sha�l defend itself and Lender and sha�i sa�is�y <br /> any ad�erse�udgm�n�before en�orcernent agai_nst the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additiona[obligee <br /> under any sure�y bond furnfshed in the con�es�proceedings: <br /> Evidenc� of Paymenfi. Trus�or sha�l upon demand furnish to Lender sa�is�ac�ory e�id�n�e of paymen�af�the taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and shall autharize the appropria�e go�ernmen�al officia!�o deli�er to Lender a�any time a written <br /> st�temen�of the�axes and assessm�nts a�ainst�he Property. <br /> 1N��i�� of C�nst�uctror�. T�ustor shal� noti�Fy Lende� a��east fi�i�t�en ��5} days be�are any wor�c is �arr�menced, any <br /> s�rviCes are furnished, or any ma�erials ar� supplied to the Property, if any mechanic°s �ien, rr�a��na�me.n's Iien, or <br /> other �ien cauld be asserted �n account o��h� vtii�rlc, services, ❑r ma�erialse Trus�or vvill up�n request �f Lender <br /> furnish to Lender advance assurances sa�is�Fac�ory t� �ender �that Trus�or can and �rvil� pay �he cost o�f such <br />