<br /> ►��Sl�i��liENT �F RENT�
<br /> Lvan Na: 1�1�8�448 �Conti�ued} Pag� 2
<br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. [n additian ta the Nate, this Assignmen� s�cur�s all futur� adWan�es made by Lender ta Granfior
<br /> whether or na� the adWances ar� made pursuant to a commitmen�. 5pecifically, without limitatian, this AssEgnmen�
<br /> secures, in add�tEon �o the amounts spec'tfied in the Note, all future �maunts Lend�r in fts discr�tian may laan ta
<br /> Grantor, tvgether with ail interest thereon.
<br /> PAYtVIENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Ex�ep� as atherwis� prc��ided in �his Assignmen�or any R�lated Documents. Grant�r
<br /> shall pay to Lend�r all amoun�s se�ured by �his Assignment as they became due, and shal[ s�ric�ly perform all v�
<br /> Grantor's obligations under this Assignrnenfi� lJnless and until Lertder exercises its right t� ct�lle�t#he R�n�s as provided �
<br /> be�aw and sa Iong as �here is nv defaul� under#his Assignment, Grantor may remain in possession and cantrol �f and
<br /> op�rate and manage th� Praperty and �ollec�the Ren�s, provided that�khe grant�ng �t the r�ght ta coliect the Rents shall
<br /> not canstifiufie Lend�r's consent to�he use��cash cal�ateral in a bankruptcy pr�ceeding.
<br /> GRANTQR'S REPR�SENTATf�NS AND 11�IARRANTIES. Grantar warrants tha�:
<br /> C]wnership. Grantar is en�it�ed to receiWe th� R�nts fr�� and c�ear af all rights, I��ns, liens, encumbran�es, and
<br /> claims except as disclased t� and accepted hy L�nder in w�iting.
<br /> Right to Assign. Gran�or h�s th� full right, power and authari�y ta enter inta this Assignment an� ta assign and
<br /> conWey�rhe aen�s�❑ Lender.
<br /> No Prior Assignment. Gran�or has nat previously assigned �r conWeyed th� Rents �a any ather p�rson by any
<br /> irtstrument now �n f�rce.
<br /> No Furthe�Trans�er. Gran�or will n�t se�l, assign, en�umber, ar otherwise dispase ��any af Grantor's rights in the
<br /> Rents except as pro�rided in this Assi�nment.
<br /> LEIVDER'S RIGHT TO RECEIVE AND C�LLECT RENTS. Lender shall have �he right at any �ime, and eWen thaugh no
<br /> de�ault shall ha�e aCcurred under�his Assignment, t� col�ect and receive the Rents. F�r�his purpos�, L�nder is hereby
<br /> gi�en and granted�he �allawing righ�s, pow�rs �nd authari�y:
<br /> Notice to Tenants, Lender may send no�ic�s t❑ any and all tenan�s af �he prvperty ad�isin� them af this
<br /> Assi�nment and directing a11 Rents tv be paid directly ta Lender or Lender's agent.
<br /> Enter the Praper#y. Lender may ent�r upon and take possessivn �f the Pr�per�y; demand, ca�lec�and recei�e fram
<br /> �he �kehants or from any other pers�ns [iable there��r, all of�he Ren�s; instifiute and carry on aIl �egal pra��edir�gs
<br /> n�cessary for �he protecti�n of the Praper�y, incfuding such proceedings as may �e necessary t� r�cvW�r
<br /> posses�ian af ths Property; c�llect�h� Rents and rema�e any tenant�r tenants ❑r❑�her persons from the Property.
<br /> Maintain the Praperty. Lender may enter upan the Proper�ry t❑ maintain �h� Property and Iceep the same in repair;
<br /> t❑ pay the cvsts therevt and ❑f a!I ser�ices of all employees, including th��r �quipmen�, and af ali continuing cvsts
<br /> and expenses o�main�aining�he Prop�r�ty in proper repair and condi�ion, and alsa t� pay all taxes, assessments and
<br /> wat�r utiliti�s, and �h� premiums�n fire and other insuran�e effe��ed hy Lender on the Property.
<br /> Comp�iance wi�h Laws. L�nder may do any and all things ta �xecute and comply w�th the laws af the State af
<br /> Nebraska and al�� all ather laws, rules, orders, ardEnances and requirements of ali ath�r gavernmental agencEes
<br /> af�ectin�the Prvperty,
<br /> Lease thg Prvperty. Lender may rent ar lease the whale ❑r any part of the Praperty fvr such term or terms and on
<br /> such�andi�ions as Lender may deem appropria�e.
<br /> Emplay Agen�s. Lender may �ngag� such agent or a�ents as Lender may deem appr�priate, ei�her in Lender's
<br /> name ar in Gran�ar's name, ta rent and manage the Pr�perty, including the col��ctian and appli�ativn of R�nts.
<br /> �ther Ac�s. Lender may dv all such other �hings and acts with respect to the Prop�rty as Len��r may deem
<br /> appropr�ate and may act exclusi�ely and s�iely �n the pla�� and st�ad �� Gran�ar and �v ha�e all �f th� pawers af
<br /> �rantvr for the purpns�s stafi�d ab�We.
<br /> Na Requirement tv Act. Lender sha[I no� be re�uir�d t� do any of the foregoin� a�ts or �hin�s, and the �act tha�
<br /> Lender shall ha�e performed one or more af the foregoin� ac�s or things shall nvt require Lend�r �a da any �ther
<br /> spec��ic ac�or thing.
<br /> APPLICATIDN �F RENTS. A�I Cfl5�5 and exp�nses incurred by L�nder in connectivn with the Property shall be fvr
<br /> Gran�or's account and Lender may pay such casts and expenses from the RentS. Lender, in i�s sole discretion, shali
<br /> determine �he application of any and all Rents received by i�; h�wev�r, arty such Rents recei�ed by Lender which are
<br /> not applied �o such costs and exp�nses shall be applied ta �he Indebtedness. All expenditures made by Lender under
<br /> this Ass€gnment and not reimbursed fr�m the Ren�ks sha11 became a part �f th� lndebtedn�ss secured by �his
<br /> Assignment, and�hall be payable on demand, uvi�h inter�st at the Nat� rate from da�e�f expenditure unti� paid.
<br /> F�LL PERFC]RIVIANCE. If Grantor pays all �� the Indebtedness when due and oth�rwise per��rms a�� the vbligations
<br /> imposed upvn Grantar under this Assignmen�, the Nate, anci the Related ❑ocuments, Lendsr shall execute and deli��r to
<br /> Grantor a suitab[e satisfa�tion of this Assignm�nt and su�table statements of termina�ion of any financing s�a�ement or�
<br /> �fi1e evidenGing Lender's securifiy inte�est in the Rents and the Prop�rty. Any �ermina�i�n fee required hy law shall b�
<br />