<br /> ►q�StGNMENT �F REN1��
<br /> Loan Nv: �(�'I�8�4�45 ��Dr1t��lued� Page 4
<br /> �o�le�t Rents. Lender shall ha�e the right, withou� natice �a Gran�or, tQ take possessian of the Property and
<br /> collect the Rents, in�luding amvun�s past due and unpaid, and apply �he net prviceeds, a�er and aba�e Lender's
<br /> costs, against the Indeb�edness, In fur�herance af this right, Lend�r shall have all the rights pro�ided �ar in the
<br /> Lender's Right t❑ R�cei�e and Collect Rents S�ction, a�ave, If the Rents are c�l��cte� by Lender, �hen Grantor
<br /> irre�ncably designates Lender as Grantor'� attorney-in-fact t❑ �ndorse instruments recei�ed in payment thereaf in
<br /> the narne ofi Grant�r and fio negvtia�e the same and cQlf�c�t the proceeds. Paym�n�s by tenan�s or other users to
<br /> Lender in respans� ta Lender's demar�d shall satis�Fy�he abligations for which the payments ar� made, whether or
<br /> not any proper graunds far �h� demand exis�ed. Lender may �xe�cise its rights under �his subparagraph either fn
<br /> person, by agent, or thraugh a recei��r.
<br /> C�ther Remedies. L�nder shall have all o�her rights and remedies pro�ided in �his Assignm�nfi or �he Note or by
<br /> law.
<br /> Ele�tion of Remedies. �lect�an by Lender ta pursue any remedy sh�ll na�exclude pursutt vf any other remedy, and
<br /> an�le�tian �v make exp�nditures ❑r fio�kake actian ta per�Form an�bligatian �� Grantor under�his Assignm�nt, after
<br /> �ran�ar's failure�o perfarm, sha11 not a�Ff�ct Lende�'s right�o declare a d��aul�and exercise i�s remedies.
<br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. I�F Lend�r institutes any suit or actian �o enfvrce any of the �erms of this Assignment,
<br /> Lender shal� be entitled t� re�over such sum as the cour� may adjudge reasona�i� as attarneys' f��s a� trial and
<br /> upon any appeal. VIlhe�her ❑r nvt any caur� action is in�olv�d, and t� the ext�nt not prohibited by Iaw, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs tha� in Lender's o�inivn are ne�essary at any tim� �or the protection of �ts
<br /> interest ar the �nfvrcement�f i�s rights shall become a par�❑f the Indeb��dness payab�e an d�mand and shal� #�ear
<br /> interest at the Note rate�r�m the date af the expendi�ure untii repaid. Expenses Govered by�his paragraph include,
<br /> without limitatian, hovue�er subject ta any limi�s under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's fegaf
<br /> exp�nses, whe�her or not ther� is a lawsuit, �ncluding att�rneys' fees and exp�nses f�r �ankrup�cy proceedings
<br /> �including ef�orts �o m�dify ar�racate any automatic stay ar injunctivny, appeals, and any an�icipated p�st-�udgment
<br /> �vilection ser�ices, the cosfi af searching records, obtain�ng ti�le repar�ks {including �oreciasure rep�rtsy, sur�eyors'
<br /> reparts, and appraisa! fees, title insurance, and fees for the Trus�ee, �❑ the extent permitted by app[icabl� law.
<br /> Gran�or also will pay any c�ur�casts, in additi�n to al� other sums p�a�ided }�y law.
<br /> M15CELLANE�US PR�V151C�NS. The�ollow�ng miscellaneous pra�isians are a part of this Assignmcnt:
<br /> Amendments. This Assignment, together with any Related �acum�nts, c�ns�i�utes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement �f �he par�ies as ta the matters se� far�h in this Assignment. hlo al�era�i�n af or amendment t� this
<br /> Ass�gnmen# shall be effecti�e uniess given in writing and si�n�d by the party �r parties sought t� be charged or
<br /> bound by the a(�eratian or amendment,
<br /> �aptian Hea�ings. Caption headings in this Assignmen�are �or convenience purposes �nly and are na�ta be used
<br /> ta in�erpret or define�he provisions of this Assignment, �
<br /> Gaverning Law. This Assignmen� will be gvverned by f�dera� !aw applicahle to Lender and, to the exten� not
<br /> pr�emp�ed by�ederal iaw,�he laws afi�he S�a�� v�Ne�raska wi�hout�egard fia its �onflicts of�a►nr p�oWisianS. This
<br /> Ass�gnm�nt has been acc�pt�d hy Lende�in the Sfiafie of�Vebraska.
<br /> Choice vf Venue. l� there is a lawsui�, Gran�nr agrees up�n Lender's reques� t� submit tc� �he jurisdictifln of �rhe
<br /> caurts ❑f HALL �aunty, State �f Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Se�eral Liabil�ty. All obligations ❑f Grantar under this Assignment shal� be joint and se�eral, and all
<br /> references tv Grant�r shafl mean each and e�ery Grant�r. This means �that eaCh Grantor signing below is
<br /> respansible for all obligations in this Assignment.
<br /> Nierger. There shall be no merger a# �he interes� or es�ate created by this assignment with any ather interest ❑r
<br /> estate in the Proper�y at any time held foy or for th� benefit af Lender in any capacity, withaut the wri�ten cons�nt
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> Int�rpre�ation. ��� ln all cases where there is mare than one Borrower or Grantor, then all wards used in this
<br /> Assignment in the singul�r sha�l be deemed t❑ ha�� been used in �he plural where the contex�and canstruction sa
<br /> require. �2y If mare than one pers�n signs this Assignmen� as "Grant�r," th� ��ligations af each Crantor are joint
<br /> and se�eral. This means that if Lender brings a lawsui�, Lsnder may sue any �ne ar more af the Grant�rs. If
<br /> Barrower and Grant�r are no�the same p�rson, Lender need not sue gvrrower�irst, and that Bnrrower need not be
<br /> jained in any iawsui�. {3� The n�mes given t❑ paragraphs or se��ions in this Assignment are �ar cvn�enience
<br /> purposes ❑niy, They are no��o be used�a interpret�r define the provisivns af�his Assrgnment.
<br /> Na INaiver hy Lender, Lender shali nv� b� d��med ta have wai�ed any rights under this Assignment unless such
<br /> wai�er is given in writing and signed by L�nder. N❑ delay ar vmiss�on on the part�f Lend�r in exer��sing any right
<br /> shall aperafie as a vuai�er of such right ❑r any ❑�her right. A wa��er by Lender a# a proWisian of this As$ignment
<br /> shall not prejudice or c�nstitu#� a wai�er of Lender's ri�h� otherwise ta demand s�ri�t campliance with that
<br /> pro�isi�n ar any other pro�ision of this Assignment. N❑ pri�r waiWer by Lend�r, nor any c�urse of d�aling between
<br /> Lender and Grantar, shall constitu�e a wai�er o� any of Lender's righ�s ar of any of Grantor's Qbligations as ta any
<br /> future transac�ions. Whene�er the �vnsent af Lender is requ�red under this Assignm�nt, the granting of such
<br /> consent by Lender in any ins�ance shall nvt constifiute continuing cansent t❑ subsequent instan�es whsre su�h
<br /> cansent is r�quired and in all �ases such consen�may be gran�ed ❑r vvithheld in�he sole discretivn ❑f Lender.
<br />