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� ��14��9�5 <br /> DEEL� �F TRLJST <br /> Loan Na: 'I�'I 2�(]44�� ��ontirlu�d� Page 3 <br /> GomplianGe with Governmen#al Requiremenfis. Trust�r shall pr�mptly comply with all �aws, ardinances, an� <br /> regula�ions, now ar herea��er in e��Fect, af all gavernmen�a� a�r�hori�ies applicable to the use ❑r occupancy of the <br /> Praper�y, including without limi�ta�ion, �he Americans V1lith ❑isabiliti�s Ac�t, TrustQr may �antest in goad �ai�h any <br /> such law, ordinance, or regulation and vuithhald �omplianGe during any prnc��ding, in�luding appropria�e appeals, <br /> s❑ lang as Trust�r has nQ�tified Lender in writing priar�❑ d�in� s❑ and so long as, in �.ender's so[�opinian, L�nd�r's <br /> interests �n �he Property are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may require Trustar ta post adequate security or a surety <br /> bond, r�asonably satisfactory ta �.ender, ta pratect Lender's interes�. <br /> Du�y �o Profiec�. Trus�vr agrees neither ta aband�n ar lea�e unattended �he Praper�y. Trustar shall d❑ all a�her <br /> acts, in additian fi❑ �hvse acts set farth aba�e in�hEs se��i�n, which from the chara�ter and use o��he Praperty are <br /> �easonably n��essary to prafiect and pres�rWe�he Property, � <br /> DUE ON SALE - G�NSENT BY �.El��EFi, Lender may� at L�nder's optian, declare immedia�ely due and payabl� all sums <br /> se�ured by this Deed ❑f Trust upan the sale ar�rans�er, withou� Len��r's pri�r written cansent, of all ❑r any part of�he <br /> Real Prop�rty, or any Entersst in the Real Property. A "sale ❑r transfer" means the conv�yanc� �� Real Proper�y ❑r any <br /> righ�, �itle ar interest in the Real Praperty; whe�her legal, benef�cial ❑r equitab�e; whefiher �olun�ary ar invofuntary, <br /> whether �y outrigh� safe, deed, installment saEe contract, iand can�rac�, cantra�� fo� deed, leasehold interest with a <br /> �rerm greafier th�n�hree �37 years, lease-op�i�n cantract, c�r by sale, assignment, �r �ransfer of any beneficial inter�st in <br /> or to any land �rust h4lding title ta the R�al Proper�y, ar by any �ther methvd af c�n�eyance a� an interes� in �he R�a� <br /> Prvp�rty. Hawever, �his ❑p�i�n shall nat be exercised by Lender if su�h exerGise is prohibited by �ederal law vr by <br /> Nebraslca faw. <br /> TA�ES A�1lD L[�NS. The follawing proWisEons relating �❑ �hs taxes and liens an th� Praperty ar� part of this Deed of <br /> Trust; � <br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when du� �an� in a[I e�en�s prior to delinqu�ncy} all fiaxes, speciai taxes, assessm�nts, <br /> �harges �including water and sewer}� �ines and impositions �evied again�t �r on accaun� vf the P�aperty, and shall <br /> pay when due all claims for w�rk don� an ❑r �ar ser�ice� render�d ar material furnished ta �h� Praperty. Trustar <br /> shall maintain the Prape��ty free o�all iiens having priari�y o�er or equaF�❑ �he interest❑f Lender under this Deed af <br /> Trust, except far the lien o� taxes and assessmen�s not due and except as ��herwise pro�ided in this I�eed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right to Contest. Trus��r may wi�hh�ld payment of any tax, assessmen�, or claim in connec�ion wi�h a goad fia�th <br /> dispute ❑Wer�he obliga�ion to pay, sa I�ng as Lender's in�erest in the Praperty is no�t jeopardi�ed. I�a lien ar�ses or <br /> is filed as a resuf� o� nonpayment, Trus�ar shal! within fiifte�n {15} days after �he lien arisss vr, if a �ien is fited, <br /> wi�hin �i�teen ��5� days after Trustar has na�ice vf the filing, secur� the discharge ofi the �ien, or if requ�sted by <br /> Lender, deposit wi�h Lend�r cash ar a sufficient�vrpara�� surety bond or o�her se�urity sa�isfaetory ta L�nder in an <br /> amount su��i�ien�ta dischar�e the lien plus any casts and attorneys' �LG35� ❑r other charges thafi c�ufd a��rue as a <br /> result❑f a fare�losure ar sale under fihe lien. �n any cantest, Trustvr shall d�fend its�lf and L�nder and shall satis�Fy <br /> any adverse judgment before enfarcement agaEnst the Proper�y� Trus�ar sha�l nam� Lender as an additi�nal obli�ee <br /> und�r any surety bond�urnished in the con�est prQce�dings. <br /> ��iden�e a� Payrnent. Trustor shall upon demand furnish t� Lender safiis�Factory evidence vf paym�nt af the taxes <br /> vr assessments and shall au�harize �he apprapriate governmentai ❑fficial t❑ deli�er�o Lender afi any �ime a written <br /> �tatement�f the taxes an� assessments aga�ns��he Prop�rty. <br /> No�ice of Cons�ru�tion, Trus�or shall notify Lender at �east f�fiteen �1�} days befare any wark is commenc�d, any <br /> services are furnished, vr any mat�ria�s are suppli�d to the Property, i� any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or <br /> ather lien cauld be asserted on ac�vunt o� th� work, ser�ices, ❑r mat�rials. Trustar will upvn reques� af Lender <br /> �urnish to �,ender ad�ance assuranc�s satlsfac�ory to Lend�r �hat Trus��r can and wil� pay �he cost afi such <br /> improvements. <br /> PR�PEF�TY aAMAGE INSURANCE. The �a�l�w�ng prvvisians r�lating �a insuring the Property are a part❑��hEs De�d af <br /> Trust. <br /> MaEn�enanGe v� Insurance. Trustor shall pracure and maintain pflltcies o� �ire insuran�e with standard ext�nded <br /> cov�ra�e endarsements on a fair value basis far �he full insurable value co�ering all lmprov�m�n�s vn�the Real <br /> Prap�rty �n an amount suffici�n� to a�oid app�ication of any co�nsurance c�ause, and with a standard martgage� <br /> c�aus� in �avor❑f Lender. Trustar shall a{sa prvcure and maintain camprehensiv� gene�al liability insurance in such <br /> cv�erage amaun�s as L�nder may request wi�h Trust�e and Lender being named as addi�iona� insureds in such <br /> liab�lfty insuranG� palicies. Additionally, Trustar shall mainfain such ather insuran��, includin� but na� limi�ed �o <br /> hazard, bLl51n�S5 interrup�ion, and b�iler insu�ance, as Lender may reasonably require. Pvlicies shall �e wri�ten in <br /> farm, amaunts, ca��rages and basis reasonabEy a�c�ptable to Lender and issued by a �ampany ❑r companies <br /> reasonably acc�ptab�e t❑ L�nder. Trustor, upon request �f Lender, will deliver �o L�nder fr�m time tv time th� <br /> p��icies ar certifica�es ❑f insurance in form sat�sfa�tary to Lender. including stipulations that ca��rage� will na� be <br /> canGe[!ed ar dEmanished with�ut at least ten �1�y d�ys prior written notice �a Lender. Each insurance policy also <br /> shalf include an end�rsement proWiding tha�ca�erage in favflr af Lender will na� be impair�d in any way�y any act, <br /> vmiss�on or de�ault af Trustor or any vther persvn. Should the Real Property be located in an area designa�ked by <br /> �h� Adminisfira�or af the Federal Emergen�y Mana�emen� Agency as a special ff�ad hazard area, Trus�or agrees to <br /> �btain an� maintain Federal F�aad Insuranc�, if a�ailabl�, far the fiull unpaid principal bafance of the loan and any <br /> priar liens �n-�he praper�y securing the Ivan, up to �he maximum p�licy limits se� und�r �he Na�E�naf Fload <br />