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��14��9�5 <br /> { <br /> ���[� �F 1fRI�ST <br /> L�an No: 1���8�448 t G�ntinued� Pag� � <br /> whether obligated as guarantor, surety, accommodatian par�y ar o�herwis�, and whether recavery upon such amoun�s <br /> may be ar hereaf�er may bec�m� barr�d by any statute ofi limitations, and whe�her�he obligatian to repay su�h amounts <br /> may be ❑r hereaf�er may b��ame otherwise unenf�rceable. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addition�a the No�e, this De�d of Trust secures all future advan�es made by Lender�o Trustor <br /> whether ar not the ad�an��s are made pursuant to a c�mmitm�nt. Specifically, wi�hout limi�ation, this Deed of Trust <br /> secur�s, in addition to the amaun�s spe�ified in the Note, all fu�ure amaunts Lender in its discretian m�y loan �❑ <br /> Trusta�, together wi�h all interest there�n. <br /> Trust�r presently assigns to Lender �also knvwn as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trust7 afl ❑f Trus�ar's right, title, and <br /> int�rest in and �o alf present and fu�ure leases ❑f the Proper�y and all Rents from the property, In add��ion, Trustvr <br /> grants�o Lender a Unifarm eommercial Code security int�r�st in the Personal Prop�rty �nd Rents. <br /> THIS DEED C]F TRUST, INCLUDIN� THE A551GNMENT aF RENTS AND THE SEGURITY 1NTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSONAL PRDPERTY, IS GIVEIV Tq SE�URE �A� PAYMENT OF THE IN�EBTEDNESS AND {B� PERFORIV[ANCE []F <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGATi�NS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATEB DDCUMENTS, AND TH1S DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> ❑EED �F TRUST 15 GIVEN AN❑ACCEPTED �N THE F�LL�WING TERIVIS: <br /> PAYIViENT AND PERFC]RM�4N�E. Except as o�herwise provid�d in th�s Deed ❑f Trust, Trustor shall pay t❑ Len�er afl <br /> amvunts secured by �his Deed o� Trust as they be�ame due, ar�d shali s�rictly and in a �imely manner perf�rm all o� <br /> Trus�vr's abligatians under the IVote, �his Deed vf Trust, and the R�la�ed Documents. <br /> P45SESSIaN ►�ND MAINTENANCE UF THE PF��PERTY. Trus��r agrees that Trust�r's p055�SSfDt1 and use of the <br /> Praperty shall be g��ern�d by the foflowing pro�isians: <br /> Possessi�n and Use, Until the accurrence af an E�en� of Default� Trustor may �1 y remain in possession and <br /> c�ntro��f the Property; ��f use, aperafie �r mana�e the Property; and {3� �alle��the Rents from the Property, <br /> Du�ty to Illlainta�n. Trustar shall main�kain the Pra�erty in tenantable conditi�n and prvmptly perform aEl repairs, <br /> replac�ments, and maintenance necessary to preserve its �afu�. <br /> Campfiance VIJi#h Environmen�al Laws. Trustar represen�s and warrants to Lender that: (1 f During �he period �f <br /> Trustar's awnership af the Prvp�rty, there has b�en n❑ use, generation, manufacture, stflrage, treatment, dispasal, <br /> r�l�ase ❑r threatened release ot any Ha�ardous Substance by any person �n, under, ab�ut ar #rom the Property; <br /> {2} Trustor has n❑ knowledge of, or reason tn ��li�v� �ha�th�re has been, excep� as previously disclased �o and <br /> acknawle�ged by Lend�r in writing, �a� any �reach or violatian Qf any EnWir�nmental La�vs, �b} any use, <br /> generation, manu�acture, starage, treatmen�, disposal, r�lease or �hreatened release af ar�y Hazardaus Substan�e <br /> ❑n, under, abaut or from the Praperty by any prior ❑wners or o�cup�nts af the Prop�r�y, or {c} any actual ar <br /> threatened litigation ar ��aims of any kind by any pers�n relating ta such ma��ers; and �3y �xcept as preWiausly <br /> discl�sed t❑ and a�knawledged hy Lender in writing, �ay neither Trustor nor any tenant, contractvr, agent ar other <br /> authar�zed user❑f the Praperty shall use, gen�ra�e, manu�acture, stare, �reat, dispose ❑f ar release any Hazardous <br /> Substance ❑n, under, ab�ut or fr�m the Praperty, and {b� any such ac�tivity shall be �onduct�d in �vmplian�e wEth <br /> all app[icabie �ederal, state, and local laws, regu�ations and ordinances, inciuding withaut E�mi�a�ian a�l <br /> Enviranmental Laws. Trustor autharizes Lend�r and its agents t� enter up�n the Prvperty to malce su�h <br /> inspec�ians and tests, �t �"rus�flr's expens�, as Lender may deem apprapriat� to determEne �ompliance af the <br /> Prap�rty with this section o� the Deed af Trust. Any inspectians �r tests made by Lender shall b� for Lender's <br /> purposes ❑nly and shall no� �e �onstrued to cre�te any respans�bi�ity or liabil�ty on the par�o�Lender to Trustar or <br /> ta any o�her person. The repres�n�ations and warranties con�ained h�rein are based ❑n Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> investigatin� the Prop�rty far Ha�ardous Subs�ances, Trustor h�reby {1} releases and waives any future claims <br /> agains� L�nde� far indemnity nr contribution in the euen� Trustar becomes liable �or cleanup or ❑th�r �osts under <br /> any su��t laws; and {�y agrees �to ind�mnify, defend, ar�d hold harmless Lender against any and a�l claims, losses, <br /> liabili�ties, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly❑r indirectly sus�kain or suf�er resu[ting fram <br /> a breach of this se�tion af the �eed of Trust or as a cansequence nf any use, generatian, manu�Facture, s�nrage, <br /> disposal, r�lea�e or threa�ened release ac�urring prior to Trustor's vwnershtp or int�rest in the Properfiy, whether vr <br /> not the same was or shauld ha�e heen knawn fia Trustor. The pro�isions o�` this s�ction of the Deed af Trust, <br /> in�luding �he obliga�ion ta indemnify and def�nd, shall surWi�a the payment of the Inde�tedness and the satis�Factian <br /> and rec�n�eyance af th� iien vf�his Deed af Trus� and shail not be affec�ed b�r Lender's acquisi�ion of any inter�st <br /> in the Praperty, vvhether by forec�asure ar atherwise. <br /> Nuisarrce, Vllaste. Trustor shall not cause, Conduct ar permit any nuisance nar commit, �ermit, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping o� �r was�e on or t❑ th� Proper�y or any pvrti�n vf the Property. Without limiting the generality of the <br /> foreg�ing, Trust�r wi�l not remave, ar grant to any ��her party the righ�to rem�ve, any timber, minerals {including <br /> ai1 and gas}, co�I, Glay. scoria, saiE, gra�el ar r�ck pr�ducts vvith�u�Lender's prior written cansent. <br /> Removal of Emprovements. Trus�ar shall not dem�lish �r remo�e any fmpr�Wem�n�s from th� R�al Proper�y withou� <br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a c�nditian t❑the rem�va[ o�any rmpravem�nts, Lender m�y require Trustor t� <br /> make arrangements satisfactory to Lender t� replace such �mprvvem�n�s with Impro�ements af a� least equa� <br /> Walu�. <br /> Lender's Rigl�t#o Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agen�s and representati�es may enter upon the Real Property at all <br /> re�sonable �imes �o atfiend to Lender's interests and ta inspect the Reai Pr�perty for purposes a� Trustor's <br /> �amplian�e wi�h�he terms and condi�ions of this Deed a�Trust. <br />