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l ��14��9�9 <br /> A��I�N11rIENT �F RENTS <br /> Lvan N�: 1�]'��8�]44� ���n��nued� Page 3 <br /> paid by Gran�or, if permitted by applicable law. <br /> LENDER'S �XPEIV�IT�RES, !f any actian or praceeding is cammenced that would ma�erially a��ec� Lender's interest in <br /> fihe Propsrty❑r i�Grantor�ails to camply with any pravision af this Assignmen�ar any ReEated Docurnents, including but <br /> not�imited t❑ Grant�r's failure ta disGhar�e or pay when due any amoun�s Grant�r is require�to dis�harge ar pay undsr <br /> this Assignment or any Related Qa�umen�s, Lender ❑n Grantor's behalf may t�u� shall no� loe obligated ta� talce any <br /> ac�ian tha� Lender deems apprapriate, in�luding bt�� na� limited to dischargin� or paying a�l taxes, liens, security <br /> interes�s, encumbrances and o�her cla�ms, �� any�ime le�ied or placed on the Ren�s or�he Prop�rty and paying all cos�s <br /> for insuring, maEntaining and preser�ing the Pr�perty. All such expenditures in�urred or paid by Lender �F�r su�h <br /> purposes wiil �hen bear interest at the rat� charged under the Nnte �ram the date incurred or paid by Lender t�the da�e <br /> af repayment by Grantor, All such expenses wiil become a part af the �ndebtedness and, at �.ender's �ptian, w�ll �A} <br /> be payable an demand; {B� be add�d �v the �alance of �thE fVofe and �� app�rtionod amang and b� payable wi�h any <br /> installment paymen�ts to become due during either ��} the term v� any applicabfe insurance policy; �r �2y tne <br /> remaining term of the Notg; ar {�� be treated as a ba�l�an paymen# which vui{f be due and payable at �the Not�'s <br /> ma�uri�y. The AssEgnmen� als❑ wil[secure paym�n����thes� amounts. Such right shall be in addition t❑ all ❑fiher rights <br /> and remedies t❑ which Lender may be entitl�d upon D�fault, <br /> DEFAUI�T. Each of�he followEng, at l�en�er's aption, shall consti�ute an E��n�❑f aefaul�under this Assignment: <br /> Paymen� Qefault, Gran��r fails ta make any payment when due under th� Indebtedness. <br /> C�ther Defau�fs. Gran�or fa�ls tv comply with or t❑ perfflrm any o�her �erm, ❑�ligation, coWenan� or c�ndition <br /> c�ntained in this As��gnmsn� or in any �f �h� Related Do�umen�s or to comply with or to perfarm any terrn, <br /> obtiga�ivn, Gav�nan�ar condi�iQn c�nfiained in any ather agreement be�kwe�n Lende�and �ran�ar� <br /> Defauit on Other Paym�nts, Failure of Grantar within the tim� required by this Assignment t❑ make any payment <br /> fior taxes ❑r�nsurance, vr any fl�her paymen�nec�ssa�y to preven�filing af❑r�o effe�t discharge�f any lien. <br /> False 5tatements. Any war�anty, r�presen�a�Ean ar s�atement made or furnished to Lender �y �rantar or on <br /> Grantar's behalf under this Assignment Qr the Rslated Dacum�nts is �alse ❑r mislead�ng in any ma��ria� respect� <br /> �ither now nr at the time made ❑r�urnished ar becvmes fa�se vr misl�ading at any time thereaf�er. <br /> DefeG�i►►e Collaterali�afiion. This Assignment or any ❑f the Rela�ed Dacumen�s ceases to be in full farce and s��ect <br /> �inciuding �ailure o�any�ofiateral da�ument ta �reate a�alid and perfected security interest ar iienf a�any time and <br /> for any reasan. <br /> Death vr lnsalWency. The �ea�h of Gran�or, the �nsot�ency❑f Gran��r, the appaintment of a recei�er for any part 4� <br /> �ran�or's proper�y, any assignment �ar the benefit a� G�'�C�I�flCS� any type af creditar warkout, ar the <br /> commencemen�❑�any pro�eeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or aga�ns��ran�or. <br /> � Creditvr ar Farfeit�re Proceedings. �ommencement Q� foreclosure o� �or�fei�ure prac�edings� whether by judicial <br /> prv�eeding, self-help, r�passessian vr any other method, by any eredi�or af Grantor❑r by any go�ernmental agency <br /> agains� the Rsn�s or any praperty securing the fnde�tedness. This Encludes a garnishmen� Qf any o# Grantor's <br /> accaun�s, including depasi� acc�unt�, with Lender, Hawevsr, fihis Event of Defaul� sha�l nat apply if �there �s a <br /> gvad fa��h dispufie by �ran�or as to th� validity Qr reasonableness ❑f the claim whi�h is the basis of the c�editor or <br /> farfei�u�e proceeding and i�Gran�or�i�e� Lender w�itten no�i�e af the creditar ar forfei�ure prac�eding and de�vsits <br /> wi�h Lender rnanies or a sure�y bond �vr the cred�tar vr f�r�eiture praceeding, in an amaunt determined by Lender, <br /> in i�s sofe discretion, as being an adequate reser�e or band for the dispute. <br /> Praperfiy Damage or Lass. The Prvperty is last, stolen, substantially damag�d, sold, flr borrowed against. <br /> ��ents Af�ecting Guarantar. Any ❑f the pre�edin� �vents �ccurs with respe�t ta any guaran�ar� endorser, surety, <br /> ar a��ammndation party af any a� the Indebtedness ❑r any guaran�or,- endorser, surety, vr accommoda�i�n party <br /> dies ❑r be��mes in�ampe�ent, or revokes ar dispu��s the validity o�, �r liability und�r, any Guaranty of the <br /> Indebt�dn�ss, <br /> Adverse Chang�. A material adWerse �hange oc�urs in Grantor's financiai condition, o� Lender �elieWes the <br /> prospe�t ofi paymen�or perfarmance of�he Indeb�C�dnes� is impai�ed. <br /> Insecuri�y, Lender in gaad �Faith belie�es i�sel�insecure. <br /> Cure Pro�isions. lf any defaui�, ❑�her than a default in payment is curable and i� Grantor has no� heen given a <br /> na�ice flf a breach a� the same prov�sian vf �his Assignment within the preceding twelve {12y months, it may be <br /> cured if Gran�or, after Lender s�nds wri���n noti�e �a Gran��r d�manding cure ❑� such d�fault: �1 y cur�s the <br /> d�faul�within fifte�n {1�} days; or {�� if the cure re�uires mvre �han�i�F�een t 157 days, immediately initiates steps <br /> which Lender deems in Lend�r's sole discretion t❑ be su��icient to �ure the defau�t and thereafter c�ntinues and <br /> �amplefies all reasonable and necessary��eps su��ic�ent to produce compliance as soon as reasonabiy practi�al, <br /> RIGHTS ANQ REIVIEDIES C]N DEFAULT. Upon�he occurrence of any Even�o�De�Faul� and at any�ime thereaf�er, L�nder <br /> � may exercise any ❑ne or more ofi the following rights and r�medies, in addition�o any other ri�hts ❑r remedies provided <br /> by law: <br /> AcGelerate Indebtedness. Subject to any requirem�r�t under appli�able law to pra�ide natic� of defiault and <br /> apportunity t❑ cure, Lender shal! ha�e�he right at i�s ❑p�Eon�o declare the entire Indeb�edness immediately due and <br /> payable, including any prepaymen� penalty�hat Grantor wou�d b� required to pay, <br />